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Howlin' Wolf Round 4 - Wern-Ddu


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Well, everyone seemed to have a smile on their faces at the end of the day and there were no reports of anything untoward happening.

Results are now posted


Look forward to hearing about your experiences of the day

Thanks once again to the compact and bijou marshals team who did a cracking job to get the site laid out and collected in such a short space of time. Whilst Carole and I regularly get the credit on here we are all part of a team which works together very well at these events.

Also huge thanks to Gwyn Lewis for sponsoring the event and hosting the lovely hog-roast on Saturday night and to the David brothers for supplying and cooking said piggy.

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It looked like an excellant event to compete in :) The location was indeed very steep and very slippery.... Some impressive driving :)

Here are a few pictures :












A few vid's as well if you want, which i still need to upload.


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tnx again to Neil Carol and their gang of merry helpers and of course Gwyn for a great event

was some interesting punches and some scary ones as well i must remember never follow Rob & Jamie through the bog again its not very easy but we did get out some how but then burst a water pipe and lost stupid amounts of time trying to fix it

enjoy your month off and see you all at round 5


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We had an absolute howler, puncture on first punch, back to car park,

Second punch lost all battery power dragged out, thanks Kevin/Adrian, set of back to car park, lost concentration drove straight into cess pit, oh my God did it smell, but no winches, thank you Wanyne/Rhondi, it was a bubbling stinking nightmare, 15 foot deep one friendly spectator told me, that re-assurred me after an hour of slowly sinking,

SS2 the lad had a brainwave, "I've had an idea", so we slid across with limited winch power, knocked a bloody big tree over, and then fell in the root hole,

great idea son keep em coming,

Then found out every time you touch a tree in the rain with no windsreen, you get a COLD shower,

Thanks to Carol Neil and the crew, loved every minute of it, time to take me smoking valve guides out now. See you soon.

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Great weekend, thanks as always to the team who set out and to Gwyn Lewis for his efforts to find me a wheel bearing for my trailer. :rolleyes:

Thanks also to Chris and Simon for giving up most of the day today to go looking for a bearing. They managed to find a wheel bearing kit in Halfords, of all places, which had a bearing the correct OD but too big on the ID. A few bits of strongbow can fashioned into strips and tucked between the inner race and stub axle have got me home (250 miles).

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It was an excellant event (so glad we entred :D )

Thanks to Neil and Carol and all the others that never get mentioned, that give up there time for us all to go out and play

and put an excellent event together , we must remember that without all the marshalls and helpers there would not be an

event to go to

Thanks to the David`s for cooking the pig (my plan worked you all eat to much and could not move fast enough on Sunday :lol: )

Shame about the weather but we are nearer the clouds up here and cant do nothing about it :(

Nick , how many cans of strongbow did SI have to drink before you had enough alloy shims

I must look at the results now , i cant remember where JOHN and ROB finished :unsure:

Thanks once again

Gwyn Lewis

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top event Neil and crew - excellent fun and we even managed to keep the axle on this time!

some great punches out there and the punch numbers show how hard everyone had to work - just about set right i think - ideal!! we thought we would give the bog a miss, with no windows Nick was worried about getting muddy.

Did any other codriver always have to get their driver a parking spot so they were out of the rain too?

truck ran perfectly all day and the TDS certainly earned its keep, pulled very well. so will there be any events were we will need to double line?

Big thank you to the Marshalls and setter uppers - roll on West Harptree - its even local!

edited to add: Well done to Bob and Ian too - excellent result and even the lads were running (most) of the day

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A good day for us, conditions were just right for the old girl but not so good for co-drivers, all I heard throughout the day over the headset was a load of heavy breathing and voise saying ' this is steep'.

Thanks to Gwyn for sponsoring the event and Neil and co for setting it up on the side of a small mountain.

The lads are really getting the hang of it now and didnt get towed back in until 3pm :D .

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Great event lots of fun plus mud.. Big thanks to neil and carol plus mashalls of course. Could not run the event without.

in the bog good fun tried car out on both sides Thanks for help getting out.

Love the hills and special stage could do it without winch. See you all at west harptree

Donk Barrie Gee


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Another thank you to all.

Sorry to Mr Bolt for the close call <_<

Congrats to Gwyn for winning class 2 but i think it was all down to the extra sticker on your door ( i couldn't find a Scottish flag at short notice)

Some pics here i hope. I don't bother editing so you take them as found


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She was around for most of the day with my camera with a long lens on. The only trouble with that is it can be a bit dark in the trees and you then get a bit of blur.If you put the big flash on it it is to heavy to carry around all day for fun but it is good for sneeking up on people :)

I take it this was your overheating moment as she said you both exploded out the car rather sharpish :lol: did you think it was on fire?

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i dont know who he is but i think hes formed the Nick Watts appreciation society. There i am trying to get Nick to control the winches and steering and drive, which he struggles with anyway, and this bloke was there chatting away for ages about RV4 distracting him. i think Nick did an autograph for him in the end. Nice bloke though, hes looking to get into events so we should see him about in time

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I take it this was your overheating moment as she said you both exploded out the car rather sharpish :lol: did you think it was on fire?

tbh it happened so quick we didnt know what it was or what to do other than get out it was a case of women and children first...... after me !!!:lol: :lol:

im sure i seen a bead of sweat on Gwyns head yesterday but it mite have been the rain

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we had a brilliant day, thanks to all involved. Truck came out worst losing drive in the front axle

in the start of the bog.. . we missed the 3.30 deadline.

Did any one find the 3 feet deep hole in the streem or was it only me that ended up swimming.

mark (co driver gunit) :rolleyes:

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