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4x4 Show survey

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I was of the opinion that all the landy shows were the same and you went to the one nearest you? Traders have said to me that there are too many to make it pay, especially if it means de-stocking their shop on the friday & saturday which are trading days so I'm sure a 1 day would suit them better. I don't know about others but I'm not a festival person so I don't want to camp for a whole weekend and with my offroader being offroad only I don't even go in that.

You say the extreeeeeem (yes, that is the correct way to spell it :ph34r: ) stuff is killing it, but I have no interest in looking at a line of 200tdi discos with at tyres, spot lights and flashing lights. I want to see what innovation people have done - either manufacturer or individual. One of my favourites was when the part built Mitsubishi with hydraulic everything was at Donnington. I've probably only been to 2 shows in the last 4 years as it's a day looking at basically the same stuff that you could spend doing something else.

There was no Every Man Challenge at KOG its only running at KOV this year (plus have you been to Scotland, Croatia feels closer :ph34r: )

Why not have a show or "festival" that is like a big play day weekend like they do in the south of France, I can remember the name of it now but it looks fun.

The traders are all there too but they are not the only reason to go to the event..... I guess location is the restriction for this sort of thing in the UK

They tried to get that going with the TOR live events at KORC but from what I saw (& this is only my personal opinion from outside observation) KORC put on the play weekend, the catering, the toilets, camping, showers, ran the competitions & evening entertainment & even got a 360 to go around the entire perimeter of the site to make a shiney route. TOR brought no stands, prizes or traders, you wouldn't know they were there, they even stayed in a hotel down the road!

The traders won't come until it's established and they know they're going to get a decent amount of sales so someone has to be prepared to do a lot of work for a loss to get it established or build it very slowly.

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Why not have a show or "festival" that is like a big play day weekend like they do in the south of France, I can remember the name of it now but it looks fun.

That's why I mentioned the Welsh Xtrem. OK, it does have 'EXXXXTREEEEEEEEEM' in the title - but to me it felt more like the Belgium National than any event I've been to in the UK. More of a Festival than a simple competition.

Some of the sections were definitely quite severe - but others required a good degree of technical driving skill other than just winching. What made it special, in part, is that the event was designed to cater for spectators as much as competitors. And there were a LOT of them!

There was high quality catering and a bar on site - and I thought it had a nice friendly feeling. The organisation was very slick and I had a great time!

I don't know if it is part of Nobby's plan - but I thought it could be turned in to more of a 'festival' including other things for spectators to do when they are not spectating.

I agree with Fridge and HFH - that much of the 'Extreme' stuff is just pointless and it's becoming a competitive 'Bank Balance' sport which is out of the league of what you and I can achieve. But I thought this was different.

Don't get hung up on the 'Xtrem' in the name!


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Something that I have enjoyed at camping weekends at P&P sites in the past is when they organise sample competitions, for example a single stage from a trial, a punch hunt, a single stage from a winch event, blind drive etc just so you can have a go rather than win anything.

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I swear people spend more time fettling than actually going places, due to this perception being peddled by Foleys et al that your vehicle needs to be able to survive WW3 before you leave the country... Read "Appointment in Zambia" where a couple with no experience managed the trip in a Hillman Hunter...

There's a large proportion of the population that believe buying the right equipment is as important as "just doing" and learning as you go. All the gear no idea, etc.

To make a comment on Foleys, this article http://foleysv.com/foley-sv-in-the-press/expedition-prepared-land-rover-defender and from talking to them, gives me the impression that they're not interesting in selling you a load of bolts ons, but give pragmatic advice based on experience. I get the impression there are a few other companies like this, but there are some appalling offenders; typically the ones that spend the most on advertising and peddle blingy vehicles. The type of people who would by the bling also tend to be the people that are all gear and no idea, thinking that somehow looking the part is the same as being the part.

The rest of just just chuckle to ourselves and look the other way.

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Just filled in the survey and as foreigner I think there is still space in summer for a good 4x4 show but:

- not run by a magazine or a outside company

- run by traders itself

- only 4x4 related stands, no flowers or sweets or other carp just to fill the spaces

- autojumble: yes please

- 2 days if possible with a good camping and toilets

Two years ago we went with about 20 cars from Belgian LR club to Eastnor Castle show run by Mark W (he organizes also Newbury Sortout), it was relatively small show but with lots of potential.

What I miss a bit is evening atmosphere: people still talk about the bbq Belgian D&G organised some years ago in Billing

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Something that I have enjoyed at camping weekends at P&P sites in the past is when they organise sample competitions, for example a single stage from a trial, a punch hunt, a single stage from a winch event, blind drive etc just so you can have a go rather than win anything.

At the risk of being accused of shameless plugging, Shire LRC do that at Seven Sisters / Summer Sisters - set out a load of punches for people to have a go at, some very gentle, some quite tricky, and a few daft ones that usually one or two nutters go for while an amused crowd point & laugh. But, it's all just for fun and to add a little interest to a weekend of playing & camping.

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The only show I can be bothered with now is the Adventure Overland Show. I like it because it's not the same old, same old.

Last year, drinking with some of the Syncro boys, a couple of Dutch bikers and an Austrian bloke with a very big Merc 6x6, I realised that it was the camaraderie the I had missed from the all the other shows. West Wycombe, Adlington Hall and Billing 10 years back; and as Si says, The Belgian Nationals. They were fun and fun is what it should be about; not who's go the biggest shocks/tyres/winch/checkbook

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I went to billing as it's possibly the only show I will get to this year. Met a lot of old friends but people kind of tended to keep themselves to themselves. I'm quite a talkative person when I've had a couple of beers and I used to be able to walk around the show in the evening and meet new people etc. It didn't go down like that this year, there was still social but not like it has been. Although I ended up with about twenty people sitting around my BBQ outside my four man tent. :)

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At the risk of being accused of shameless plugging, Shire LRC do that at Seven Sisters / Summer Sisters - set out a load of punches for people to have a go at, some very gentle, some quite tricky, and a few daft ones that usually one or two nutters go for while an amused crowd point & laugh. But, it's all just for fun and to add a little interest to a weekend of playing & camping.

I've always fancied it but I've never bothered keeping my trucks road legal and it would be a bit of a push to do it for a single event, although long term I'm looking to return it to that level even if I don't mot it.

Kirton offer events at camping weekends but apart from the mud run people tend to be reluctant to take part.

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