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Stretched Truck Cab – Extended Truck Cab

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You may think I'm nuts but I feel the need to stretch, lengthen or extend the Truck Cab on my 110 pick-up by about 4" or 100mm.

For 20 years I was very happy in my van bodied Hardtops and Truck Cab Pick-ups, then we bought my wife a 110 CSW - then a few more - now I'm a 110 CSW driver then we discovered MudRails. Now I don't drive my V8 110 Pick-Up because I don't like the cramped Hunchback doubled over driving position.

One solution would be to extend the Truck Cab by 4" and move the bulkhead back to allow the seats to be relocated - A huge amount of work you say - and you are right - but if it transforms the vehicle, and I go back to using it as my daily driver then maybe its worth the effort.

Does anybody have pictures - has anyone done this, anybody got any useful advice?

I personally don't like the look of the crew cab / double cab - It seems the worst of both worlds, and I've looked at using a cut down hard top - but I would prefer a stretched truck cab -

I realise that one you have made the effort to stretch it by as little as and 4" there is very little additional cost or effort in stretching it 12 " or more - but I'd like to keep the look of the truck cab, and not get 'greedy' and spoils the lines by stretching it too far.


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I wouldn't set the extra length in stone, if the intention is to end up with a comfortable driving position, i would remove the roof and carefully drill out the spot welds holding the centre bulkhead. Remove the bulkhead and then fix the seat wherever it need be for you to be comfortable. Then reinsert the bulkhead where it needs to be to maintain your seating position and go on from there adding the rear of the cab and then making the fill in panels by the door and stretching the roof. You might find if you fit mud rails and remove the rear of the roof, the bulkhead doesn't actually need moving as the seat will go back further, then you'd only have to stretch the roof panel and make in-fill panels for the rear of the cab and between doors and cab.

Hope that helps

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I've seen various 'professional' and homebrew attempts at moving the seat back to cope with those of us who are part of the upper-quartile of long-legged/long-armed "Ectomorph" body-types.

The issue has always been with the placement of the shoulder-level seat-belt mount while retaining compliance with UK/EU vehicle type-approval requirements.

If you move the seat-base/back outside the original design-envelope for the vehicle's approved occupant-restraint anchor-points you're freely entering the 'fun' realm of insurance claim-rejection if you [or a passenger] are in any way injured in an on-road accident.

For ~fun~ read "Barristers and Expert-Witnesses are going to fund this year's Mercedes/Bentley from this case, and your insurance-premiums are paying for it".

What I'm saying is "get any change signed-off by a properly qualified insurance-assessor [who will carry at least £5Million professional-indemnity cover] before you do it".

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Thanks ejparrott I do agree the the Foley kit offers the best looking solution - but the cost is insane It is how I want to go though!

Tanuki - To be honest that aspect had passed me by - Id be quite happy to make sure ot was done 'properly' but would be worried by the expense of the properly qualified insurance-assessor have you (or anyone else) had experience of this?


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Tanuki - To be honest that aspect had passed me by - Id be quite happy to make sure ot was done 'properly' but would be worried by the expense of the properly qualified insurance-assessor have you (or anyone else) had experience of this?

It's an interesting legal area: my most-recent experience being a 130 with an insulated/air-conditioned cabin on the back in which we wanted to fit various shelves and racks for scientific-instrumentation/analytic/radio-gear and a seat for an operator.

Taking legal advice we chose to follow the "path of least astonishment" and legally declared that nobody would ever occupy the operator's seat while the vehicle was in motion.

[same as a caravan: it's not meant to be occupied while being towed]

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that's just the ticket that foley kit, but at £1550 they are having a tin bath, I know the costs involved with small batch production of non standard items but surely people cant pay that much! (obviously the power and water companys can, I guess that's the market its targeted at!)

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The North Off Road one is now £114 – and is the kind of thing I’m looking for, though it seems that it fits a cut-down full length hard top rather than an in-fill or stretch piece for a Truck-Cab.

I seem to be having some difficulty negotiating the North Off Road website

I’d like to see some pictures of what it looks like fitted if anyone has any that would be brilliant


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