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Everything posted by miketomcat

  1. Solid on the 110 but was considering switching to vented because it would match the ibex and you can get full kits relatively cheap. Mike
  2. It's only been in there 6 months, the previous radiator (also Ali but a different make) managed 4 years before it started cracking around the fins. Mike
  3. The radiator in mine is a supeed granted is for a 200tdi. It's ok for the money but I did need to do some work on it to clear the restricted flow on the oil cooler. Given the chance I'd have a brass rad but they are over double the price. Mike
  4. I don't know what you mean. On the basis I build and run my vehicles on a shoe string, so no an engine rebuild isn't likely any time soon. The 110 needs front discs, pads and calipers first anyway. Mike
  5. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/322978052589?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=geERrVvxRge&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Mike
  6. At the end of the day this engine is old and would benefit from a rebuild, but then again so would the one that came out. Mike
  7. That how I would of mounted the rubbers, but it does seem a little high. How tight is the bolt, does it pull down a bit if you wind it up a bit more? Mike
  8. I have driven with water half way up the windscreen, it's not an experience I wish to repeat in hurry. Mike
  9. Technically the inlet has vacuum as the piston drops until the turbo spools up so theoretically it could draw oil down at and just after start up. Similarly when you shut down any oil on the valve stem and spring cap can run straight down and pool in the ports. It is entirely possible the rings are tired especially as we think a couple were stuck when this engine went in. Obviously if your going to test drive nailing 1.5ton of box trailer on the back is the correct thing to do. so anyway it did smoke a bit initially but seems to of cleared and looks to be better than it was, I guess only time will tell. Mike
  10. I blame the bloke who built it up out of a broken engine and a pile of bits......no wait hang on a minute. Mike
  11. So the plan was to do the stem seals at the weekend...... Somewhere along the line last week I managed to catch covid que a rubbish weekend especially when everyone else went down with it as well. After several days of TV, the upside is I'm feeling better and my 5 days doesn't run out till Wednesday evening. I stripped the rocker shaft off found tdc and set to it the tool copied from here is fantastic. Valves 1,2 and 7,8 all done however the old seals all but fell off, really quite lose. Spin crank 180° ready to do piston 2 and 3, except it won't. It goes solid, try the other way....the same. after a couple of trys it goes over. Valves 3,5,6 again no problem, this time the seals had to be pulled off. Valve 4 has no seal at all, that'll explain the smoke then....I hope. I think it wouldn't turn over due to hydraulic lock caused by the lack of stem seal on valve no 4, but once back together it turns over fine. Starts and runs fine but I can't take it for a run yet. Mike
  12. Sounds like it could be an electric hydraulic pump instead of the PTO driven pump. Does it look like this: https://images.app.goo.gl/P4wiarcoTDGZuFCi6 If it does and it's whining I'd say it's in need of a rebuild but it's likely it's shot. Mike Edit :Having now realized there's some pictures, it looks like the filter assembly. Have you changed the filter?
  13. Christ your going to need a lot of wire for that. Mike
  14. RTV is essentially silicone sealant so it'll cure underwater (though you can wash it away if it rains on the job ). The only difference between letting it skin and not is how hard it is to get apart next time and even that is barely any different. Mike
  15. We have one like this at work filled with acetone. 1000ML 1 LITRE LAB LABORATORY TATTOO VALET WASH SQUEEZY BOTTLE GREEN SOAP https://amzn.eu/d/8UHYz98 Mike
  16. It's alright fridgefreezer is a friend, he has portals and his'll never work either...... Mind he does need to get his muddy from time to time! Mike
  17. Everything has momentum when moving the heavier it is the harder it is to stop. Normally under braking and cornering the momentum is the body chassis etc, however hitting a bump or hole it's the axle. The suspension has to deal with this and with the change from chassis momentum to axle momentum. The lift in height also increases the chassis momentum. On top of this with portals you add a lot of extra leverage. Pah portals they'll never work..... Mike
  18. If I remember correctly you need the flywheel housing off a 300tdi. I suspect you'll also need a 300tdi disco gearbox cross member and mounts. I think they are different lengths around 25mm I believe but that may not be a hill of beans. Mike
  19. Mine is on the outside now due to a chassis swap. As above or cut your hole to replace a wrap some plumber heat mat around the loom but you'll probably end up leaving it in there. Mike
  20. Have you tried un doing the lock nut on the switch and winding it down a bit with the diff locked. A multi meter across the two pins or across pin and switch body (if it only has one) set to continuity. Once the switch is made unlock the diff and check it's unmade. Lock the lock nut and try with the warning light connected. Mike
  21. It is odd that currently the best cars to convert are small light and weight. The same cars that are already quite efficient and if you were to bin all the extra un-nessasary equipment would be more so. What really needs to be addressed are the big "gas guzzling" cars, the only real reason to own anything sub 30mpg is heavy towing. If a sub 30mpg car it doesn't have a towbar (and one that's used) it is pointless as there are plenty of 60mpg cars that will do the same job. The idea of hybriding a land rover through the PTO is I think genius moving forwards. As it allows it to do all the thinks it was designed for whilst theoretically making it more efficient and cleaner. However my big worry is you spend all this cash converting you car only to find it won't be reclassified because it doesn't fit the government box. Mike
  22. The irony in all of this I used to work in a boat yard called bucklers hard, there has been a boat builders there for several hundred years. The main part of the site is a museum showing how the ships were build on the river and everyone needed lived in the village including farmers to feed workers. The timber way grown locally and replaced as used. You didn't need to go anywhere else, you could walk to everything you needed. By the time I worked there the ship yard was long since gone the village became a museum. I couldn't afford to live anywhere near the newer boat yard (slightly further up river) so had to commute from 7miles away. Apparently this is progress...... Mike
  23. Oil mist in the intake you say ....... Yeah about that. Mike
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