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Exactly............ its like when there is a terrorist attck, and then the next day the radio and tv is telling eveyone one how it was done......... which in turn tells future terrorists how to do it........... things like this drive me nuts!!

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Frank King (S3, 90 &110 club) was the one interviewed that was talking about the defenderwatch thing, think I read a small news article in one of the mags a while ago about it but don't recall seeing anything more of it since.

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Exactly............ its like when there is a terrorist attck, and then the next day the radio and tv is telling eveyone one how it was done......... which in turn tells future terrorists how to do it........... things like this drive me nuts!!

Hang on, we’re talking about a rural affairs magazine programme highlighting that the attention of the thieving classes has turned from farm equipment to Defenders, not how to put together an IED! The media in general and the beeb in particular never give technical details, (One suspects that it’s because it’s beyond the comprehension of journos, editors or lawyers!).

What do you suggest as an alternative, that they don’t report on this? That the government monitor news reports and remove unacceptable content…Do you really think an extremist is going to watch a News 24 report and think, yes, I could do that? Because I respectfully suggest that someone (be their intentions criminal or worse) who gets their information and/or inspiration from mainstream media is doomed to fail and hardly a threat to us.

As far as Countryfile goes, about the most interesting technical detail was the time-lapse sequence on stripping what was clearly a rolled Defender –showing how quickly it could be done if you know what you’re doing. But I reiterate my point that no toe-rag is going to have watched that report and thought “Yes, I know, I’ll stop nicking x and start targeting Defenders”, and if they did, would probably fail at the first farm-gate-shaped hurdle.

But kudos to the BBC for finally catching up on this (Disclaimer: am not up early enough to listen to Farming Today so may have missed earlier coverage…)

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Pros and Cons (sorry) really,

Does need highlighting about theft but like most programmes, if you have an interest in a given subject then it only tells you what you already know,

Message must be as always to make sure your Defender is as secure as possible,


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Just watched it - and I'm not sure what the fuss (above) is about? Nothing said was exactly a trade secret! I think on balance it probably did more good by increasing peoples awareness of the issue.

One of my friends (Angela) had her 90 stolen a couple of months ago. It was recovered (damaged) a little later less than 10 miles from her home - which goes to show that not everything stolen ends up being shipped abroad within minutes.

I think we have been indoctrinated into thinking there is no point in doing anything because the parts will be overseas before we even realise it's been stolen - so nobody does until it happens to them!

There was a thread a while back http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=56887 where someone suggested a mechanism for tracing stolen parts. Unfortunately they were largely shouted down over peoples worries about security or practicality.

I'm quite tempted to build the application I talked about on that thread as a means of identifying stolen parts & vehicles. It would lend itself quite well to an iPhone / Android App too.


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