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Bonnet Alignment

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Went to get the bonnet catch lined up and bolted down last night.

The bonnet pin is about an inch too far to the right of the catch. The wings look aligned in relation to the rest of the body, and the bonnet is parallel to the bulkhead, yet it looks skewed compared to the wings.

Tried to do some adjustment with the hinges, then found that there wasn't any in there, so abandoned it for the night.

Any known solutions for this?

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Well unfortunatly it's nothing as simple as the bushes.

The pin needs to move a good 1/2 inch to the driver's side, this would need stupid amounts of spacers in the bulkhead so I'm not sure it is that? Everything else about it lines up fine.

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run away? :ph34r:

the catch in the slam panel will move but by the sounds of it thats not your problem.

would they fit right without the bushes for now and then you could see where its misaligned better with the bonnet completely shut.

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To move the bonnet catch 1" would need only a fraction of that adjustment at the bulkhead, less than 1/4" I suspect, try 1/8" as a start and see what you get. Washers are probably in the order of 1/16" each. If the door gaps start looking very wrong then you may have to consider if the front panel/and wings are in the right place...


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Did some measuring last night:

The pin is approx 3/4" too far to the nearside (right when looking at it) of the catch.

I marked the centre line of the chassis, and the bonnet pin is about 1/8 too far to the right of that, and the catch is a good 1/4 too far to the left (offside).

As well as this the hinge pins on the bulkhead are about 1/4 to the nearside.

So to fix it, the offside wing needs to shift a fair amount towards the centre, but it is right up against the chassis mounting brackets.

Can't see what to do really, short of denting the wing to move it more and perhaps filing the hinges an 1/8 and hope for the best. The bulkhead is 5ft across (approx) and the distance to the catch is 44", so a large amount of offset from the outrigger would be needed, which would mean the doors won't shut.

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I had this issue when i replaced my bulk head on my 90. the only way i got around it was to slacken the bulk head on the relevant side and i used a ratchet strap to pull bulkhead back then tightened the bolts.. This still wasnt enough to align the bonnet so i made the bonnet hinge bolt holes bigger on both sides so i had some movement, mine aligned nicely after that and the door alignment looks good too.. I put it down to the bulkhead twisting after it was galvenised.

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