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Who would have the machine? Basically I can get good performance; but I'm having very poor mileage and assume it is something in the aneroid/pin ratio since I've been though everything else but as a larger issue I have people bringing them in and not knowing if they've been messed with, etc.

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And seeing as you are in Canada and mile and gallons have not existed for 35 years, why not let's talk is units that exist.....

They bloody exist over here old boy, what what now!

Damn metric system etc. etc. *grumble* *grumble*

In all seriousness, 24mpg does sound a bit low. Should be hitting 30mpg without serious issues, though you are driving quite fast if fuel economy is your gain.

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I thought the UK used liters......

We reluctantly use litres for things like buying fuel etc. but we buy our milk and beer in pints and our roads are in miles, yards, feet and inches (and our railways are in miles and chains!). I'm sure eventually the stupid metric system will stick it's ugly head in everywhere though :(

I was of course speaking in English gallons. Seems 24mpg in American is the same as 30mpg in English, so that's actually about right :)

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I get 30-32mpg out of mine in normal use, exceptionally 34mpg on long drives or dropping into the high twenties if doing lots of off-road work or short journeys etc.

A Td5 should give 25+ without any significant problems.

You're not that old Retro...Incidentally roads are (designed) in km, have been for years, it's just the road signs that are still in imperial units.....

I know, I was just brought up in a very anti-metric household and it has stuck in my ways :)

Indeed the roads are laid out in metric, those "mile markers" give it away :(

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The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it.

Dragging this thread back on-topic:

First of all, do have a read of that pdf that Eightpot linked to, very informative...

Can you not look at another person's (unmessed-with) FIP and set your adjusters to copy that? I can't take any pictures as am working away at the moment.

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