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Everything posted by miketomcat

  1. Funny mine says something similar. Mind she keeps adding to the whacky projects list at the moment, I'm not complaining to much as two out of three are vehicle related. Mike
  2. I did think about it but at the end of the day it's a bodge. I can still drive it with the cap loose it's just a little smoke/steamy, as soon as another HG turns up I'll put the other head on. Then I can get some thinking time....... hopefully. Mike
  3. @elbekko I don't think it's the block as cooling system seems to be at normal pressure. I think it's most likely a crack into the exhaust tract as again it seems to be running ok just doing an impression of a steam train. At the moment I just need to get this one running because borrowing freinds or the wife's car is wearing thin. Once it's sorted then I'll workout what I'm going to do with the other one and what in need to achieve that. Mike
  4. Much as I'd love to put something else in time, cost and economy make it prohibitive. I've got to strip the other engine to rebuild it so the head has to come off anyway so I might as well put it on this engine for now. There is a machine shop 3 miles from my house so I'd be silly not to use them. Definitely could of done without this but I'll get it sorted. Just lucky I have a good friend with a spare car to get me out of the poo today. Mike
  5. So I left for work this morning but all was not well. Every time I stopped at a junction I left a cloud of steam when I pulled away, I managed to lessen this by running with a loose pressure cap but safe to say it's dead. I've ordered another head gasket and I'll pull the head off the other engine (got to remove it for the rebuild anyway). Hopefully that'll sort it for now. I suspect I cracked the head somewhere in the inlet or exhaust tract when adding cold water to a hot engine in the Hebrides and didn't spot it before machining unfortunately. Mike
  6. I think that made it worse rather than caused as the engine had been layed up for several years. Thank you for the offer, I'm hoping this engine will last long enough to rebuild the other one (which was always the plan). Then I can rebuild this one for the 110 leaving a spare to rebuild later.
  7. I love the fact you have to cut up a rare ww2 jeep to fit this body on. Perhaps one for @Daan. Mike
  8. The crank oil seals are leaking front and rear which isn't ideal but if it can keep going for a while would definitely be helpful. Mike
  9. And it's running again. I'm still going to need to recon the other engine but hopefully this will buy some time. Mike
  10. No that's freshly skimmed they took .008" off. Mike
  11. The pitting is where the water way in the block end it's common to have some pitting there. This is also where the head gasket blew between but hopefully the skim will fix that. The head has light oil that the machine shop put on it at the moment. Mike
  12. There is a couple of tiny cracks but the machine shop reckon it'll be ok for another 50k. I had it skimmed because the head gasket blew twice in quick succession. Thanks for the offer Jason I'm getting this one running so I can rebuild the other engine. Ed your always welcome but you know that. Mike
  13. My wife has just collected the head so I guess it was fine. 🤞 Just got to refit it over the weekend as I've got to tow a boat on Monday, no pressure. Mike
  14. The disco one requires some irreversible mods to the defender pedal box. Mike
  15. It was only once.....and it may of been this engine. Mike
  16. If your switching from a Salisbury diff to rover diff you'll need a different prop, however a puma prop may fit as they had a rover diff (I can't remember if it was standard rover or p38 type) but it will depend on your transfer box position. Prop lengths here: https://forums.lr4x4.com/topic/87209-prop-lengths/?do=findComment&comment=752861 Mike
  17. It's not like these fussy V8's if there's fuel, some compression and a bit of air it'll run. Mike
  18. I'm waiting to hear. They do jobs in order they come in so it's just a case of wait, hopefully it'll be done by Friday. Mike
  19. Bloody hard work normally. Will was a shires member and on here he had lots of ideas for building a truck bought lots of bits then changed his mind and sold some of it again for the next great idea. Unfortunately he never really made much progress, he is a genuinely nice guy though I have seen him for years. Oh and he had a welding pigeon. Mike
  20. I suspect that may be cost/time prohibitive, but I'll see what they say. It could just be a score it's difficult to tell. Mike
  21. I haven't put a rule over the head but the fact it's gone twice in quick succession is pretty damning. Mike
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