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Oil change Horror?

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Well did an oil change on the 300tdi ("95) has to be said about a good 2 months over due. Any way oil drained, new filter on and filled (just under max) with nice clean oil!..... Now empty oil pan into waste drum and i notice a small stone the size say 3mm x 4mm, just for giggles decided to check if it was a stone or something else? Out comes the big magnet and to my horror (No more giggles!) It jumps onto said magnet! Stone now appears to be a bit of metal...

So how bad is this likely to be? As i am now waiting for my beloved LR to fall to bits engine wise before my very eyes.

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Don't see how it could be a valve collet unless there was a broken valve spring? Also, how would that find its way to the sump without causing considerable damage on the way there?

Though I may be talking nonsense as I know sweet fanny adams about these engines..

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Bowie 69 said Cap not collet, these are fitted to the top of the valve stem, and on the 200TDI anyway failed by punching the centre out.

I know he said cap, but I just thought it was the same thing. I did admit to knowing nothing about these engines..

Every day's a schoolday :)

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got a picture of said metalic object, say, next to a 20p for size.

Years and years ago , my ol' dad had a s2a,petrol, and somehow dropped a nut down ' in there somewhere' . Anyway he left it for years, as it didn't come out with an oil change, then finally one day it did, and it was almost completely rounded smooth. He then stuck it on his key ring. Wish I knew where it went.

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Have to say the engine is runing soundly, well soundly as a 20 year old motor can, no strange noises to speak of?

Just check your tappet clearances and you'll know straight away if it was a valve cap..... because you'll be able to push the handle of the feeler gauge through. If it a valve cap replace it with one from turners.

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It's quite common for there to be valve caps in the sump of TDi engines, as there are a few reasons why they are there - timing belt failure, mishap and too lazy to take the glued-on sump off. If it looks like a stone, then I would be more worried at about it was shaped like that as they generally are in good condition when found. they are made from a very hard steel, so it would take some force to distort them. If the engine has run well for a considerable time, then I would forget about it. You could get paranoid about such things :)


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For once I disagree with Les, I think the standard LR valve caps are made from toughened plasticine, -- no where near hard enough for the purpose -- If you are going to replace them get a set from Turner Engineering

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I won't ask.... ;)

They apparently fall down the valley of a RV8 quite easily, and end up rattling their way down past the cam until you hear a 'plop' in the sump oil :)

I will qualify this by saying it was on an old RV8 in a RRC destined for a scrapyard, but it ran fine for many thousands of miles like it :P

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For once I disagree with Les, I think the standard LR valve caps are made from toughened plasticine, -- no where near hard enough for the purpose -- If you are going to replace them get a set from Turner Engineering

I agree, the genuine parts ones are absolute rubbish, and that's putting it kindly.

Any decent VW air cooled 8mm forged cap will do, or an 8mm cap from one of the big valve train companies, I'm currently using US made Manley ones.

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