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T-Max Compressor - Any good?


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It's pretty much as Cynic-Al says - the black box contains a switch which, within reason, doesn't really care what voltage it switches. The compressor has a 60amp relay inside the black end cap of the motor, I just took the switching side of the relay circuit to the black box (pressure switch) instead of to the little switch on the compressor itself, so in my setup the pressure switch is only switching the relay, not the compressor

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@Lewis, What did you use as non return valve? I have bought one of these


In the middle there is the pressure unloader valve which is meant to be operating the pressure release switch on the one way valve. Like in this diagrams


But I can't find any one way valves anywhere with a pressure release like this. No experience with pneumatics so I think I've googled American terms and names for things. So what's that thingymabob called over here??

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Finding a local pneumatic/hydraulic shop is very handy for that sort of thing, just walkin with the bits and ask what they have to join this to that etc :)

Should be able to advise on pipe too, which can be tricky in a car, doing hard line...

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I think I have mentioned this somewhere before, but on my first OBA install I used a plumbing copper check valve. Something like this linky.

I screwed this into a homemade ally adapter, with a port upstream of it, and connected that to the unloader valve.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi all, I know  this might possibly be a dead topic but, I have just bought a Tmax for my Discovery2 and have 99% of what I need to do a nice (hopefully) permanent install with receiver etc.

If anyone did take pity on me, would it be possible for a quick description on how to 'bypass the Tmax on/off switch and wire the relay switching circuit through the pressure switch'. as described by 'Lewis'.

Do I take the Tmax to bits?...is 'bypass; a metaphor!?....I don't know.

I know its a long shot but I would be so so grateful for this information, I love everything about this type of install, and feel dumb as a bunch of rocks for asking for what I'm sure is going to be an obvious answer.

Thanks Guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks Bowie, sorry about the late reply, don't know where time goes anymore. Hopefully getting everything sorted for the install.

Don't suppose anyone knows what the size and type thread for the top of a UK butane cylinder/bottle (ie, Tap to Bottle) is do they?, its a taper thread I've got that far.Had this really clever (F@*%ing stupid actually) idea to use a butane bottle 4.5kg size as a receiver, as its a really nice little shape etc. Problem is I have now tried 3 (don't ask) different sized reducers, 3/4'', 1/2'' and 3/8'' bspt, and STILL no luck. I will be honest I would give in, But it just niggles to do so. Tried the internet and phoning about, but no joy with internet, and no one in shops etc wants to commit to help, safety issues or doesn't know. 

I have got a nice shiny Tmax comp though,and have inflated 'A' tyre, sitting in the study, stinking the house up to be honest, smells like bush fire. 

Anyway, thanks again for all replies.

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Just to ask another question, would anyone have any pics of how they set up their gas bottle/ fire ex as an air receiver that they wouldn't mind posting, just to give me some ideas for the gauges etc. It would be appreciated just for ideas of what 'can' be done.

Thanks again Guys.

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