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Bumper fitting

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This will sound silly but anyone got any tips about re-fitting a bumper since I have just spent 90 miserable minutes trying and failed! I got new captive nut block for both sides and can get one side to sit in nicely but the other side simply refuses to line up. The steering guard makes it all a tad harder too!!

It may just be a case of needing patience and a handy swear box but I wondered if there were any recognised "expert" tips?

I only wanted the original back on whilst the nearly new winch bumper is being sand blasted and then powder coated. Then I guess I will have exactly the same problem as before.

Thanks and best wishes


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On all mine there has been a plate, which is basically a small piece of steel about 4/5mm thick with two tapped M10 holes in it. This is held to the bottom of the bumper by a think metal clip type thing. A pair of M10 nuts/washers welded on would do the same job.

Using normal nuts/washers would be a bugger, not much access through the dumbiron! Hence the design of the captive plate I guess.

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Yep that is what I have got but can't say it makes life much easier. Lining them up is a nightmare. Even thought of using a spot of superglue but if end up in the wrong place for a proper lineup then in an even worse position.<br />Guess the swear box will get filled!

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The bolts I had for fitting my bumper had a tapered point on the end to help with alignment, went on without a hitch which was handy as it weighed in at 75kg with the winch sitting in it. At the risk of stating the obvious ... don't tighten any bolts till they are all in.

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As Cwazy says, make sure you don't tighten them up at all before you have them all in.

The nut plates can sometimes struggle if the bumper material is thicker than standard (it cants the plate over). But this shouldn't be a problem. If the clip has been used on an aftermarket bumper that's thicker, it may not work so well on the standard thickness.

On mine I put the bumper in place, then without the clip on the plate held one end and started the RH bolt. I then used that to turn the plate to line up with the other side. This was because the FirstFour bumper mountings are thicker than the standard LR.

Id have chopped the jacking points off mine if I didn't have a galv chassis.

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I simply chopped the jacking point off the dumb iron and used nuts on the bolts, makes a horrendous job easy peasy

I have jacking points in my winch bumper though so no bother to lose them!


Good plan! I cant use the damn things anyway as the bull bar would stop the silly standard jack from reaching them. I carry a disco jack, so they arent really needed!

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