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AWDC Challenger Round 2 Aftermath

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Hello Lucy here, I am a little disappointed to hear these negative comments and I really don't want it to put people off coming to our events. Also negative comments like this could put off new people entering further rounds and obviously we need to have as many competitors as possible. I know this is a competition but the clue is in the title 'Clubman', I really don't want people coming away feeling annoyed with anyone or anything to do with a event we are hosting. We do have a lack of marshalls which makes it quite difficult for everyone to be monitored at all times so if there is anyone that wants to volunteer their services that that would be appreciated so we can try to eliminate these issues. I would also appreciate it if people would tell me of moans they have, this is the first I have heard of it and I would like to try and nip it the bud in future. You can call me of better still inform me or a marshall on the day and I will have a word!

I think it may be a testosterone thing!!!!!

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To the impatient people:

Remember every one has to start somewhere and I sure at some point someone has given you a little help along the way which you still remember to this day. Be the good guys, it will get you far!!!!



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Hello Lucy here, I am a little disappointed to hear these negative comments and I really don't want it to put people off coming to our events. Also negative comments like this could put off new people entering further rounds and obviously we need to have as many competitors as possible. I know this is a competition but the clue is in the title 'Clubman', I really don't want people coming away feeling annoyed with anyone or anything to do with a event we are hosting. We do have a lack of marshalls which makes it quite difficult for everyone to be monitored at all times so if there is anyone that wants to volunteer their services that that would be appreciated so we can try to eliminate these issues. I would also appreciate it if people would tell me of moans they have, this is the first I have heard of it and I would like to try and nip it the bud in future. You can call me of better still inform me or a marshall on the day and I will have a word!

I think it may be a testosterone thing!!!!!

To be honest- it was such a one off experience throughout both events that we have done that i thought was a little 'silly'. The events are superbly managed, and I am in no way trying to put a downer on the day!

We are more than happy to volunteer our services for Slindon for marshalling in August. We can supply 3 or 4 vehicles with drivers if that helps things.

We certainly learned a great deal from these events, and hope they long continue! It is one of those things that a couple of misunderstandings can occur when under time pressure- and a couple of novices hanging on a wire up a sheer face can clog things up for the experienced chaps.

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Hi all,

I'm Sara the chief marshal at the Clubman events. If any of you are interested in marshalling your offers are greatly recieved. I plan on doing a marshals brief at 9:15am at each event so if you could let me know if advance you want to do it that would be lovely, if not turn up on the day for 9:15am and we can sort everything out. The more we have the easier it is to manage and then people can have a little rest during the day as well, if there is enough of us. I do provide nice cakes as a bribe, oh I mean thank you!!! ;)

I am wanting to set up a little database of people who are interested and when they can help out, so if you want to send me a PM with your e-mail and dates and I can then keep you up to date with information. Cheers :)

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Back on a lighter note...what do you think to the special stages so far? The intention is that they are a level playing field, whether or not you have been competing for 10 years or 10 minutes you have an equal chance...and fun!! :D:D


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Back on a lighter note...what do you think to the special stages so far? The intention is that they are a level playing field, whether or not you have been competing for 10 years or 10 minutes you have an equal chance...and fun!! :D:D


the special stage was superb......makes me wonder why i drove better blindfolded :D:D

its the walkers you gotta watch out for theyre mean as hell :D:D:D:D:D:D:P

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all good in theory, however, does the co-driver pay the bills for repair? in my case - i don't, therefore would not feel overly happy driving their truck just incase. but the choice is yours on that one. depends what it is I suppose.

(just waiting for Les, to say something now, and Turner for that matter)

plus the other point - I can damage cars really well without being in them.

As far as the rush rush rush time thing, some people out there do need help - first event, ok fine - understand that, we have all been there. I would also like to think I would be one of the first to help them out too, if pos. However in some cases - e.g. mine and Dan's we have had to go hell for leather to get any points at all, and to give Dan (my Chauffeur for the day) a proper experience of a competition - which is also the idea of it all. Dan having only done 5 events in total I think. He now knows pretty much every angle that truck can do without failing over, JOB DONE. :D

The other side of the coin is - if you know you are slow, and there is a more experienced lot arriving at the same time to the same punch - why not let the experienced go first, watch what they do to get the punch. Then repeat or try to, if you think its safe to do so. You can even ask the Biatch questions - we don't bite you know. plus whilst the Lrs winching in, there aint much to do in some cases so ask away.

my pennies worth.

I am really liking the special stages, perhaps one is needed where the co-driver gets a chance to drive :lol:
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Back in Sweden again trying hard to wipe the funny smile off our faces.

What a competition it was for us.

We wish to thank the marshalls and the organisation and off course al the competitors.

We had a great day out at Slindon with various results on the punches,But we got the one we entered and that for us is a big step in the right direction.

As we said after the comp we will be back for one more round have not decided witch yet but it will show.


Kindest regards

Kristian and Gary

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Slindon was a great weekend, I even enjoyed getting involved and marshaling..... I still managed to take shedloads of photos....

Photos from weekend

Anyone like a larger/quality version of any just drop me a pm

If your on Facebook can you please upload them to the our event page, so other people not on the forum can see them as well. On that note, there are about 200 photos so far uploaded to the event's page if you want to have a look. If you search C4x4 the Club you can join the group and see the photos. It's good to share! ;)

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Paul, Lucy, Sara & Neil, you are all doing a great job as far as I can see - you're probably all paddling like mad under the surface, though. The coordination is good. Marshalls are helpful and are mostly located around the groups of punches so can be quickly located if necessary. There are no problems here...

I felt a little dubious about posting what I did and I don’t feel that pointing fingers and naming people will help because, after all, it is a competition (albeit a Clubman level one) and that brings out the fighting spirit in people. I thought that maybe a comment on an open forum might make some realise that, as you have said, everyone has to start somewhere and some are slower than others even though they may have a bit of experience. The people that do it will know who they are...

With regard to breaking the tape, people will also know that by breaking the tape they have not fully complied with the rules of the event. I know that the tape can be broken by accident – I’ve done it as a result of a winch rope snapping – but it takes approximately 1 minute to locate a marshal and advise them so that it can be rectified (short of that, there’s always the CB channel that all drivers are made aware of at the beginning of the day) so that all competitors are playing the same field as it were.

If someone stops in the way, it takes longer to get out of the punch/section and therefore creates more delay for those that feel that every second counts. I understand that people want to get on and give a relatively new driver a taste of what he/she will be up against in the likes of the Howling Wolf, but it is no excuse for arrogance and general bad manners. I personally have a few winch challenge events under my belt (as does my co-driver) but Sunday was only the second time that I have used my 90 in a competitive environment. Previously, I’ve been used to Range Rovers and Discoveries, so it takes a little time to acclimatise to a different vehicle. I also don’t have a vehicle that I can just throw at obstacles and know that the trayback/wing bars will just rub past it or push it out of the way. I need the vehicle to be in a reasonable condition at the end of the day so that I can drive it home again. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not overly precious about the truck, and I will still have a go at most things, but...

Pigster - I have no problem if 2 cars arrive at a punch at the same time. We are all adults and can make the decisions as necessary. It's when I'm halfway through a punch and my exit is blocked that I get a little annoyed. I don't mean stamping up and down throwing my toys out of the pram, miffed is probably the best way to put it... To be honest, if a winch rope snaps and there is damage, I’m not worried about the other car. I’m worried about me, my co-driver and my own vehicle and equipment.

Next time, I think a little wave of my keys will be the order of the day.......call me an @rse if you like, but it works in public car parks!! I’ve paid exactly the same entry fee as everyone else for the privilege of competing, so I don’t feel that I have any additional rights over anyone else – maybe others think differently......

Last of all, please read this at least twice as it is meant as it reads. It's not meant to start WW3........

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If your on Facebook can you please upload them to the our event page, so other people not on the forum can see them as well. On that note, there are about 200 photos so far uploaded to the event's page if you want to have a look. If you search C4x4 the Club you can join the group and see the photos. It's good to share! ;)

I have added a wall post on the FB group wall, and will leave them in my webspace for all to see.

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I’ve paid exactly the same entry fee as everyone else for the privilege of competing, so I don’t feel that I have any additional rights over anyone else

Couldn't agree with you more

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Well, what a cracking event. Had a great day doing, I think, the best we've done in any competitive event. The truck certainly bears the scars of a good day out in the woods!

I've now gone for the sleek (well, rippled) de-handled look on the drivers side door and managed to reprofile the N/S wing so that it will forever fit more snugly around trees and through narrow gaps!

Big thumbs up to the organising team and the marshalls, but still a bit disappointed that there are some teams who really don't give a damn about the tape and the other teams. I know it's a competitive event, but it's no excuse for bad manners and practically bullying others out of their way to make all of 10 seconds difference!!

Hey Orange good call for injecting a bit of discussion in to the thread, it had to be said in the open otherwise these things can fester!

For my 2penneth worth i have discussed this with Paul and Lucy this afternoon (whilst picking up my list of repair items) and i felt the double punches made it too tempting for another team to enter whilst another team was still working another part of the punch, i blew a front half shaft and rear winch died ..again :angry: and i couldn't get out of the punch so decided to go out over the top but it did worry me to see others working below me, my winch rope was like a piano wire and god only knows what could have happened should it have given way like many others did that day.........................that said lets not forget that this is a competitive event and with an almost exclusively all male entry (bar one co driver?) the testosterone was probably running pretty rich! i am sure people don't set out to upset others they just get a bit punch drunk :D

I am a novice and that coupled with the fact that i have to drive my car home i am finding the going pretty rough on my 90,...... so i have decided to go soft (fitted a rag top) for the rest of the year and will probably come along and eat drink and be merry/marshall, no criticism directed at the organisers i have just decided that randonee type events are more for me.

BTW Paul, i really enjoyed the special stage apart from feeling car sick for the first time in 30 years! it creates a level playing field for all abilities.........oh and it was windjammer blue :)


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all good in theory, however, does the co-driver pay the bills for repair? in my case - i don't, therefore would not feel overly happy driving their truck just incase. but the choice is yours on that one. depends what it is I suppose.


A co-driver driving for a special stage like the one at slindon (blindfold driving) is very unlikely to do any damage (unless the gates are made out of girders :P )

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