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MOT advisory says: Slight play in front stabilizer bar bushes

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Hi all,

My One Ten is back from it's MOT and passed with a few advisories which is great news. :D

One of them says there is "Slight play in front stabilizer bar bushes". I asked the mechanic who did the MOT what he meant by this and he came out and pointed at the Panhard rod and said there is slight play in that.

Now, I replaced the bushes for the last MOT and what a joy that was... 4 hours in the lashing cold November rain cutting through a large bolt on both sides as the bolt had seized solid in the bush, then mashing the new bush trying to get it in and having to take it to the garage to get pressed in properly after driving all the way to Dunsfold to get another one. Oh what fun that was.

I'm now concerned why my bushes have worn after less than 365 days and think this is just a little too soon. Is this indicative of problems elsewhere or should I just whip the rod out (cos its all copper slipped and nice n' easy) and replace with those hard as rock polyurethane bushes I see in the magazines?

The other items on the sheet were:

(near steering box) Steering column universal joint has slight play

(near steering box) Steering column universal joint is slightly deteriorated

Steering system has slight free play detected at steering wheel.

I guess these are all due to the UJ (great detective work there eh) I don't have access to my manuals or parts catalogue just now so will have a look and see how much of a job this is to replace.


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Did you use genuine bushes? Do you offroad regularly?

The holes in the axle end bracket are probably oval (its only thin metal). Approved fix is to weld a washer over the oval. You'll probably need a new bolt too. This might also be cause of the "free play" item ...

Steering UJs are easy, four pinch bolts at worst and a quick tap - they are different part no.s top and bottom though.

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If you used pattern rubber type bushes ie ones that look identical to genuine 'Metalastic' bushes, but aren't, then I am not suprised they failed so quickly. I recomend either Genuine 'Metalastic' or a reputable polyurethane bush eg superpro.

If you tightened the bolts up before all the weight of the vehicle was back on the wheels, then they will be overstressed at ride height and will flog out quickly too.



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Thanks for all your replies. Great info here.

To answer your questions:

They were genuine replacement bushes.

I don't off road much :-(

I didn't torque up until everything was back on the ground.

I will look at Superpro bushes. These come in two parts if I remember so easier to fit. Will also have a look at the bracket hole to see if it has worn and causing wear.

The lower UJ looks like an easy fix. While an expensive part, it is nothing compared to other cars and the beauty of it is you can get to it easily. I love landies!

thanks all.


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