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Wot No Boost ????????

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Hi All

A few years ago i bought a 200 Tdi Defender 110.

The turbo was a bit noisy when i got it but it still ran ok, so i wasnt to bothered about it, although it did struggle a bit on hills.

A few months ago i decided to check the boost pressure, and turn it up a bit. anyway i had 0.5 bar boost no matter what i did with the waste gate actuator, so i concluded the turbo must be shot, because it made some alaming screeching noises when you booted it.

I fitted another turbo this weekend and the boost pressure is the same 0.5bar ! The guage I am using is a good quality one so I trust the reading.

The waste gate moves freely when disconnected from the actuator and i took the exhaust manifold off the check that the waste gate is actually doing its job.(it looks ok)

The intercooler and pipe work is free from leaks and If I take the top intercooler hose off there is tons of air coming out when the engine is reved up..

So now i am stumped, where am i losing boost pressure.



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I fitted a vdo gauge to my 110 last week and I can confirm what Retroanaconda said, on the drive it will just about reach 10psi (about .6 bar) with the manual boost controller fitted and adjusted. At full chat in 4th at 3000rpm I'm getting a steady 14psi.

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The boost was measured up a fairly long hill. Even if the guage is faulty(witch I doubt)It still wont pull very well up hill.

I know its a 110 that is ment to be sliggish, but I shouldnt be down to 50mph on a uphill section of motorway.


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If all the pipes seem fine and the actuator is working correctly I'd probably say its the manifold gasket. Mine was completely burnt through between cylinders 2 and 3 at the bottom... Had the same symptoms as you ( didn't have the gauge at the time!!

My one piece of advice... Take the turbo oil return off at the sump... 28mm... Getting it back on at the turbo is an unbelievable pain in the hole!

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I had a similar issues when I first fitted my 200 I had a tiny hole in my boost pipe which didnt help. I fixed that and things improved a little but it was changing the injection pump that sorted it now with the pump and wastge adjusted I get a 0.9 bar and pulls well.

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You can pressure test the inlet with a bit of creativity (or buy a boost leak tester from ebay)

Essentially, you want to attach a bung to the first boost hose off the turbo (or to the turbo intake if thats easier), and have a schrader valve installed in it, then simply "inflate" the inlet with an airline. You'll instantly hear any leaks.

I guess you should also check the boost line to the injection pump isnt blocked or torn.

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Now that fuelling has been mentioned - surely that and boost are interlinked, so if the fuelling is incorrect for whatever reason, you wont reach correct boost. I agree with the others, first place to look is the pipework. Then perhaps alter the fuelling and see what happens - perhaps a previous owner 'turned it down' for economy? Seems odd that the wastegate actuator rod alterations made no difference though.

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A partially blocked exhaust might inhibit the turbo.

I checked this as best I could. Plenty of crud coming out the pipe when reved up and a good flow on idle. The exhaust down pipe has plenty of exhaust sealant on it so it looks if it was taken apart at some point.

I'll take the injector diaphramm out when i get a chance and check it for holes / splits.


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