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Windscreen Rubber seal

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At work and having a blond moment, going to book the fitter to fit windscreen monday and I have a new main seal

But for the life of me I cant remember if it needs a filler strip ?

Dont want to book it and find I need one

Is it worth getting him to bung some sealer in a well as these are known to leak at the best of times lol

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"Is it worth getting him to bung some sealer in a well as these are known to leak at the best of times lol"

In the 15-years I have owned my current 90 I have never used sealant and the screens (there have been several) have never leaked.

If the frame or seal are damaged then yes it might be necessary and also if the seal isn't seated correctly again it might be needed. If the condition is good and fitting carried out correctly then it should be leak free.

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I left a windscreen company to fit a new windscreen in my 1989 defender with the seal. Came back to find it fixed in eith that adhesive silicone stuff. No leaks etc now but I am not going to be removing it should it crack. Ill be taking it to the idiot that put it in. I would try and keep sealant to a minimum mainly for ease of removal should you break it

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Not when you break your brand new heated screen, which i did.


Hence why I'm buying one fitted( because I dont have one to fit), they break it they they replace it,

I fit, I break it - another heated screen to pay for !!!

It it was a second hand I had and unheated I would have no hesitation fitting it

Cheers chaps

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How much did it cost Mo? I'm in the same spot, got a genuine screen for £150 and want to fit it, but afraid of breaking it! Are these companies still covered for breakages even if you supply the screen and rubber?

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I've found that some of the screen rubbers just don't fit, same as quite a lot of the pattern parts these days, but it usually ends up in a cracked screen when you try to get the glass into a rubber which is too fat for the gap.

I only use Britpart screen rubbers now, they fit really nicely - I can't remember if it's Bearmach or Allmakes I've had problems with, but they just would not fit and cost me a few broken screens.

Craddock were selling Britpart windscreens for about £20 (collection only), and with a Britpart seal it's less than £35 all in to change the screen.

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