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Defender 110 Abused by a Pinzgauer in a Crash


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Defender 110 abused by a Pinzgauer in a Crash

I’ve just come back from a full weekend of laning that nearly started in utter disaster.

If you’ve seen the recent video of my vinyl wrapped Defender 110 you will know I’ve put a lot of work into it.


Right at the start of this trip, which was led by a Pinzgauer, the bloke driving decided to take his handbrake off and forget he had a brake pedal. It wasn’t the vehicle owner I hasten to add but someone ‘having a go’

A 3 ton Pinzgauer gun truck and a 110 don’t mix that well funnily enough!

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I dont even want to ask the insurance question. I'm insured for laning as is the Pinz but I suspect as his mate was 'having a go' we might have a problem there! So far though the blokes being stand up about it and has said he will pay for all the damage. He did seem a really good guy!

I reckong about £200 to the Pinz and parts alone for mine about £650

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Nightmare - I hope it all plays out in a good way for you.

Re-reading my message just then - sorry if sounded nosey or blunt - I was just putting myself in your shoes and they were my first thoughts.

I almost had the same situation when 110 'monster' truck ran away and would have ploughed into the back of my 90 - kudos to the owners athleticism though he managed to get in it and brake with his hand on the pedal.

The only other was a scar down the side when my friend was driving. Nothing done with that.

Poses the question though - what happens when there's damage.

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Its been hit by a 3 ton plus truck with a steel nato hitch spearheading the charge. I've then gone on to complete a full weekends laning. Its done brilliantly mate. Nothing in the engine bay is damaged. I dont think you could put anything there that would take no damage

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It's clearly the weight that does the damage!

I'm still trying to get my wallet and wife to the point to buy a Defender 130, atm. driving a Ford Transit mk5 2.5di (year 1999). I was hit on the highway by a Fiat Uno at ~ 65 km/h (~40 Mph). A devestating blow, fiat leaked fluids everywhere, smoking ... completely trashed. Transit had a firm dent in the bumper that was straightened by abusing a heavy steel hammer.

Good luck fixing this unfortunate event, and lucky the protective bumper and bull bar where doing their job or you'd likely have to fetch a new hood, radiator and g#d knows what more.

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Its been hit by a 3 ton plus truck with a steel nato hitch spearheading the charge. I've then gone on to complete a full weekends laning. Its done brilliantly mate. Nothing in the engine bay is damaged. I dont think you could put anything there that would take no damage

Fair point... :closedeyes:

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On reflection there wasn't. It was right at the start of a laning weekend and part of me just wanted to be sure there was no serious damage behind it. Also if I'm honest, whilst I've been laning for years, I'm not the most mechanically minded and I was taking some advice from the guys on the trip.

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So I’ve been really lucky with this issue. The guy responsible eventually paid me about half the cost of the damage but then First Four off-road saw this video and have very kindly offered to help me out with a new bumper. After the original one protected me so well I’d be a fool not to take them up on that.

The original one has in the meantime been fixed to a large extent and I’ve put it on ebay today, in case anyone is interested.

All’s well that’s ends well I guess. Didn’t think my videos would ever get me this kind of result.


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Its a bit awkward mate and I don't want to air too much dirty linen in public. Lets just say it ended on a very sour note and our opinions on the damage differed significantly.

A week after the accident I was getting no-where and then when sifting through my video footage I found a camera had captured some in cab audio from the Pinzgauer and it kinda sent me over the edge!

I was a bit frustrated and to amuse myself I made this comedy video which includes said audio.

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My insurance says accidents must be reported within 48 hours. The guys in the car agreed to pay for the damage straight away and all was well on the weekend. It was only later, days later, issues arose. I have doubts about insurance companies and green lanes. I could just see me losing my no claims or something!

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Haven't had chance to watch your video yet - but I'm really sorry to hear it turned sour :(

I didn't know that about reporting an accident within 48 hours either. I wonder how that works if you're not in a position to ? Years ago I was knocked off a motorbike by a drunk driver and had a bleed on my brain. I wasn't capable of speaking to an insurance company for a lot longer than 48 hours.

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I guess in that case you go with a police report as notification. Don't get me wrong I'm not 100% sure but it was an awkward situation. While there was a chance of getting cash from the driver it felt better than risking a claim and perhaps an insurance company going knock for knock. In the end I'm unlikely to be out of pocket so that's the main thing.

Sad that I was let down but there you go. You live and learn.

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Did the chunky bumper damage or bend the chassis mounts in all this?

The bumper rotated slightly on the chassis bolts and the A Bar bent back slightly. The winch plate also kinked a bit but it's all gonna back pretty much other than a kink in the winch plate. Plates nice and flat though.

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