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LRO show

Paul Humphreys

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shame to hear that but not having a thermostat fitted would make the engin run cooler rather than hotter, as the water flows constantly rather than restricting it till the opening temp is reached.

All the same poor show from them.

I could be wrong but its somthing to do with the water is not restricted there for it can't take as much heat out of the engine as it passes through too fast or somthing along those lines...

There were some other stand that were good though...

On board air has inproved looking at the matt lee stand

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It was indeed a really nice show :)

Great people, lots of beer, and a fried breakfast when I arrived at 8am on Saturday morning :)

Only downer was I had to leave on Sunday lunchtime as No1 son broke his arm and had to have an op to have it wired up - still he is fine now :)

Many thanks for all the kind comments about MogLite - makes it worthwhile :D:D:D

I'll update my webpages as soon as BT stop farkin with my webspace :angry:

But for those of you that couldn't make it


I've uploaded my other show piccies - okay Shires/MogLite and Unimogs !! to


Gotta go - MOT man is a calling


eye for detail, one of your front tyres is on the wrong way round

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Managed to get down to the show on Sunday morning for a few hours. 1st LR show I have been too so difficult to judge against any of the others

Picked up a few bits and pieces, but was suprised at how many of the traders did nt have stuff for the TD5, and I don't think the stuff I was looking for was too extreme


I wanted a set of diff guards and nobody had them for the TD5, which is a pain as I have to order them and have them shipped to Dubai, was also looking for a service kit same story

Never mind though enjoyed the few hours that I was there

Good to catch up with Bruce on the Tomb Raider stand and to see so many TR's turn out for the show, they all looked clean and shiny compared to mine

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Bad enough no one else thinks our club stand worthy of a mention here Jason, but YOU?

sorry i missed you.



Post ammended, I don't want to get on your wrong side :D

Did come back to the stand but I think you were all off driving somewhere, could nt wait as I had a flight to catch

May be see you next time


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Moglite was just awsome! The photos I've seen so far just do not give it credit (...)the level of engineering & attention to detail is impressive.


It's clearly in true Andy's style.

Just spotted these:




I would never imaged it would have looked so neat in the end.

Nice job!

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But for those of you that couldn't make it


Wow. I haven't seen a picture for ages, it looks absolutely amazing :)

Did you go and park it on TOP of the Scrap Iron stand and say "Now THIS is how you do something in orange boys!!!" :lol:

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