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1 Nick Anderson & Kev Pocock 80%

2 Peter Roberts & Ben Burge 80%

3 Jacob Booty & Jamie Smith 100%

4 Gavin Lawrence & Ryan Lawrence 80%

5 Chris Berryman & Lee Brodrick 80%

6 Nick Rowbotham & Andy Jackson 80%

7 Steve Gittins & Mark Morgan 80%

8 Paul Whibley & Tony Blunt 80%

9 Philon Parpottas & Alex Parpottas 80%

10 Andy Nash & TBC 80%

11 Dan Thomas & James Farnel

12 Dan Elias & Adrian Turner

13 Ian Cocks & Howard

14 Dan Thompson &

15 Martin Stainer &

16 Steve Beck & Adrian Daley

Just so everybody understands if your handicap is stated at 100%, for a punch worth 100 points you get 100 points per punch you achieve, if you have a handicap of 80% you get 80 points for each punch worth 100 points. So for instance if there is a punch that is worth 200 points and you have a handicap of 80% you get 160 points.

I will update the rest of the information by Thursday.

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I think handicapping is a great way to "level the playing field" or at least attempting to.

I feel that the way challenges have gone now that handicapping should / could be based on body type and level of external protection as well as driver aids.

If you look at a "standard class" vehicle at one of JST's events, the competitive ones are no different to the "modified class" other than no lockers or rear winch. So they can still bounce off every tree in sight. Obviously, they are built to meet the regs of that series, but to get more people into challenges who can actually be competitive, handicapping the traybacked tree barred fully caged machines in favour of the "soft skinned" trucks would prove interesting.

Sort of giving "daily driver" type trucks a fighting chance.

Perhaps this should be in a separate thread, sorry! :ph34r:

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On a personal note i do agree that the tray backs have an advantage over standad bodyed vehicles. I compete (bitch for) in a 90 hardtop and definatly think some punches are more challenging. Others we have an advantage (the percentage we don't).

From the club side we do discuss the handicap system and its pro's and con's before each different event (such as Clubman and Tuff Trophy).

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1 Nick Anderson & Kev Pocock 80%

2 Peter Roberts & Ben Burge 80%

3 Jacob Booty & Jamie Smith 100%

4 Gavin Lawrence & Ryan Lawrence 80%

5 Chris Berryman & Lee Brodrick 80%

6 Nick Rowbotham & Andy Jackson 80%

7 Steve Gittins & Mark Morgan 80%

8 Paul Whibley & Tony Blunt 80%

9 Philon Parpottas & Alex Parpottas 80%

10 Andy Nash & TBC 80%

11 Dan Thomas & James Farnel

12 Dan Elias & Adrian Turner

13 Ian Cocks & Howard Stone

14 Dan Thompson &

15 Martin Stainer &

16 Steve Beck & Adrian Daley

A small update of entrants details, as i am unable to edit earlier posts.

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Go for it Dan.

Ben about the way the punch scoring is ?

Is there 1st 2nd & 3rd Places in each of the classes and an overall winner.

Or is it purely just 1st 2nd & 3rd with the most points ?

if i remember rightly, last year it was just straight 1st 2nd 3rd nick

ill bring m membership for you aswel for you :)


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Why have a handicap for traybacks, sounds a bit odd to me and what is the definition of a trayback so that it could be defined or judged ??

What about, headsets, helmets, spotlights, twin motors, 12mm plasma, CD player, airshocks, extended wheelarches, Johhny joints, rear rads, heater that works,

You could go on for ever more about what is advantage, I think the lockers and more than one winch system is fair and easily worked and enforced and best left alone.

Just my two penneth.

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if i remember rightly, last year it was just straight 1st 2nd 3rd nick

ill bring m membership for you aswel for you :)


Cheers Dan :) look forward to seeing you there and getting in your way as much as we can :lol:

I was only asking about the scoring as i was qurius :ph34r:

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1 Nick Anderson & Kev Pocock 80%

2 Peter Roberts & Ben Burge 80%

3 Jacob Booty & Jamie Smith 100%

4 Gavin Lawrence & Ryan Lawrence 80%

5 Chris Berryman & Lee Brodrick 80%

6 Nick Rowbotham & Andy Jackson 80%

7 Steve Gittins & Mark Morgan 80%

8 Paul Whibley & Tony Blunt 80%

9 Philon Parpottas & Alex Parpottas 80%

10 Andy Nash & TBC 80%

11 Dan Thomas & James Farnel 80%

12 Dan Elias & Adrian Turner 80%

13 Ian Cocks & Howard Stone 80%

14 Dan Thompson & Matthew Hoiles 80%

15 Martin Stainer & TBC 80%

16 Steve Beck & Adrian Daley 80%

All information packs have been sent out, if you don't receive them shorlty please contact us.

Looking forward to seeing you all


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e a

I think handicapping is a great way to "level the playing field" or at least attempting to.

I feel that the way challenges have gone now that handicapping should / could be based on body type and level of external protection as well as driver aids.

If you look at a "standard class" vehicle at one of JST's events, the competitive ones are no different to the "modified class" other than no lockers or rear winch. So they can still bounce off every tree in sight. Obviously, they are built to meet the regs of that series, but to get more people into challenges who can actually be competitive, handicapping the traybacked tree barred fully caged machines in favour of the "soft skinned" trucks would prove interesting.

Sort of giving "daily driver" type trucks a fighting chance.

Perhaps this should be in a separate thread, sorry! :ph34r:

I do agree any vehicle that does not have standard wing and bodywork should have some sort of penalty.I feel people with nice looking trucks and with to keep them that way have a massive disadvantage over the bangers plus i think people would try harder to keep them in good shape.

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1 Nick Anderson & Kev Pocock 80%

2 Peter Roberts & Ben Burge 80%

3 Jacob Booty & Jamie Smith 100%

4 Gavin Lawrence & Ryan Lawrence 80%

5 Chris Berryman & Lee Brodrick 80%

6 Nick Rowbotham & Andy Jackson 80%

7 Steve Gittins & Mark Morgan 80%

8 Paul Whibley & Tony Blunt 80%

9 Philon Parpottas & Alex Parpottas 80%

10 Andy Nash & TBC 80%

11 Dan Thomas & James Farnel 80%

12 Dan Elias & Adrian Turner 80%

13 Ian Cocks & Howard Stone 80%

14 Dan Thompson & Matthew Hoiles 80%

15 Martin Stainer & Graham Mitchell 80%

16 Steve Beck & Adrian Daley 80%

Updated entry details.


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e a

I do agree any vehicle that does not have standard wing and bodywork should have some sort of penalty.I feel people with nice looking trucks and with to keep them that way have a massive disadvantage over the bangers plus i think people would try harder to keep them in good shape.

I totally agree with you lee, the tray back scene took the comps to another level but there is always the setting out of the site to take into consideration too ! this to me is very important on the level of technal cality that is needed to complete a punch sections, i.e routes to follow and in's and outs of sections. We can all bash about if we want to but it proves nothing.

It's very hard to put the comp scene into classes these days ! You may never have competed before and turn up in a fully blown tray backed, twin giggly pinned, lockers and monster truck tyres with a very expearianced co-driver and enter as a novice or clubman. is this really fare to others ?

Another point is Co-Drivers !!!!! I'm not a co-driver but have done it in the past and i'd say with a good experianced technacal fit hard working co-driver you will do well what ever your truck is, again what class do you enter as ?

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I have e-mailed you over the Tuff Entry pack.

I hope you receive it, can you please let me know.

(i posted your info pack out on the 8th march, i got you confused with the other Steve who's entered).



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For everybodys information, you can arrive at Tuff Terrains from any time after lunch time on Friday 24th July. We will NOT be allowing people to view the course on foot (or any other means) before the beginning of the compertition. There will be maps provided.

If you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask, Sara

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Could any one help with directions to the site or even a post code close to the site, went last year :):) and it took some finding, spent at least an hour driving round in circles surounded by big hills and sheep :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

PM me your e-mail address and i will email you a map, with some directions.

The post code is LD1 6PG

The Grid Reference is 708 038

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