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Overland trailer


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Ah it'll be fine....just remeber to say a nice word to her every 100 miles or so. I mean the trailer and 110, not the missus.:P

If you're worried, how do you think i feel ??? We're leaving for two years in two months and we are sleeping in the back. At the moment i'm more worried that the damn web site is offline.....bloody DNS records.

It will all go fine. Chance favours the prepared (mind) Land Rover.

I know it will be fine I have done lots of trips before to far further afield than France/Spain/Andora its funny though taking the wife and kids has changed the whole prep for this trip to make sure they have everything they need to make it a good trip for me!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well we are home and more importantly so is the trailer!! I will write a full report in the next couple of days about what was good and what was not so good what needs to change etc but all in all a great trip..


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Trailer report

So the trailer has just been onits first serious trip (Trip report) Ithought I would give some feedback on the trailer not just how it functionedbut what it was like to take a trailer with us and how it changed things.

Taking a trailer Overland

There are a lot of doubters and negative people out there who will tell you that taking any type of trailer with you on tour is just a hassle and more trouble than it's worth etc, etc,etc. I read lots of these posts before finally deciding to build my trailer,with lots of reports of them being left by the side of the road as they had fallen apart, it transpires that most of these reports were written by "afriend of mine had a trailer" type posters... or by people that had tried totake an old or un-serviced trailer with them. Now that I have done it albeitfor only two weeks this time, I would say that there are negatives and positives to taking a trailer but the positives far outweigh the negatives for my requirements.


· Room in the Landy, after we had put the bedding in the roof tents the passenger bit of the Landy was clear of stuff.

· Extra room to take second fridge extra room for storage.

· Extend capability of unsupported travel.

· Base camp when you want to go off and explore.

· Extra comfort with shower hot water etc.


· You do have to think a little more about where you are going and how you are going to get out and where you are going to park.

· The extra weight towing behind you can affect your driving what gear you need to be in etc, especially when the trailerbrakes come on and you are trying to move off up a hill!!

· Tendency to over pack because you can/have the space!!

What didn't work/needs improving

Water tank

I fitted a Fiamma 75l water tank meant for Campervans it's difficult to fill and off road spills water out ofthe filler tap. In short it does not work in its current state! The solution will be to blank off the current filler cap extend the breather to the top ofthe trailer internally and fit a heaper filter to it, finally fit a bulkhead connector and hose with a hozelock stop type connector so that I can fill itvia a hose which I found myself doing whilst away or fitting the pump to fillthe tank.

Number plate

I knew I may have issues with this from its run at slab but continued to improve the bracket however after thefirst day off-road it was trashed but with the improved bolts was still there,for how long was unsure!! I therefore decided to move it to where the Jerry can is which seemed the most appropriate place to put it, not having a drill etc meant that I wired it to the work lights for now but it needs to get wired into the trailer lights.

Jockey Wheel

Again I knew that that the jockey wheel was difficult to use when it was high but it became an issue in use as itrubbed the spare wheel, there is however a simple solution chop off an inch from the handle move the knob and it will be fixed.

Battery hold downs

Both batteries moved around and pulled out their mountings these are heavy things and I underestimated how much they would move around! why I did this I am not sure in a car they would be held in with a clamp so why not on the trailer!! I need to sort this out and either,get a couple of battery trays or figure out other ways of securing them to thetrailer, they had not moved around before but this should not have been my premise for them not moving around again.

Hot water boiler

Like with the Land Rover the trailer got shaken around driving over heavily rutted tracks at speed although I had considered this when mounting the hot water boiler again not well enough and aftera particularly hard day I opened the back to find the boiler had removed it'sself from the backboard it will be a simple fix I will just add a tie downstrap to the boiler this should prevent the boiler from coming off the mounting screws.


We filled the toilet in Spain,and used it when not using campsites, however it became evident that it was leaking from the fresh tank, I had brought the toilet from e-bay as an old but unused unit and the seals were giving up due to movement!! When we got to Boltana we decided to empty the toilet and it was obvious that it was nearly dead!! As I had only paid £8 I didn't have to think twice about leaving it there, a replacement will be sought over the next few weeks.

Apart from the above, the trailer worked very well/beyond expectations however it would be remiss of me not to talk about a major issue I had which could lead to the naysayers saying 'I told you so' but was actually my fault... On about the 8th day we were sitting there and I noticed that the shock bush didn't look as it should, upon investigation one of the bushes on the nearside had very nearly split through and the other was starting to split!! Confused I took a better look and discovered that I had not tightened up both dampers/shocks, this was totally my mistake and nothing to do with the trailer causing the problem in fact thinking back I can even remember fitting them but leaving them loose as I needed to fit the ARB so wanted to leave slack in the suspension. The trailer worked well with the damaged bush and was a tribute to the leaf spring trailer, not having my spare bushes with me meant that a trip to LR in Andorra was required and although I could have got away without replacing the bush I felt I should as we had some more off-roading to complete. I caught it in time and the O/S is fine and the trailer worked well with a damaged bush so I guess the moral of the story is check, check and check again!! However I am also sure that the trailer would run without the dampers with little ill effect so I am happy this wouldn't have caused me to leave the trailer by the side of the road.


The hot water worked very well,and is one of the best items fitted to the trailer having hot water to shower and wash pots without having to boil pans etc allowed us to keep everything clean without stress, being able to quickly wash the pots after lunch or wash your hands after handling raw meat elevated it into a must have item.

The roof vents, fitted last minute before the trip, they worked very well and kept the trailer cool in what wasvery hot weather they would turn round in a small breeze and just help to shifthot air out of the trailer, It was noticeable how cool the trailer was when youopened the doors.

The tie downs worked well andstuff stayed where it should have done we opened the doors at an angle.

The design of the trailer worked very well with the sides giving us a platform for putting things without the need to remove the table, the trailer was a great plus to the trip and made an interesting talking point with people we meet along the way.

In Summary

Was it all worth it? YES it allowed us to travel for two weeks in comfort and space gave us a base when we wanted to explore and as the kids had been involved in the build were proud of it when people commented. It's not for everyone and if there were only two people a 110 would give you more than enough room, and I guess you could also cut down on things and squeeze stuff in, however why should you!! I work away from home a fair bit, and when I do get to spend time I don't want to have to make do, I want my time away to be as stress free as possible. I enjoyed taking two 55l fridges on for food and one for drinks, I know that this is extravagant but why not, if I want a cold bottle of water, or a beer and to have fresh meatand salad I should be able to, location shouldn't prevent this we live in 2011 and the technology exists for us to do this then we should take advantage ofit.

What next

I have the above jobs to finishand sort out, and I guess like the Land Rover it will never be finished, we aregoing to the LRO show in Peterborough and Seven Sisters with Shire at the endof the month after that I need to remove the locking handles and get them galvanised there are a few bits of paint need touching up and when I find a replacement I need to replace the sink, so I will continue to update this thread from time to time, but really despite a lot of delay and frustration it has been a successful project.


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  • 1 month later...

Just shy of two years since I started this project and I find myself just about to put it away for the winter, we have been using it for 6 months now so feel qualified to answer the question, was it worth it? The answer has got to be a big fat YES. So far we have used the trailer for over 35 nights camping, a couple of stunning holidays with the family and some great weekends that, have brought us closer together as a family which was the intention, to achieve this for under 3k is a great investment.

What has worked well?

Lots of it has worked very well the cooker works well and the water heater is an item that I would just not be without it makes camping so simple, even this weekend having a quick wash or showering the kids after they had been in the sea was great and ensured the kids were comfy.

The batteries last well and the whole thing charges well on the car and on the 240v hook up the lights and other bits work as planned, I know I need to strap the batteries down but I will sort that out over the winter strip down and fettle.

The trailer is very well balanced and I have to say is the best trailer I have ever towed it just sits there and to be honest I forget it is there sometimes!!

It has not caused me any difficulty in towing around I have figured I have towed it over four thousand miles this year, and despite the catalogued issues I have not really had any problems that would have prevented me continuing on a long overland trip, I have not found it got in the way, ok I have and to think about things when parking etc, but with an over height 110 (2.4m) with all the kit on the rack I always had to think about parking and routes.

It’s off roaded very well when I am on my journeys I take the cautious approach, I don’t take big risks, will always walk a route if unsure etc and have not found the trailer altered this approach.

What hasn’t worked?

The water, it is my biggest frustration with the trailer and will again be resolved in the strip down I know how to fix it and how I should have done it in the first place, and this is my frustration!! I guess the worst thing is the trailer will be left with a de-funked filler cap to remind me I got it wrong.

People say I shouldn’t worry about it but the answer is so simple I should have got it right in the first place.

Clearly the number plate didn’t work and is still sitting in its temporary location and I still have to figure out how I am going to wire it back in and where it will end up, as I am not sure that I like where it is at the moment and I catch it, also I don’t like how the wire is routed.

The door furniture has worked well I just need to strip it off and get it galvanised this winter and fill the one bit of door seal that let dust in, the side lockers need some work to make them water tight again but again these are little jobs.

I need to shorten the jockey wheel handle as it rubs on the spare ok I didn’t spot it at the time and I could move the spare higher but this would upset the balance, so I will cut the handle and weld it an inch lower on itself job done.

So in all happy with the project, need to fix a few things but nothing major we have had a great summer of camping and using the trailer, it works well for us, I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but it ticks our needs boxes, even weekend camping where we can pack the trailer on the Thursday night come home on the Friday and just go, food in fridge supplies in the food boxes and clothes packed, if only we would remember to pack the tea towels!!

If you are reading this and have any questions feel free to PM me the plans are on this thread and I am happy to share them with anyone. I don’t intend to keep posting on this thread now as there is not really a lot more to add although I might post photos of the water system when I have made the changes.

So I would just like to say thanks to everyone that has helped with input, advice and encouragement along the way.

Cheers, Jason.



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It was great to meet you and Ross at Brighton. I must say the trailer looks even better in the flesh then in the photos.

Chris and Amy

Nice to meet you both also Amy looked like she was planning a project for you!!, the puppy was very cute also, maybe we should make it a forum outing next year....



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I'm glad it was worth the effort Jason, it looks a cracking trailer ! :)


Thanks Mo, I am very happy with it, and this weekend has shown it can cope with one of the harshest challenges known to man, feeding Ross!!!!! :i-m_so_happy:

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Thanks Mo, I am very happy with it, and this weekend has shown it can cope with one of the harshest challenges known to man, feeding Ross!!!!! :i-m_so_happy:


We'd be up for that, if I'm not away elsewhere.

Though next year, you might have a even bigger challenge of feeding me!!! (I'll bring the food though!!!) :huh:

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  • 1 month later...

Winter strip down started, the good news is the trailer stood up well to a seasons use, I need to get the locking bars off to get galvanised. The only real casualty were the brake pads, I had a little accident at the L2B when I left the hand brake on and overheated/glassed the pads but was surprised with the amount of wear. I have calculated that I have done around 5k miles so not anywhere near enough to wear them down to the limits so think I need to dial back the breaking system a little more as it must have been on in the downhill section.

Not sure how to protect the batteries over the winter, at the moment they are using the caravan charger/conditioner and have left the fridge on so they are cycling I hope this is the best method to keep them in top shape.

Next step will be to remove my nemesis, which is the water system and sort it out I have it planned out in my head so need to put it into action, but before that I need to finish my storage draw system for the back of the Land Rover.

I will post some photos of the pads later to see what you think.


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  • 1 month later...

I started this thread with the line OK it's winter project time!! and maybe because I get to much time to think in the winter or maybe it's just an itch that I need to scratch, but plans are now hatching for Trailer Ver2.

I am between two ideas, One to import a tent from Oz and build a trailer for it or Two build a tear-drop type camper.

I am going to fund the new build with the sale of my Series One and don't expect I will even 'break ground' until at least September, if I do indeed 'break ground'.

I want to use a Raiper Reload Trailer as the base and it will be a little bit like a teardrop. I don't want a caravan and enjoy the outdoor camping thing just think I can improve on some bits one of the bits still not solved is the using the truck when camping and having to pack the second tent away is a pain, so having that option to sleep in the trailer would be good.

Once the new one is built Ver1 will be for sale!! but as I say that's at least a year away at the moment

When I am ready to start building I will start a new thread, however thought I would put this out there to see what people thought?

Cheers, Jason.



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What kind of tent were you looking at Jason?

My sketches for a teardrop I want to build incorperate a sort of trailer-tent style tent. Or a Rooftent with awing round the back of the T.D.

EDIT: and the above sketch, I'd move the wheel arches further back down the body, unless you're planning a very long A frame?

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What kind of tent were you looking at Jason?

My sketches for a teardrop I want to build incorperate a sort of trailer-tent style tent. Or a Rooftent with awing round the back of the T.D.

EDIT: and the above sketch, I'd move the wheel arches further back down the body, unless you're planning a very long A frame?

I was just looking at reusing the roof tent and moving the awning from the Land Rover to the side of the trailer, I have seen some trailer tents in Oz that offer options for marketing it different uses, or the howling moon trailer tent from SA the only problem with both is that I cant get the taller trailer type at the moment. and actually I am not sure if I want a big tent, as our camping has been raid type camping which becomes a pain packing up two tents before we set off again in the morning.

The sketch above was just a concept to see what I can achieve space wise as I say the base would be a Rapier reload trailer so the axle would be wherever it sits on the trailer, I can't find any technical drawings for the rapier trailer at the moment so can't draw the base to scale.

As I say I will start a new build thread if my idea progresses off plan I was just putting the concept out there for comment, I plan to use the same construction method as the current trailer aluminium frame with chequer plate panels, although I would clearly need to add insulation to this one, but would again use the same box storage method.


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  • 4 weeks later...

OK so the above plans have started to gather traction and I have now started Overland Trailer MK2 thread, as explained in the thread, whilst this build was very successful it didn't quite tick all of the boxes specificity around being able to use the 110 when camp has been established. the second reason is that I have so many ideas from the first build that I have another build in me!!

The new build will probably take around 18 months so I will be keeping and using this trailer for that period and do not intend to 'steal' anything from this trailer for the new build. I will have some work to do on this trailer in the next couple of months to get it ready for the summer and adjust the water system and batteries. but all being well around September of next year I expect that this trailer will be up for sale....

I don't intend to mention the other trailer on this thread again but to keep it updated with any changes made to the MK1 trailer.


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  • 1 month later...

As I can't see me starting the Mk2 project for some time thought turned to my current trailer and making it ready for this year, at the weekend I stripped out the water tank and batteries, and started to fix things, well not really fix things but sort out the niggles and change the things that didn't work as well as they should.

My list of things to sort out is not that great:

  • Water tank and filler
  • Number plate light
  • Battery bracket
  • Cooker and sink
  • Fridge sliders (last pair got attacked when the battery spilt and went rusty)
  • Seal edge of door seals (where a little bit of dust got in)
  • Shorten jockey wheel handle
  • Tidy up the cabling
  • General clean and tidy

So I made a list not dissimilar to the above and started to gather the bits I needed to sort it out, I removed the water tank and the battery started to tidy up the cabling, removed the old sink unit and gave the trailer a hover and wipe over after a pleasurable afternoon spent in the sun I came inside and spent more money on stuff!!! Who would have thought I now have two Land Rovers that are drains on the finances and a trailer that is also a money pit!!!

Stuff has started to show up over the last couple of days, which is always exciting and helps to subdue the wallet pain!!

Anyway the replacement cooker and sink arrived today, really happy with it I need to add a work surface to mount it through but 12mm ply will be fine and as I need to buy a sheet for my storage project so can cut off an end and press it into service, the cooker also works better the other way around than was mounted so I need to modify the cooker pull out, however I plumbed it in this afternoon and it works really well, although I am not sure that I like the blue tint!!!

Will update as I progress with the modifications.

Cheers, Jason.





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