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MSA / FIA Kill Switches


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Hi All,

Getting a few jobs on the list, one is to fit one of those kill switches that KILL the negine when its running and you turn it off type,

The one I have at the mo doesn't quite do that,

it will kill the engine when its removed engine off,

but it would carry on running it turned off with engine running :( -as such for the Howling wolfe I have to change it

Must be MSA / FAI Approved/ must kill the engine completely when running :)

I have looked at various suppilers, and the prices vary HUGELY

the one I need is the one with the extra bits and terminal between the battery cable connectors,

I used to have one on my old racers ....but thats knackered looking at it after I found it in the shed :lol:

Is this a case of buy a Decent make / not just the cheapest ?

If so which make is the best quality and from whom please ?


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Is the one you have a proper Kill switch at the moment?

In truth "No" I had it as a spare unit it will NOT kill a running engine which a proper FIA MSA one will and protect the alternator too. Mine is not a MSA Approved unit, remove it and the 90 is dead as a dead thing, but, and where it would fail scrutineering - if the engine is running it won't kill it when switched off


You need this one,, From Here never had any problem with Peter's ones

Yippee doo, personal recomendation is always good :)

Price is very very fair too :) ?


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On my petrol truckcab that was built for any type of use but had to pass ALRC comp safari regs, I ended up with a central mounted cut off (the type with the metal key/bar to operate it,about £15 eblag) that anyone inside can reach plus a cable to each side of the truckcab that can be pulled from the outside if needed, (about a tenner each from Rally suppliers), plus a seperate one for the winches (again another 250A metal key type).

That way it should pass any scrutineering, on that subject anyway, plus its safe to which is another bonus.

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Is this a case of buy a Decent make / not just the cheapest ?


IMHO buy a good one and the rule of "you pay for what you get" applies, Ive always found the cheaper ones tend to fail eventually, especially when used in harsh / water environments.

I cant advise a model, I buy mine from a trade supplier at the local autojumble, he wont say who he steals from supplies! He sells them from £12 to £70, Ive bought the £40 model, never had a problem, had many problems with the cheaper ones.

However, regardless of which model you buy, I would advise you keep a spare resistor and a "patch" lead to get you out of a sticky one, Ive seen a lot of these things end a day.

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Ta Western, Hella it may well be then :)

Many of them are Autolec - which I know nothing about,

some are when I phoned the wonderfull "Er theres no maker on the box Sir" type - that will be the 'made in china specials' that will play up - when least needed :lol:

So, Hellas good, .....what about Autolec ?...or any other qulaity makers ?


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Nige,, must have fitted dozen of these over the years, last few from Peter Lloyd, and had no problems,, just looked at the spare one we have, No name on it, but made in Germany

Certainly have used Autolec in the past !! and again no issues

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Autolec ones (prob the best) are a frightening £40 :blink:

I phoned around, many said "Yer no maker its in a white box"

Yeah, like if nobody wants to own uo to making it I 'aint fitting it

In the end got a Durite one, with spare key (cos I am hoplessly messy sod :lol:) and a spare resistor as per istruggletogate11 suggestion :)

£20 and a bit

As Jon White pointed out as I have a pair of silly Hydraulic winches, and not the proper electric ones, the current through the switch will be small, and therefore Autolec prob not needed Durite would be fine

He had a point :)

Ta for the help all


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