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TIG Tungstens - Best Explanation & Guidance I've ever seen �

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I got some red ones free with my welder, so I popped them in a draw. I don't know how radioactive they are, but I'm sure grinding the tip down should be done witha proper tip sharpener!

the quote I believe is "mildly radioactive".... i.e. don't breathe the dust in

probably a better link than the general discussion one below: http://www.twi-global.com/technical-knowledge/faqs/health-and-safety-faqs/faq-the-use-of-thoriated-tungsten-electrodes/


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So that all translates to .... buy 2% lanthanated as they are good for everything and then that way you don't need a pile of different tungstens ;)

I got some red ones free with my welder, so I popped them in a draw. I don't know how radioactive they are, but I'm sure grinding the tip down should be done witha proper tip sharpener!

I wouldn't worry about it too much, I assume you aren't welding everyday with them? As Robert said they are mildly radioactive and you have to inhale of injest the dust as alpha radiation can't penetrate the skin.

The risk of cancer in TIG welders due to thoria exposure is very low, since the exposure times to individuals are invariably small. The Danish Welding Institute estimates that of 1200 full-time TIG welders, a cancer incidence of 0-3 may occur during a thirty year working life. While this figure is considered acceptable, the Danish Welding Institute has recommended that thoriated tungsten be phased out in Denmark since non-radioactive alternatives are available.

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I'm using thoriated, I have 20 or so to get through whilst learning, once I've stopped dipping the electrode and sticking the filler to it quite as often I'll splash out on some blue multistrikes

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