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Everything posted by Top90

  1. You could get one of Simon's X-Eng plugs and tap it to accept a regular temp sender. Richard
  2. I would go for a nice D2. Had 3 ES's and premiums and very nice, while still quite tough. I took off in one after cresting a small dune too fast and it was fine, got a hell of a bang as the front axle came up and hit the bump stops on landing though. I find the D3 looks too bland, personal opinion of course. Oh, and it's far too heavy / complex. Richard
  3. No differerance at all AFAIK. As Mo said, make sure it's a disco/defender type axle with both shock mounts facing towards the front. Rich
  4. I stuck a disco back axle on my 300Tdi Defender when I bent it. It was a straight swap. Rich
  5. Not that familiar yet... I only picked my new 90 up on Saturday. Rich
  6. Yes, I checked the link, but there is reference to a Td4 ?? Here it's the engine name for the diesel freelander. Hence I was a bit confused. (not the first time) Rich
  7. Got to be white lettering out. Particularly if the truck has a few mods. Rich
  8. Are you sure this is on 2007 models? The engines are now mounted noticably higher than before. Rich
  9. Also means the gauge moves most, so is technically more accurate when you are low. Does not matter that it does not move much if you are full. Every car I've had has been like this, not just Landrovers. I got a surprise from my 07 defender yesterday. There was a loud beep as the fuel light came on. Do they think we are not capable of watching a gauge? Rich
  10. You need wider tyres, they bounce off them then before hitting any panels as the defender has flared wheelarches. I've had a few vans change lane on me like you had. Seems once you are in their blind spot they just change lane and expect the other driver to take evasive action. I don't. Rich
  11. I've been out of the loop for a while. Want to pay, but neither the PM or this thread seems to mention a price... And I can't find the old 'sign me up' thread. So, how much for one DVD and postage? Rich PS. yes, I tried search. Did not show for 'Lagoda' and 'DVD' resulted in no matches at all !! EDITED: OK, found it in classified section. £11 pounds each including P+P.
  12. I'm sure Jez will be along to help soon.... He does the disc kits too. I know becasue I have C303 portals on my 90 and am going to be fitting a disc kit soon. Rich
  13. As far as I know the two rectangular plugs (top of your pic) on the loom go straight in to the back of the radio. One is for the speakers and one for the power. If the radio does not use these universal plugs the wiring kit should go from the radio to these two plugs on the loom. Rich
  14. The MOT or Log book needs the seating capacity. This is the proof to go with the form to Tfl to get your truck exempt. Rich
  15. Good luck to him if that's what he likes. At least it's easy to see in the car park, just like mine.
  16. I had my 12 seater insured with Lancaster, and the 9 seater I replaced it with too. Rich
  17. Just to add... It's not EURO III in full, I believe it's EURO III for Particulate Matter only. There is more than one requirement of EURO III, but only the Particulate Matter requirements apply for the LEZ so some EURO I and II vehicles will meet the legislation without change. By the time the legislation comes out it will be possible to buy an exhaust filter to bring particulates on many EURO I and II vehicles (those that don't comply) to within the LEZ requirements. The filters are currently expensive, but as more people start to prepare for the change and more companies produce them the prices are coming down. Rich (East London PSV operator) PS. Also M1 class (passenger vehicles) station wagons may well be exempt as 'cars' (not doublecab) Copied from website... "Vehicles not meeting the emissions standard could be made to do so by modifying them to meet the Euro III standard for particulate matter."
  18. If you change the taxation class to 'bus' you don't need to notify Tfl as all buses are automatically excempt from the congestion charge. Need 10 plus seats total to do this. However, you may be better to keep it as a PLG tax class as a 12 seater and remove 3 seats in future as then technically a car may not fall foul of the LEZ (Low Emmision Zone) when it come in to effect. It looks at this stage the LEZ will apply to commercial vehicles, so M1 class (passenger vehicles) will be exempt with 9 seats or less. N1 certifies a commercial vehicle and M1 a passenger vehicle. Of course, there could be some changes between now and then, but these seem to be the plans so far. I run a minibus company in East London. Rich Technically with tax class 'bus' you can use most bus lanes too even if you are in your 110 12 seater on your own. Only ones marked for 'local service' you can't. It's a great way to get round and beat the traffic.
  19. I used Protection and Performance. Good fit to the vehicle and good coating. Good excuse for a pic..... Rich
  20. Maybe my TD5 is just a stiff one then. It was from new, but I was expecting it to become loose over time. Even on 57k and 2 years old everything still feels like new. Thanks Ralph.
  21. Blimey, they must be popular with a wait like that. Rich
  22. Are the TD5 and 300TDi clutch pedal mechanisms the same? Both my 300 ones SO much lighter (not much different from a car) but my TD5 one is much stiffer, dispite the fact I've done 57,000 miles in it. Rich
  23. Make it clear that you know what's on it. Those salvage companies (Hewitts,HBC etc..) will take stuff off. When they sell damaged repairables (cat C or D) the spare wheels, stereos and any interesting bits of trim disappear first. Rich
  24. It follows the vehicle in front and with the steering lock off, the front wheels take the path of least resistance between the towing vehicle and the towed back wheels so it self steers. Remember to take the steering lock off. I did an amount of towing with an A frame before I got a trailer (still got the frame) and it's not fun. Bought a 90 back from Yorkshire on the back of a 110. Going along is fine, but any braking suddenly or on a corner will get very interesting very quickly. You really notice the difference trailer brakes make. If you need to brake on a tight corner it will try and push the back of your towing vehicle out and jackknife. Other than slowing it feels fine so stick to large open road and avoid country lanes where possible.
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