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How to stop my 90 being nicked.

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Probably illegal but fit the mech-lock into the brake circuit. The first time they press the brakes to slow down they wont release and the car will stop.

As has already been said the best defence is always the big and obvious, such as bright yellow disk locks, flashing LEDs, together with personalised things such as hidden fuel cut offs, battery isolators etc.

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The police are not interested in vehicle theft.

And I agree DO NOT TALK ABOUT vehicle security on here!! No more than you would talk about where you keep your spare house key!

I spoke to a guy who I ownly vaguely know who in converstion told me his immobilsar code and where he keeps it in the vehicle, I did not need to know.

A friend of our has a load of hire vans stolen the police 'where far to busy' when a lady rang to say one of his van had been outside her house for a week he went to retrive it and was then stopped on the M25 for stealing it!! when he explained and proved who he was he was give an official warning for being sarcastic!! Is that a crime?

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when someone tried to steal my 90 they jimmied the door lock then smashed the interior light then buggered up the ignition then smashed the steering shroud then gave up.

if we made the OUTDIDE of the vehicule secure (sorry more secure) then some of these scum might think twice and move on then at least they havn't wreaked anything in the proccess

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There's been a huge amount of Land Rovers stolen locally (Wirral) of late and as Arragorn said

earlier on in this thread, if they really want it a HIAB will overcome everything.

Ive taken to parking in the garage as soon as I get home.

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Well I think that you have to face it that if people are intent on stealing your 90 they will! All that we can do is make it such a problem that they think twice and move on to a softer target.

Here in Oxfordshire we have had a huge increase in the theft of older land rovers probably because of the inadequate security fitted to older vehicles as standard if any.

We have had one incidence locally(Wheatley)of a vehicle being lifted with a hiab also.

I have recently purchased a huge wheel clamp from fleabay and it is fitted to my 90 as a deterrent that coupled with the nosiest neighbors in the world hopefully will give me some protection.

Before anyone suggests that it would just take a cordless disc cutter or other means to overcome this or some other cutting tool!!, the thing to remember is that the average villain doesn't go packing that sort of stuff as standard and like I said nothing is beyond the wit of man to overcome given the right tools or scenario but at least we can make it more difficult for the scumbags!!!!!

All the best#

See pictures of the "Kensington Clogg"

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Does anyone know of a remotely operated battery isolator (ie with a fob)?

I know there are remotely operated battery master switches available for boats - but that's only part of the way there, plus they're not really configured from a security perspective (ie, exposed terminals, easy to put a jumper across.


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