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Cornish Rattler

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Everything posted by Cornish Rattler

  1. As per my other thread I've just fitted my freshly painted roof to my 2a H/Top and with the roof fully bolted down and a new Bearmach screen to roof seal fitted the roof just isn't gripping the seal infact with very little effert I can pull the seal out, any idea's
  2. Fitted the tub and bulkhead today then once its near finished I will tread plate the tub out
  3. Yeah it was really awkward we had to leave the roof outside on the trailer overnight due to having no room for it in the garage the this morning before i went to work we lifted it off the trailer to the floor but still outside just incase it got windy whilst i was at work and son gone out.
  4. Well it was such a nice day yesterday we decided on trying out the new spray gun on the bonnet as this isn't being used then sun got the bug and we ended up spraying everything we had, still got the get the front door half's yet but at least most of it is done now
  5. Well all the paint and everything has arrived inc the new safari rear door so once my holidays have been accepted at work then I can get everything ready for spraying
  6. Thanks everyone, I've managed to order everything I need for the paint after speaking to the supplier over the weekend
  7. Well that's the paint and stuff ordered inc body seals and a new safari rear door but not the door seals as I will have to wait till next payday to order them as well as a few other bit's n bob's that I will need
  8. Hi guys Can anyone tell me what thinners I would need for spraying enamel paint please
  9. Are sorry done everything meant once i've rubbed everything down and will all be getting painted in a few weeks.
  10. Its great when the weather is nice and you can get stuff done like wwashing the roof, roof sides and screen then gave the roof and sides a light rub down but due to the sun getting to me i forgot again with the pic's so i will deffo do them tomorrow.
  11. Been rubbing some of the bodywork down today, still got the roof, roof sides and seat box to do yet but will have to dig the jetwash out as they are filthy, will post pic's on Monday once I've done everything
  12. Not much to report just been digging some of the old bits n bobs that was buried in a corner stuff that's not being re-fitted but new or refurbished parts to order once we get all the bodywork painted in the next few weeks
  13. Thats the one still not to bad then considering it was nearly 10 yrs since i bought my last series exhaust from them
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