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First time off road


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Hi Guys

Can you please tell me where i may go to have my first off road experience. I live in Swindon, Wiltshire, after reading some articles on here regarding green lanes I am not too sure what too do know.

Can you please give some , is there a club i can join any where near swindon ?


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Hi Guys

Can you please tell me where i may go to have my first off road experience. I live in Swindon, Wiltshire, after reading some articles on here regarding green lanes I am not too sure what too do know.

Can you please give some , is there a club i can join any where near swindon ?


What you driving?

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Do what i did,go down to your local WHSMITHS or the like and buy yourself an ordenance survey map of your area and look on it for the little green plus symbols.There are some basic rules but they are just common sense and no doubt listed on here somewhere.Hope you have fun mate.

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I would post up on every forum you can to see if their is someone who could take you out. You'll learn a lot lot more and do so with people who can help if you struggle.

Going on your own could be a disaster if you get stuck!

If you are though going to go on your own - and have found some routes - walk them first.

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Do what i did,go down to your local WHSMITHS or the like and buy yourself an ordenance survey map of your area and look on it for the little green plus symbols.There are some basic rules but they are just common sense and no doubt listed on here somewhere.Hope you have fun mate.

It's not *quite* that simple, little green plusses on an OS map just mean that's what was there when they compiled the map - the lanes could be subject to a TRO or such like and just blindly driving down them could prove unpopular. The easiest option is to join a club, or organisation such as CRAG, who should know what's what locally.

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I would really recommend doing a training day before going out. I did a full day at Whitecliff 4x4 in the Forest of Dean (not too far from you, but there may be a nearer place). This will teach you what your vehicle can do, and how to read terrain, so you know what to avoid if you don't want to get stuck.



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A bit of training is the best way to go. Byways are fun, but can be tricky in places which may mean you get stuck. Not fun walking for help on your first time out!

Generally it's reccomended to take two vehicles if greenlaning, just incase one of you has a problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have laned lots of times on my own and always carry equipment to be able to recover myself, waffle boards (worth there weight in gold & invaluble) hi-lift jack, shovel, 10m tow strap, 4m tow strap, D shackles, the waffle boards are excellent at getting you unstuck and will free you in seconds most of the time, hi lift jack can be used to lift the vehicle or wheel out of ruts, ditches etc packing rocks etc under wheels in stages to get out and also can be used with straps & shackles to winch yourself just that little bit to be able to get traction again, shovel, well self explanatory, but I never entered terrain where I would run the risk of getting into difficuties when I am on my own, always walk the route a little if it looks if'y, take wellies and a stick for water crossings, so you can carefully walk the route and take a depth with the stick at the deepest point and compare it next to your vehicle.

But realy if you are new to laning dont bother on your own you could end up in big trouible and run a high risk of damaging your vehicle and maybe injuring yourself!

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Its always a good idea to have a mobile phone with you, and make sure it is charged, carry a spare set of clothes, i Learned the hard way, falling over into deep water then having to drive 20 miles home is no fun, and if you are out on your own , always ensure you tell folks close to you your planned route, and what time you can be expected back, that way if your late and they cant contact you they know where to look,,, lanes you have driven through summer and you think you know can become a total nightmare in very wet winter conditions,



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keep these advice points coming!

that point about how different a route can be according to the weather might seem obvious, but actually, us city folk really don't realise how lethal weather can be, we just think it's inconveniently wet, or cold. But just a few miles up the road, and suddenly it can be like a lunar landscape. as a relative novice myself, this point (and the point about not going out by yourself) was brought home to me recently as i travelled an old roman road that's 10 minutes from my house. Although it's very gentle, it suddenly ocurred to me, in the fould weather, that if I had a mechanical failure, I'd be really up the creek. I was wearing just ordinary shoes, jacket, - no sensible precautions at all :unsure::blink::huh: - I just hadn't thought it through!

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keep these advice points coming!

that point about how different a route can be according to the weather might seem obvious, but actually, us city folk really don't realise how lethal weather can be, we just think it's inconveniently wet, or cold. But just a few miles up the road, and suddenly it can be like a lunar landscape. as a relative novice myself, this point (and the point about not going out by yourself) was brought home to me recently as i travelled an old roman road that's 10 minutes from my house. Although it's very gentle, it suddenly ocurred to me, in the fould weather, that if I had a mechanical failure, I'd be really up the creek. I was wearing just ordinary shoes, jacket, - no sensible precautions at all :unsure::blink::huh: - I just hadn't thought it through!

dont worry peter just keep coming out with the monkeys and we will set you right. ;)

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Hi Guys

Can you please tell me where i may go to have my first off road experience. I live in Swindon, Wiltshire, after reading some articles on here regarding green lanes I am not too sure what too do know.

Can you please give some , is there a club i can join any where near swindon ?


Luckily you are placed very well for lots of stuff. Depending on what you drive and what you are looking for. Off road sites and greenlanes are all around. It's just knowing where to look. It's not as simple as getting an OS map though.

The red dash & cross lines are Byways open to ALL traffic. This includes vehicles. However, it's very difficult to know exactly what is going on the ground. Are they all open? Will you get stuck halfway along where Farmer Palmer has been out with his tractor and 12 ton turnip trailer etc etc

Be VERY careful if you try and drive across Salisbury Plains. There are plenty of routes but some are notoriously difficult to pick out (not obvious amongst the tank tracks) and the MOD plod are quick and keen to pounce. If you are come across as just some punter in a 4x4 trying to find some mud, you will et short shrift from them.

Best thing is, as you point out, join a club. Local LR or join either CRAG or GLASS. Get some basic tuition on an offroad site.

Above all, I don't recommend going out on your own armed with an OS map and the user manual for your vehicle first time around. That is a a sure fire way to get into trouble (I am sure you know that, but you would be surprised at the number of people who don't!).

Good luck.

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