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Overland trailer


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How is the trailer going on ???

It has been 2 months since you posted .

Will it be there for 2011 ???

Hi All, hopefully it will be, I am back in the UK now hopefully for a few months so will get round to finishing the trailer, it is actually fairly close only a few jobs to finish is sitting under tarp in the garden but on the list, I also need to MOT my 80 so hopefully both will be back on the road for 2011...


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I'm back!!!! I have a list of things to sort out with the Landy and the brewery before I can start on the trailer but will get around to that list also and then hopefully the final push to the finish!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been making a list of things I need to do today, and have forgot how much needs doing!!! I really want to finish the trailer soon so think I will be outsourcing the end!!!

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I have been making a list of things I need to do today, and have forgot how much needs doing!!! I really want to finish the trailer soon so think I will be outsourcing the end!!!

Hi I hope you finish the trailer as I have been following this thread since the start.I am about to start my own trailer project, this is after we went to Ireland with my discovery and our roof tent. After the first night in Ireland we realised the shotcomings of this setup. Now its time to build a trailer with room to mount the tent on top.

Stick with it and if I can figure out the technology I will post as I go.....


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Hi Rob,

Thanks I am I took the covers off this weekend and started to figure out what I need to do to finish it, not that much really some welding to the handles and the electrical gas and plumbing but she is nearly there I have been promised that I will be at home for a few months now so will finish it as soon as possible. I look forward to seeing your work.


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  • 1 month later...

Now planning a Trip to Iceland in the summer so need to finish the trailer, I think I have needed the push. I have given myself 3 months to finish for the Heritage LR show on the 1st May, I have made a list of things that need doing however in the months since I last did anything the workshop has had a sort out and Mrs S has cleaned things up! In short some of the little bits of the Sankey trailer that didn't make it back on are now MIA.

I priced up the cost of replacing the bits however the sum of the parts is definitely worth more than the sum of the whole, so I have purchased a second trailer to get the bits off with the intention of breaking the second trailer and selling the other parts when I know I have everything I need plus any spares.

I will start to gather the parts and push forward with the intention of finishing (subject to work) sometime in February


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  • 3 weeks later...

So an early start this morning, off up the A1to Withams to pick up the latest addition to the fleet!!! as above I priced up the cost of getting the bits that needed replacing on the trailer including the slightly bent back leg that I was toying with replacing and I was around the £110 mark I picked up a whole trailer for just under £200 inc VAT .

Figuring that I got £90 for the tub and wheels off the last one, I am just going to stick the bits I don't need on ebay and just weigh the rest of it in as the scrap prices are good at the moment.

However speaking to the chap at Withams they only have around 120 'Sankey' trailers left and given that they sell around 10 per week plus tender sales I think there is about 8 weeks until they have all gone and the prices start to rise or that's my hope anyway!! so I could be sitting on a fortune or that what I am telling Mrs S anyway!!!

Time to get into the garden tomorrow and start get things movingwink.gif



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So uncovered the trailer today (it's stored at the side of the workshop) needed to get my head around how much needed doing it is actually in very good condition and I finished far more than I remembered so I really don't think it will take me that long to finish, especially now I have the 'spare trailer' for the bits Mrs S put somewhere safe!!! I don't think I ever posted a photo of the Chassis and the body mated so thought I would add one.

A few more weeks and I think it will have it finished.



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Hi Peter,

Thanks, Not done the lights yet I plan to start them next week breaking the spares trailer at the moment once I have finished the breaking system I need to work on fixing the body to the trailer and then the electrics etc don't think I am far off though. I will Keep posting photos.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Jason - Delighted to see the thread is alive and well and you are getting near the end - I have acquired a sankey for a similar project, your work is an inspiration. Cant wait to see the finished product.


Thanks for your kind words Will,

Although as this project has now taken me over a year with little progress for the past 8 months I wouldn't see it as an inspiration, smile.gif considering the finish date was due last April!! hope you have more success with yours although I am hoping to finish mine by April!! first day off today for a while so actually going to move it back into the garden where it is in the way so reminds me to get on with it, rather than it being hidden at the side of the workshop!!

Cheers, Jason.

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Well the good news is the second tub has now gone, I hate e-bay, and love it at the same time sold the tub once to an Idiot who could not read and wondered why he needed to wait a day for me to remove it from the Chassis!!! I read the add out to him and he said "oh I read that it was the tub only but the photo showed the whole trailer so I thought i would bid on it all!!!" The second guy was coming on the Monday and then the Thursday so when he said he was going to come today I was sceptical!! but fair play to him he turned up and money was exchanged.

It's funny a couple of people contacted me asking if I wanted to sell the chassis, although I talked them out of buying it in favour of them buying a whole unit as they were both making Overland trailers, both have been over to the house and over several cups of tea we shared ideas and it has given me the push to finish mine.

I am going to finish striping the 'donor trailer' over the next week and then will push on with finishing the trailer! how many times have I said that!!


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Looking forward to seeing yours finnished now Jason! I will start my build thread soon not much to show at the moment, but the chassis is off to my friend who is an engineer tomorrow so we can discuss chassis lengthening and body design.

on the subject of ebay I can sympathise, I sold our old Sankey last weekend and the guy turned up last night to collect after a 4hr drive from kent only for me to point out he didn't have a nato hitch!

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So I have been looking for a rear awning for the trailer to cover the cooking area and give me some shade, I found two problems with the roll out ones

1. They are two long to keep on the end so would have to make a swing bracket I know you can get 1.5 meter ones but they don't give a lot of coverage and are fairly short,

2. They are very expensive.

I have been looking around and surfing the web last night thought that I had found the answer.... Front Runner make an awning that packed into its bag is attached via a 1meter rail but has a coverage of 3.32m x 2.7m which will be loads even when the rain is coming down horizontally and If I do decide to get the sides and front will make a good shelter, but we will wait and see about that.

Anyway I got all excited about them and then reality hit I did a UK web search and nearly fell over..... e-bay link £358 ohmy.gifas the trailer is already a money pit I couldn't afford that, however a bit more searching and I found This $195 (£120 ish) Talk about rip off Britain the US List is only $383 slight issue is that they can't distribute to the UK, not a problem as I have loads of friends in the US (well people I know!!) so for $11 I have had it shipped to a friend in California, we have calculated that it will be a further $40 plus UK taxes to send to the UK so all in around $295 £182ish so less than half the UK price including two lots of shipping!!! so it is now ordered and on the way another problem solved!!


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Things are really starting to come together now and I am confident I will hit my April deadline for completion, I have figured out all the little bits I didn't figure out before and have sourced all of the other bits needed to finish the project. Funny really I feel I have made more progress in the last week than the last 5 months and I have not done anything to the trailer.

I was stuck on the finishing elements of the design the awning was the turning point and from that bits seem to have been falling into place I managed to get hold of a second roof tent from ebay it is one of the Prime Tech ones and was a bargain,£250 that I managed to barter down even further to £200. The guy had been trying to sell it for a while but despite selling it 3 times on ebay people had not completed the sale, the reason.... the external "travelling" cover was trashed however the tent had never been used and still had its plastic covers on it and the mattress had been stored in the house and again was still in the plastic bag. Although this has put others off it didn't bother me as I knew replacements could be obtained a quick venture onto the European agent for Prime Tech in Germany so for 69.90 euros plus 19.90 euros a new cover was acquired, so all in a New Roof tent for £278 as I said Bargin!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

good score with the tent...hope I'm as lucky in finding one! Dying to see a pic of the finished setup allpitched up. Can you please tell me what type/brand of rubberised paint you used for the ply? PM if you don't want to post in the thread. Thanks. Will.

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good score with the tent...hope I'm as lucky in finding one! Dying to see a pic of the finished setup allpitched up. Can you please tell me what type/brand of rubberised paint you used for the ply? PM if you don't want to post in the thread. Thanks. Will.

Cheers Will, I was really happy with the awning although It has not arrived yet, I did choose the slow boat postal option as I was not in a rush so expect it any day now... I will post some photos when it arrives.

The paint was Protectakote the link is to the UK importer who was a really nice guy, they did lots of colours but I went for black, I explained to the chap what I wanted to do with it and he gave me loads of advice including prep of the ply to ensure the best use of the paint, so one of the few companies that I would actually recommend.


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The Awning arrived today, it got stuck in customs for over a week but I was in no rush for it so no biggie. It worked out just a bit cheaper than above in total so again happy.

I took a chance, it looked like what I needed and had been looking for, however unseen you always take a risk with these things. Reading the blurb I assumed it attached to the roof rack via an awning rail type attachment the same as the awing on the Land Rover. This is where I was wrong it attaches via 3 buckle straps, which is actually better as it gives me more options, there is even an extra pole supplied to allow it to be free standing.

The quality is really good the poles are strong but lightweight thick walled aluminium they all fit into the bag that the awning is built into, only strange thing is the tent pegs now I am sure someone is going to tell me they are designed for sand or something but pre-bent pegs will not work for most things and will need to be replaced with something more suitable.

I haven't pulled the trailer out of it's storage place yet so the kids play frame had to do as a test bed.

  • Attach the bag to the trailer/play frame
  • Unzip the bag and remove the poles
  • Unfurl the canvas and put in the centre pole (bigger than the others)
  • Fix the other poles
  • Tighten guy lines

I was worried about being able to pack it up on my own but actually it was really easy just took down the outside poles and then rolled up the canvas back into the bag, zipped it up along the bottom and then slid the poles back into the bag.

It's light weight and does not need to remain on the trailer but I could leave it on there if I wanted will pull the trailer out this week and crack on but happy with the awning as it's perfect for my use.








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That looks great Jason :).

Not quite sure whats going on with those pegs :huh: I'm sure someone else will have some ideas...

Is that the new tow car in the picture?

Cheers, Ross.

The cars in the Photos belong to Jacob I did catch him trying to tow the second Sankey chassis the other day so you are not actually that far from the truth.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

At last I made a start to on actually finishing the trailer!!! after many false starts over the last few weeks I have a window in my life so need to take the chance to get it done, I expect that updates will come thick and fast would have taken some photos today but the camera battery was flat...

Yesterday, de-podded the body from the chassis, it was always built with the option of removing the body so it was relatively easy although took a couple of goes to figure out the best way as with all of the inside built it is a lot heavier and to be honest Mrs S although a help is not the strongest in the world....

Taking the body off gave me time to look at the job in hand I put the spare Chassis next to the 'production Chassis' and noticed that I had made a couple of stupid mistakes when putting things back on so corrected them first.

I then moved onto the lights and fitted all of the rear clusters including the number plate which I used the Convoy plate to attach, they are all loose fitted but I will need to remove them to give the chassis a final coat of paint before wiring them all up, marker lights are fitted to the back I just need to do the front ones now although my little boy seems to have put the final one somewhere safe!!

I then moved onto the brakes, again it has been a while but with the spare chassis next to the production unit I fitted the new pads and callipers I also fitted the brake lines and the hand brake cable and the safety cable, bled the system which was a lot easier than expected then balanced the whole system, the pads are really close but the disks have rust on so I think they will bed in without any issues.

I need to repaint the chassis wire the lights but apart from that its about done, at last!!!

I will take some photos in tomorrow but at last making progress, I have a big list of jobs to do and are ticking them off but can really see the light at the end of the tunnel.


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