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front series 3 half shaft stuck


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I hope someone can help please - I have my front axle to pieces one half shaft slid out of the hollow stub axle easily but the other side just moves a quarter inch or so - do I use a bigger hammer or am I missing something - thanks very much

PS If it helps pretty much everything needs or will be replaced except the half shafts - all the bearings have had it etc...

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Be a bit more brutal with it, I've just had the same stripping a 2a n/s front hub assembly, it had been stood in the garden for a while and there was rust built up on the stud axle which was holding on to the half shaft. Don't be seriously 56lb hammer brutal with it, but give it a bit more than it sounds like you have. A soak in plusgaz, penetrating fluid, WD, kerry, diesel et al may help too.

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Thanks for the advice...I'll try a bigger thump but did not want to damage the uj's on the half shafts. The half shafts actually rotate freely but just do not want to slide out of the hollow stub axle - just move a bit either way and then seem solid......

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one half shaft slid out of the hollow stub axle easily


Is the stub axle still fitted?

It will need to be removed if so, the shaft and the UJ are one piece and obviously the UJ assembly won't come out through the stub axle!

Edit: Unless I'm reading it wrong and you've removed the stub axle and the shaft is jammed in it?

If he's already managed to remove one shaft I'm guessing he has already worked out the stub axle has to be removed .... or he is blooming strong! ;)

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you need to remove the stub axle because of the CV

Go and wash your mouth out, its a Series, UJ's not CV's :rtfm:

I don't know whether swivels are still on axle tube or the swivel pins are still in the housing, I stripped mine last week with the swivels off the axles, and had this issue extracting halfshaft out the back, in the process of removing said swivel from swivel housing. If swivel still attached to axle, then removing stud axle with half shaft stuck inside it should result in halfshaft being withdrawn at same time, leaving us with the problem of extracting a stuborn halfshaft from a stub axle, just off the vehicle now...again...

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Strange thing is one half shaft just slid out of the stub axle - no problem

stub axle 599826

but as for this one - if you hold the half shaft the stub axle rotates freely and even moves

a little along the halfshaft but only about a quarter inch and then it sticks - heavy thumps

do not budge it but have not tried really serious thumps.

Now half a a ring has appeared at the end near the splines, managed to get the bit out

but is there a broken bit still wedged inside ...

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I'll have to have a look in my parts cat, but I can't think what that would be from at all....

Have you took the swivel off the axle tube or are we doing it the proper way and leaving it attached to the tube to hold it while we undo bolts?

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sounds like the shaft has twisted a little in the splines and where it goes into the diff just might take a bit more shifting than the rest? you tried turning it either way whilst pulling too? just my 2p.

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It's all undone so I just have the half shaft with the hollow stub axle on the end. With me holding the half shaft in my hand and my mate thumping the stub axle - did not budge it ...

sounds like the shaft has twisted a little in the splines and where it goes into the diff just might take a bit more shifting than the rest? you tried turning it either way whilst pulling too? just my 2p.

It's not in the diff......

My guess is (I don't have a series so it is just a guess) inside the stub axle must be a bush or a bearing, over the years either rust has built up on the shaft or the bush/bearing has worn a groove in the shaft and this is stopping the shaft coming out of the stub axle.

Does that sound likely? You have one stub axle and shaft seperated, can you look in that stub axle to check what could hold it?

Just a thought....

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in which case, to get round this, you can pull the swivel housing off the swivel ball instead then, and then it will do the same job. you will be able to pull the shaft out. (and do the bearings at the same time if needed. the swivel ball doesent need to come off.

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Right, if its a 109 V8 axle, it would have CV's, a bronze sleeve and an oil seal. If its post 1980 it will only have the oil seal, which may have had a steel case and rubber inner, as opposed to a fully rubber seal. Prior to 1980 there doesn't appear to have been a seal or a bush. You may have something foreign stuck in there, or it may just be a build up of rust. My IIa assembly took a bit of beating to strip the other week, but it came in the end.

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