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on my defender 90 hard top with side windows in the dark i get a reflection of whats in front of me when i look in the rear view mirror out the back, if you see what i mean

any one else have this anoying reflection

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aah its one of thoes landrover things then lol

its a bit confusing when goin down a country lane and then a car appears in front of you then you think theres one that has appered from out of nowhere behind aswell

i dont think ive noticed it with my pick up tho, then again i dont drive that much in the dark lol

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I'm glad it's not just me. Worse seems to be because I have no rear wiper the rear screen is always covered in road dirt and the reflections can be brighter that the car behind.

I was thinking about tinting the rear windows for security reasons. Wonder if that would help with the reflections?

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looks like it will have to go wuth the list of "deal with it" problems lol

cant drilling and moving something 3 times help like i had to do to a light bar i had on my discovery that was causing a reflecting problem lol?

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The only way i can think of dealing with it is to completely cover the inside of the window with a film, so you can't even see through it, which kand of defeats the idea of it being a window...!

Add to that that it only happens in the dark, and it most likely a case of.... deal with it!

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It frightened the life out of me the first time. Now I don't even notice it or have learnt to ignore it. Funny that AFAIK it has never been mentioned on a forum before, but we all know about it. It's one of the things you get for free with the vehicle, like other drivers that wave :D

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