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Rust removal from small items. Anyone tried this?

Orgasmic Farmer

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For a larger container stack some light weight building blocks on the drive or patio to form the walls of a container big and deep enough to take the component. Lay in a sheet of damp droof membrane and then fill with water and salts.

I don't think it would do a chassis though unless the blocks are mortared in place first.

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For a larger container stack some light weight building blocks on the drive or patio to form the walls of a container big and deep enough to take the component. Lay in a sheet of damp droof membrane and then fill with water and salts.

I don't think it would do a chassis though unless the blocks are mortared in place first.

what an effing good idea.

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Got loads of caustic soda here so may give it a try. What setting on the battery charger should I use.... higher the better?

The more current you get through it the faster it works, you can increase the current flow to some extent by adding more sacrificial electrode surface area. It works very well, but be patient. You'll be amazed at the carp that ends up in the tank after cleaning something. When it's done a quick rub with a scotchbrite pad to remove the black (don't let it dry on it as it's a bitch to clean off otherwise) then get paint on it asap :)

I first tried it after reading about this guy refurbishing his pillar drill http://www.ablett.jp/workshop/drill_press.htm about half way down the page you'll see his attempt at it with a few comments on current.

Anyway bit of baking soda and some electric and watch the magic happen .... oh and try not to explode! ;)

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For a larger container stack some light weight building blocks on the drive or patio to form the walls of a container big and deep enough to take the component. Lay in a sheet of damp droof membrane and then fill with water and salts.

I don't think it would do a chassis though unless the blocks are mortared in place first.

i reckon it would. you would only need to be two blocks high to fit the chassis in there. alternatively, what about one of those cheap kids paddling pools? lay the chassis on top, then inflate the pool around it?

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Perhaps an easier way is to use citric acid. A 5% mixture will get rid of rust in about a day, no need for electricity. Available cheap anywhere where they sell farm supplies.

Here's what I know about it:

1. Make a 5% solution into say, a bucket. I just use my eyes for measurement, still works.

2. Use a wire brush or something to get rid of loose rust.

3. Throw parts into solution. No need for gloves, you could even drink it. Bubbles will start to form on rust.

4. The warmer the solution, the faster it works. Room temperature is fine, next to radiator even better. Mixing it up every once in a while also helps.

5. Once it's done, you can see black pitting where rust used to live. Just rinse parts with water, dry and apply primer. The parts will go brown fast if you don't paint or dip in oil or something.

Put a lid on your container if you want to reuse the solution, otherwise it will develop mold. Or just flush it down the drain.

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