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Everything posted by Disco-Ron

  1. Depejnds what the vehicle is registered as i guess.......... most are 'private light goods'.. ie, car.... but best check the V5 to clarify!
  2. tCheck this page for yourself...... be aware that you need to study the small print!!!!!!!!! http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/HowToTaxYourVehicle/DG_10012524
  3. Wicked trip............. if you'd care to share the route sometime, that'd be great...... i can feel a road tripcoming on...!
  4. Also worth checking the engine mounts, sometimes tyhey can break, but still support the engine, but it will vibrate more sometimes, like when its cold!
  5. I would assume that it is sorn, other wise he'd be up for getting a fine for not sorn'ing it...!
  6. The noise was obviously created by the twist in the axle as you cam on/off the power.... something i need to check on mine, as i have a rather annoying clonk, not always, but sometimes....
  7. Or, it could be something really simple and daft like something lose in the back of the truck..!
  8. the mystery continues, as the exhaust inlet on the one for sale is different to those pics, sadly it seems the guy was sold something totally wrong, can you believe there was someone on ebay the other day selling a '300 tdi turbo' but the picture was of an impreza one. . . Some people have no idea. . .
  9. I'd go for the vgt, i think it'll produce better low donw power, which lets be honest is what makes the biggest difference........ high engine revs and land rovers don;t really go together do they....!... (unless your engine has spark plugs........ 8 of them!)
  10. There's a chap in somerset selling a tgv engine, so i pom;'d him on D44 and he says its not the same is his tgv unit either, although i'm pretty sure they do both wastegate and vnt type turbo's..... so maybe this is the wastegate version.......... whatever it is, its certainly not what it was bought by the seller as..!
  11. Flickin heck i'm useless............LOL.... If you put the number on the turbo 712473-0001 into google, it brings up alsorts...... but this one made me wonder.... http://mkgturbo.com/Land%20Rover.asp third listing...............
  12. Tris, its easy enough to check the chassis number, it'd be stamped on the bracket that added to the fornt of the chassis that the jack fits into, drivers side, on the outer side.... if thats makes sense...... a quick wire brush and you should be able to check it...
  13. I have emailed the seller, who stated.. I'm not sure what the model no is but embossed onto the manifold which you can see in picture 5 is the code BR70540168. There is also a small metal plate on the turbo itself which you can just make out in picture 1 which says 712473-0001 which has p/n underneath it. In the boxes below it says 70993370 which has customer p/n under it and a final code of KD0128E which has s/n under it. The turbo also has the name GARRETT embossed onto it. The only other details embossed onto the turbo are M27 and A/R48 and finally a number 5 has been stamped on it. A little digging around has found this page, which appears to suggest that it is for a defender, HS2.8........ somehting i've never heard of, however might it be an hs 2.8 tgv turbo...??????
  14. the 200 disco doesn;t use the 3 bolt flange either, thats the confusing thing..... that has a long housing that the exhaust slides over and gets clamped....
  15. But on my 300, the turbo has the centre of the manifold cast inot the exhaust housing.........................?????????
  16. Just been browsing a well known auction site, and found a turbo, now, it says thats its a 300tdi turbo, brand new, however, it looks more like a 200 to me, as it doesn;t have the central bit of the exhaust manifold built in.... this one has a flange, now, i don;t want to cause an issue by posting a link, but if you search 'land rover defender 300tdi turbo' you should find it..... its in Dorset, not far from me, but nothing to do with me i might add..........!!
  17. From what i can see, the speed rating for those should be an R which is rated to 106 mph............!
  18. you'd think that that was one thing they were good at, what with the size of most yanks..!!!
  19. Judging by the way they've dealt with the front, and left that huge overhang behind the bumper, i doubt it'll be pretty David!!!
  20. If you look at the car when it is actually stuck on the ramp, the rear is at roughly the original height, look at the height of the front suspension of the car behind, now tell me the front suspension is fine, especially when you consider that most of the armour plating would be within the passeneger compartment, not in front of the windscreen....
  21. I reckon the front suspension has actually failed, hence why the fornt wheels are so far up in the arches even though they're over the bump....!
  22. I think i;'d have used one of the big slews in the background with a strop onto the front bumper and just lifted it level... but then, maybe you weren't able to use the digger etc etc.....
  23. Mmm, kind of looks like the fornt end of a disco chassis, but they appear to have cut the front cross member out....
  24. I heard a rumour in Dorset that due to budget cuts, the council are going to downgrade about 10% of the counties roads to green lanes......... you know, the types of lane that only serves one farm and that type of thing..... so we might gain a whole stack or lanes soon...! however, like i say, most of them go only to a farm, and the raods are already legal to drive..... so no huge gain i guess.
  25. YOu also need to be careful on eblag...... i bought a new rad for my 300, and guess what, the picture showed a brass/copper rad, and when it arrived it was in a blue box and has plastic end tanks and alloy core....
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