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Which burns the best?


And it burns burns burns  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Which magazine do you think takes the longest to burn?

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Ok, Im bored, so posting this as I watch the pile burn through the window.

Having a clearout at home, 4 or 5 years worth of mags been burnt tonight, didnt bother to offer them to a free home as they are mostly very tatty or water damaged from a leaking shed.

I know its not politically correct, but untill my local tip make it easier, cleaner and more friendly to recycle I will continue burning rubbish (and run a V8 or two :rolleyes: )

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Right then, 21 views and not one vote!

Leads me to say, that this post is as pointless as trying to burn landy mags.

They dont burn unless you rip them up page by page, even massive dosses of petrol struggle to stimulate the situation.

So off to the tip for me, to be greeted by a numpty who probably wont let me in because I drive a pick up truck, if he does, I shall select 4wd through the mud, carry mags over rocks, discarded rubbish and throw them over a eight foot high skip.

And, no I cant put them in the Silver bin (read grey), as Ive had the wheelie bin rejected more than once for being too heavy!

This is a county with one of the highest Councill Tax rates in the Country.

Great! Notts Council really make me want to recycle.

Rant Over.

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I must comment on the fact that I have all the LR mags from first publication with only a few missing that are taking up laods of room which I never look at and when I got rid of all my FHM mags I filled the recycling wheeley bin and the council complaned that it was too heavy for there bin men to collect.

I may take then to Sodbury but can't be bothered with people hagling over 10p. :(

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Very interesting ....

I was wondering with burning LRE if the 'Green Waste' was placed on top would it actually add to the burn rate (being full of hot air and all dried up), or would just puff smoke and C*ap evrywhere causing irritaion and a general nusiance to everyone ?

just a thought :)

Nige :ph34r:

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They're all too dense in material and content, only answer is to soak them in petrol (unless you own a V8 at which your bankrupt yourself!) and flick a match. Kick back, grab a deck chair, a tin of Newkey Brown and enjoy the display :D

I also found that when rags that have been used to clean with petrol, get put in a plastic bin, and ignite, tends to take the bin with it :blink: Anyone got a use for a cowpat sized bin?

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In my experience, the best burners are the ones which have soaked up a little oil from being left on the garage floor, and then find themselves directly in the line of sparks from the angle grinder. :rolleyes:

Welders can also be employed as efficient fire-starters...

Al. :ph34r:

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That is exactly what I was going to say.

I do have a question though - why not recycle them? Rather than contribute to air pollution by burning them...?

Perhaps the publishers should be responsible for the "end of life" disposal of their magazines, in the same way that car manufacturers now are.

This might make them more responsible for the size and weight of each publication.

I suppose the environmental issue will ultimately lead to online magazines via subscription.

I wonder how much cheaper they would be if only because of no paper/print/post/retailer margin etc.

Mind you the advertisers would be pi$$ed off as it would be much harder for them to be noticed, if we chose not to click on their page. On the other hand they would have to make their adverts much more interesting to entice us to look!

Why not send the magazine back when finished with, just forget to put a stamp on it! lol


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I do have a question though - why not recycle them? Rather than contribute to air pollution by burning them...?

As mentioned on second post.....

So off to the tip for me, to be greeted by a numpty who probably wont let me in because I drive a pick up truck, if he does, I shall select 4wd through the mud, carry mags over rocks, discarded rubbish and throw them over a eight foot high skip.

And, no I cant put them in the Silver bin (read grey), as Ive had the wheelie bin rejected more than once for being too heavy!

This is a county with one of the highest Councill Tax rates in the Country.

Great! Notts Council really make me want to recycle

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In my non scientific test:


Start a fire with dry timber and oil soaked rags - then burn magazines in turn with stopwatch ready.

Get fed up with smouldering and add lots of petrol.


They all burn quite badly, however LAND ROVER WORLD burnt the quickest, but not quick enough.....

Did the skip run today, yep, numpty tried to refuse the pickup entry!

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I am often scared to take the Rangie on the re-cycling run for two reasons:

1. It might feel quite at home amongst the other corroding aluminium and rusting steel and want to stay... thus leaving me the walk home. :(

2. On a 5 miles round trip to the tip, with a V8, are you even going to break even with fuel + emmisions vs. savings of re-cycling? :rolleyes:

I rely on the argument that says if you manage to extend the life of an old car, you are actually doing more for the environment than if you buy and dispose of the more modern "disposable" vehicles that don't last as long.. ;)

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I give mine to the doctors/dentist looks much better on their coffee tables then practical housewife!

I can just imagine now the Bobble Hat brigade going for their Fillings and sat there in the waiting room, fingers drumming trying to not look at the pile of 4x4 mags :lol:

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