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Everything posted by miketomcat

  1. I used the same as western with no issue. I do recall pulling the shafts out a bit to fit the circlip they're not held in the diff so no problem with this. Mike
  2. I have in the past had good results cleaning it as you've said then painting with por15 before continuing to paint the whole car (etch, filler primer and top coat). This lasted for 6 years with no come back (I sold it at that point). The truck was recently for sale again and hadn't been repainted so I assume it's still going strong. Mike
  3. There's no way the led strip lights are 55w, we have some low bay lights at work they were 250w each. We've replaced the lamps with 70w led and they are now brighter. Mike
  4. I have a question, what on earth are you going to do when this is finished? Clearly you get bored easy! Mike
  5. Yeah but that would be boring for us and I love what you do, it make me feel better about not being able to do much at the moment. Mike
  6. It'll look fine, yes you'll struggle to get them all perfectly in line and straight. By the time you've rattled a file around it and thrown some paint at it, it'll be straighter than the mesh version. To be fair you don't strike me as a concourse type of guy but it'll look neat and tidy. Mike
  7. I have been known to super glue nuts to my finger to get them in tight spaces. Taping them into spanners is also common. Mike
  8. My wife understands my need to have a project on the go, unfortunately she's decided next year's project is an extension on the house. Mike
  9. Not necessarily good, one with a knackered bottom end would work. Mike
  10. If it's made from 6mm folded steel and assuming it's braced back into the chassis legs properly then I see no reason why not. Mike
  11. Unfortunately I tend to agree with smallfry. You can't really "add" value to a defender. You can make it more desirable but even then the value only comes from several people wanting it. Prices have definitely taken a slump recently, I think this is due to the trendy lot needing to buy electric cars to keep up with fashion . 6k might be a little low on current prices but unless it's special for some reason I doubt you would get more than 8k if you were to sell it. But what do I know? Mike
  12. I quite agree, I spent many years with my girlfriend at the time camping in a mini Marcos/jem. I reckon the smart has more room . Mike
  13. What are the tubes stuck up on the rear quarters for, other than to fill with water. No wait I've got it, it's so you can push it..... To be fair it's does look quite funky but it's not really practical. Mike
  14. I would imagine it'll need petrol pistons and head at the very least, cam as well I suspect. Mike
  15. What I love the most about this build is, it's being done on a driveway outside with a double garage that is only a workshop (as you can't get the car in there). Yes you have a good selection of tools but most are attainable by your average Joe, and yes you have a good skill set but again that's learnable. You sir are an inspiration to us all and for that I thank you. Now get on and finish it, I neeeeeed to see it finished. Mike
  16. Por 15 tank sealer is fine with diesel I painted 45's tank with it inside and out when we had it. I've also done the front tank on the 110 inside and out because it had a small weep and you can't get them anymore. Don't use fibreglass unless you can line the entire of the tank, essentially making a fibreglass tank inside and even then don't. Fairey power boats used to fibreglass over an aluminium tank now they all have diesel between the aluminium and fibreglass and need to be replaced. Mike
  17. I believe the td had a filter with an input for the return rather than running it all the way back to the tank. Mike
  18. I think it's being mentioned in relation to driving a hydraulic pump rather than the winch directly. Mike
  19. You need something like the middle of these fittings. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/313198934366?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=SyBYxUWaS32&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=rj9sNdGlTqa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Though I'm not sure what size or what thread. Mike
  20. This may help. https://forums.lr4x4.com/topic/87209-prop-lengths/?do=findComment&comment=752861 Mike
  21. Very interesting keep it coming. Mike
  22. I have used por15 with no issues in the past but it's normally been outside. By the sounds of it your only option would be enamel/oil based paints. Mike
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