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Everything posted by Top90

  1. Another reason not to buy LRO. So, the club will be featured because they organise good events, have interesting vehicles or PAID ? To be honest I stopped getting it a few years back. It's just a shopping/parts catalogue now. Just another business pretending to be enthusiasts.
  2. I still don't understand why they don't have galvanised cappings. I think they came back late in TD5 production and then stopped again. I've seen an 05 with them (painted over of course) by my 55 does not have them. Just points to penny pinching to me, like the carp underseal coverage. Moan over. Rich
  3. So if I lock my house and it's robed the insurance company don't have to pay ???? What utter rubbish. Hope you get it sorted and well done for naming this 'specialist'. Rich
  4. I wrote off someones rover 45 on the way to work on the morning of Friday 13th. First accident for many years. Didn't feel much, but did cost me for a new bumper as the old one had a little bend in it. Rich
  5. When I got tyres for my D2 I looked up sizes on Disco2.net (or something like that........) They had a chart of each size tyre which suggested the 265/70/16's which I went for and they looked/performed well with no rubbing. It mentioned the 75's could rub, but in reference to the post above I don't know if P38s can take bigger tyres or not. Mine was an auto and was fine as the 70s don't raise the gearing so much. In fact it used to read 4% under and they pretty much corrected it. Rich
  6. I've had the same problem with the 2 x 300TDi pickups. You sit much further forward in them. I had to bend the headlight switches up as it dug in to my knee.
  7. I think that's 'superguard' MOG which is a polish or spray on coat. Not 100% sure though. I got the impression it was so you didn't need to polish it for a few years. Rich
  8. Exactly the same as before when more than six feet from it. When close it just toned the colour down a bit as it faded a little after a year. Send me an email and I'll send a pic if you want it, rather than clutter up this 2007 defender thread. It's practically impossible to see the covering though. Rich
  9. My brother is a sign writer so he supplied a roll of clear vinyl and we spent a day doing it so not sure what micron value. Was quite thin so it went round the curves but the front corners of the front wings were not perfect. No template, just cover each panel individually, cut off the excess and fold round the edges of the panel. Cost me about £40/£50 for the roll. Rich
  10. No offence taken. I just ordered mine. I'm guessing the legroom issue is down to having a pick-up cab as the hardtop I tried was fine with plenty of space between my knee and the dash, even though I'm 6'3". All the other points will be put down to character, if it was perfect it would be boring. Still have the door catch to pull your back pocket off sometimes. I have always found them reliable when looked after, but my current one did need a set of brake pads after 52,000 miles other than a small glitch when it was a week old that involved an hour in the workshop. Maybe I've been lucky? Rich
  11. When I bought my 55 plate 110 new I had it covered with a layer of clear vinyl to protect from any green lane scratches. Took it off the weekend and it's like a new car. Not a mark on it. I'll definately be considering it for the new one. (just ordered. ) Also a big thanks to MJIbex for his help on a new one. B) Rich
  12. Well, I needed a cubby box in a hurry so popped in there. It must be one of their own as it's not a Mobile Storage Sytems one so they do make some stuff. I have used them quite a bit in the past, but in the last year or two have not used them much at all. Mainly because I now buy from different sellers depending on what they specialise in. I still rate some of their products, but not others. This of course all based on personal opinion. From a business point of view a company with premises in North London will always have bigger overheads than one operating out of a barn in the deepest countryside. Rich
  13. If you are a known customer and you tell them you'll be back they can knock the service costs down. Mine do.
  14. 55 plate, 20.5 inches from centre of wheel to edge of wheelarch brow. Rich
  15. Out of interest any idea what the agent pay as a percentage to the actual cutter? The electric people had to get access, so some of my trees were cut down and the forestry agent only stopped 10%, which I thought was quite good. Back on topic.... run a transport firm. No where near as qualified as most of you, so have to do my own thing. Rich
  16. Modesty, I like it. That's not what it looks like from your website.... Rich
  17. I think Dans is a range rover, so a little bit more aerodynamic. Plus probably has better gearing and at 80kph the engine will hardly be turning. Dan, surely you don't drive everywhere at 50mph??? Rich
  18. I have a TD5 110 with the disco Q gears. Will pull away uphill with a 3 ton trailer fine. Just don't touch the throttle and let the anti-stall do it's job. I do find on a long motorway hill I need to drop to 4th if it goes under 60mph as you drop off the turbo. See the hill coming and keep it over 60 on the speedo and it pulls fine uphill in 5th. Mine is 'chipped' too, that added another 2mpg straight away and made it more perky. Don't suppose you are looking to buy one in a couple of months? Rich
  19. What engine are you running? My diesel defenders are less economical over 65mph-105kph (slightly) or over 80mph-130kph. (a lot worse) Could be down to highway use, speed and wind resistance? Hiclones made no differencce to my 300TDi. Thought I felt a slight increase in the pick up through the mid rev range, but now I'm convinced it was just me justifying the cost. Rich
  20. 300TDi was the first year it went over to a UK driver side air inlet. On older models the air intake is on the passenger side. When I replaced my driver side skin I used a 200TDi one as I didn't need the hole, I had a snorkle. (Mine is a 300TDi) Rich
  21. Both of the ones I've had (1997 and 2005) state 'county' in the description on the log book. Also as said, sunroofs became a chargable option at some time. Rich
  22. You'd probably end up with shoes and drums.
  23. I always refer to it as the 'transit powered defender' when I need to specify which model. When I last spoke to my dealer he was suprised how many non-aircon ones they are selling now the vent flaps have been deleted. Mind you we have not got to the hot part of the summer jet. Rich
  24. Lucky for you or the transit driver?
  25. The truck's fine. We had only done 3 easy punches after an hour and a half before my co-driver finally expired. He kept needing to stop, then he exploded. I think it's the most expensive bit of off roading I've ever done having come all the way from Essex. We only actually did about 40 minutes. But that's life. Rich
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