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Everything posted by Anderzander

  1. Despite the massive box it looked like this unpacked: It was the box that was 2m tall - the compressor is actually just 1.6m tall. It did topple over when I was trying to move it 🤦‍♂️ so I’ve already broken the plastic air filter - however it was an easy repair. At the same time I bought an 8m retractable hose to tidy up what I have now. I’ve hoses that I join together and that drape over things - with this I just thought I’d use the reel that I can pull out as needed for tools inside or out - or just pull across to fasten onto my blast pot. I may end up having to mount it on the floor though - it’s quite big and there is nothing on the ceiling that would work - and on the obvious walls it would either end up pulling out at very tight angles or interfering with surrounding shelving. So a couple of questions please: would you put a water separator at the tank end and a (removable) regulator at the use end? I think pressure can drop over a long reel so it would seem to make sense to use a regulator as close to the tool as possible … The tank has just a 1/2” female end with a tap - the tap seems good as it gives me a way to depressurise the line. Would you split it at the tank with some sort of manifold and run a separate line for use inside the shed and have the reel for just outside ? Actually what I could do is mount the reel on the door - so it faces inside when it’s shut and outside when it’s open 🤔
  2. I just tried to look on eBay.com - they must have them in the states, but for some reason it looked at where I am and only showed my UK sellers who would ship to the states ..
  3. Edited - Oops thought I’d found something, but it wasn’t 7/16
  4. 8” is the issue - I bet HT up to 5” or 6” would be quite straight forward. Where are they needed for ?
  5. Fabulous picture Mike ! And just after driving Harknott Pass I presume ?
  6. I would think around me it’s probably 50 to 1. It’s a real exception to see one working.
  7. I reckon there are cars you could park under there.. put some neon lights under there and people might mistake it for a garage forecourt ! 😊
  8. If you are patient, wanted to save money, and you don’t need the big amps…. you could look at the Lidl ones ? I have one of the original Ctek chargers and I’m not even sure it’s 1 amp? And it does all my Land Rover batteries….. just not quickly !
  9. Bloody hell it’s a big parcel
  10. Actually with the A-Teams attention to continuity you’d drive into a barn with the Suzuki Carry and emerge, 15 mins later, in the portal’d 109 with a red stripe down the side 😂
  11. If you bought it would you end up making insane weapons from farm machinery after 80’s fabrication montages?
  12. Is the earth from the ECU good? Might be worth running a temporary wire from the earth at the bottom of the seat box straight to the battery -ve. If only to rule it out.
  13. I didn’t realise those 4x4 vans had a low range 👍🏻. I’ve also never seen those side pods … seems there are a lot of stuff available for them ?
  14. To answer that I’ll have to explain what mistakes I’ve made. 😊
  15. Agghhhh !!! Lol I’d have to dig the garden up, chip walls out, and pull floorboards up … we aren’t ready for that. Don’t torture me - it’ll be fine.
  16. It’s a spur from the house - I’ve ordered it now. It’ll be fine 😊
  17. I'm really grateful for the help here - but I think I'm going to go for the smaller one. I think the thing that's different on the compressor is the surge at start up, and I'd rather have a safer margin. I've been running a 3hp motor for 15 years without issue - so I think that tells me my set up has no issue with 2.2KW. I'm thinking if the cable is rated to 25amps - and it starts pulling 3 times its load it'll be approaching 40 amps. Basically I've got a niggle that I can't put to rest. If I was starting again - I'd run 6mm throughout, but that's not an option. Perhaps another factor is that my old one had a 50litre capacity - this will give me 3 times that, which should help a lot with things anyway.
  18. I wouldn’t be able to give it a dedicated RCD - the plan was to hard wire it into the socket circuit. 2.5mm is a minimum of 25A - which at 240V is 6KW - so twice the compressors figure. This is the garage RCD - with a circuit for lighting and one for sockets. The house has this, with 20A for the garage: So I have 2.5mm from the house RCD to the Garage RCD - and 2.5 throughout the B20 circuit in the garage. Do shout if you think that’s not enough - my calcs and research seem to say I’m fine . I’m also aware that kettles can be 3kw - and that the garage has coped with 2.2kw from the last compressor - and about 2.6KW from the old 110E welder. Plan is to order one tomorrow.
  19. A quick google lists the two types as type A and type B But also states:
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