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Everything posted by Disco-Ron

  1. Thanks Western, i knew i could rely on you... you should have your own special banner with 'forum god' on it...LOL!! So, would you or anyone else with wisdom say that the resistor is blown..??
  2. 96 300tdi... any ideas..??? i have had the binacle out, as i have just swapped the steering column, but i didn;t unplug the switches......... as i couldn;t,...... is there a resistor somewhere that controls the power sent to the motor or what..??? A link to a wiring loom may assist......... Ta.
  3. when you swap the wiring, do you swap the earth aswell..??? dodgy earth on the one not working perhaps..??
  4. So, i noticed today that even though i have longer springs than standard on my 90, the base of the front spring appears to be about 1/2inch too far forward, like many others that i've seen pics of on here, has anyone ever thought about cutting 1/2 inch off the front chassis mounting rubberm then putting that slice under the washer on the other rubber on that side to keep the rubber width the same....??? just a thought, prob a daft one.......
  5. Been there done that....... under the truck, wish i'd removed the diff before i started......! i ended up swapping it in the end anyways as the flange i fitted can't have been right, well, something was wrong as it wouldn;t stop dumping oil,........... ho hum
  6. I personally wouldn;t use stainless, in that situation anyway, as they can be more brittle... therefore more (i think anyway) likely to shear next time they come out..........
  7. Well, not so easy after all, removed the servo, and now clutch master cylinder, . Obviously dash panel and wheel, had to but a groove in the bulkhead to get the car through that bolts to the dash, otherwise i reckon you need to remove the entire dash, still, nearly out now, then i gotta figure what order to get it back together. . .
  8. The thing is, its all very welel having the strongest rods possible, but we're still left with the same size track rod ends...... i sheared one of thos off flush with the end of the rod...... if i'd had weaker rods the rod would have bent.....!
  9. i thought the idea was that green lanes aren't supposed to be 'challenging' . . Thats surely what play and driving days are for? I saw the programme, and whilst i can see both sides points, the residents simply wouldn't listen to reason, one woman collected all the bits of vehicles that got left behind, but i bet she didn't pick up the dog and horse poo that got dropped! If they managed to stop the trail bikes and 4x4's using the lane, they'd want to stop cyclists next!
  10. i didn't want to drill extra fixing holes, plus, as it doesn't take long to got into the chassis, it does't take long toget out should i need to. . Which i won't, cos its new, and extra protected. :-)
  11. I put my loom through my new galv chassis, but in extra conduit, there isn't a clear and meat enough route along the chassis that i would have been happy with, getting a pull cord through was easy, as you can go from one hole to the next and then thread it back through and onto the next, i put mind in the rear and out of the front, however gettin the block connectors out of the hole near the engine bay was very tight, and in hind sight maybe front to rear would be simpler as there are only bullet connectors. . . I found it best not to pull too hard, but feed it as as it comes out, if you do put it in the rear, you must get the biggest connector out of the front first, otherwise the wires make the hole smaller and the connector won't come out, ask me how i know! good luck.
  12. What part of what i said was wrong........ i said i 'thought' it was at Somerly last yr........... and the info about 'clubs' wrecking ares that weren't supposed to be in use was a general statement, not pointing the finger in any one clubs direction.........!
  13. I was gonna say lift pump.................... so, my next step would be to fit a new filter, just in case.... then, i would rig up a temporary supply to the lift pump from a gallon can or similar........ as it sounds as though you might be sucking air in, so its worth taking the temp supply route to see if you can isolate tank or feed pipes...... just for interest, whip the drivers seat and tank cover plate off and see what the pipes look like on the top of the tank!
  14. Hi all, i will in a couple of weeks be swapping the steering column in my 300tdi 90 for another one, is there any tips anyone can give me? Does the column come out through the cab or engine bay? Any tips appreciated! Ta.
  15. All they're bothered about is capacity, fuel type, and engine number, so, fuel type and capacity is the same, so just change the number on the v5. . Well, thats my opinion, . .
  16. A hidden switch is all well and good, but i'd have thought that anyone finding a motor that will crank, but not start would straight away grab apiece of wire and just put a live to the solenoid. . . And then your truck's gone . .
  17. If you want to use something, just use a jubillee clip. .
  18. dealers won 't take more than 9k in cash these days due to money laundering laws.......................apparently!
  19. I'd be ever so tempted to drive down there and get them to actually show you how they would adjust the rear tracking on a solid axle!!!
  20. And the fact that dvla have registered it as a discivery means there was something very messed up about what it was decribed as originally....... most likely a cut down disco chassis under a defender bodywork registered as tax exempt./............... Getting back on track... If you rechassis your existing vehicle as it is, then you won't have any issues...... you could then swap springs etc at a different time, i re chassis'd my truck last winter, and whilst i guess i did more than literally just swap bits, it still took me two weeks, admittedly single handed.... have a look in members vehicles for my thread..... it may b a few pages back by now!! edited to add link.... http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=63300&hl=&fromsearch=1
  21. As a club, we.ve always booked our driving day sites at least 6 months ahead, in general clubs don't advertise events that far ahead, so not ending up with two events close together may not be that easy. . .
  22. Well, i am treasurer for the club i belong to, we have hired a local site three times now, and had pretty good turn out on all three ocassions....... however, the site has also been used by other clubs with apparentky less strict marshalling, and as a result those that want more serious offroading have basically driven into areas and made thier own track into areas which were out of bound....... this has resulted in the site being shut down, and apparently the management company is re-considering its charges, its now expected to be in the region of 2k for one days hire........ now, my club is not in a strong enough financial position to risk hiring the site and then no-one turning up........ so i doubt we'll use it again, which is a great shame, as its yet again the few, that have spoilt it for the majority..... much like green laneing, the reckless ruin it for the resposible ones amongst us...... sadly i fear this situation will only mean that the reckless have fewer places to 'play'.... lets hope they don't decide to 'play' illegally off piste on lanes even more than already happens....... just my opinion, not that of the club i belong to................!
  23. i think it was at somerley last yr................. the site is closed at the moment due to clubs allowing users to wreck areas they weren't supposed to be using.......... and apparently if it does ever re open it will be nearly 2k per day!!!! what club would be able to justify that cost!!!
  24. if your existing chassis is only three yrs old and has the correct number stamped into it, then i'd blast that and galv it. If the chassis you have has no number in it then i'd get a new one and swap the bits. . . My chassis was 15yrs old and rusty, hence why i got a new richards one and swapped it over. . .
  25. The way i see it, a wide angle prop won't last any longer than a standard one if left un greased, if you have good articulation, then your standard prop may bind, this can cause early failure, and won't help, but fitting a wide angle prop won't stop the uj's failing, greasing them will!
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