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Everything posted by honitonhobbit

  1. Hello James, nice to see you are still alive. That is truly awful by the way - new company car?
  2. What is wrong with that? Back in the olden days to go greenlaning, you had to clear the blessed things first. The Ox drove on Exmoor took 8 of us two weekends to clear all the way through. 'Laning in West wales was a long weekend thing for maybe five or six lanes. Those were the days... About 6 months ago I aquired a stretchy strop (Aussie Snatch Strop) - very impressive bit of kit at 8 meters long.
  3. Charles! Plenty! Come on now don't exagerate - one is not plenty
  4. did you try double s at cullompton jimbob?
  5. Paul, PM sent for the sake of diplomacy
  6. I am a full believer in the three course meal. If you are having a dessert then custard is essential. Oh and PB doesn't ever carry any kit
  7. Have to agree with you there Jim (easy!) there do seem to be various types of Bowmotor about - of the two 4.6's in my garage there are noticeable internal differences. Again no doubt about it the XP has the edge on speed. I am surprised at Steves mid range pull statement as I think they have far more grunt, but despite his lack of good looks and appalling dress code Steve is someone I do respect. XP uses more juice and last less time which I suppose is the big thing for me. Bowmotors take the caning (and 300amps at 32 volts on a 24volt motor) and they hang on when any other motor has left the party and gone home to bed. Jim, why do you run Bowmotors - I do notice the other month and was somewhat surprised as I thought you were a died in the wool XP man
  8. Hark at the funny man! Now Jase I can understand but Steve you are an intelligent man so how could you be sooooo wrong. Never mind, no point in trying to re-educate "OKAY STEVE....YES STEVE, THE MOTOR WITH THE FOUR LETTER WORD ON IT, THAT'S THE ONE, WELL DONE, NOW SIT DOWN AND DRINK YOUR COCOA " I find it so sad when so much talent and skill just can't take the pace... Time for Jaso Farr's Home For The Bewildered
  9. Why would that be of a concern to any of us then Jez? It's not like we have anything better to do than try and give a little bit of help to a bunch of amatuer lash up artists
  10. Tony, Been through my 'collection' and nothing the same. Might be worth upgrading to a Bowmotor as the bit will last longer and a brush set is very cheap (as well as being somewhat bigger. Sorry I can't help but I will keep looking
  11. How about a Che Guavaraesque Black on red image of Jez tounging a russian bloke with 'HOFS - freedom from oppression' underneath? Hell if it makes money for the daft I don't care if it's canvas G-strings lined with velcro. What I do care about is too many cooks making a lousy appetizer. Leave the same guys who sorted last years stuff to sort this years and those that don't like it, hard luck.
  12. 1). Check with Jez and co - if they don't like it then they can keep the money and shut up. 2). Do what Cap'n Pugwash did last year, ignore everyones suggestions and simply produce a T-shirt. If some nice bloke like Simon R comes along and throws some money at it then thank him and shut up. Last years logo worked well, change the colour to whatever is cheap but lasts well, any doesn't like it, hard luck, if you don't buy one then you aren't supporting HOFS so you smell and we don't like you anymore and you can't come round to play.
  13. I'm not going to organise it but I will buy a couple. As mentioned elsewhere, I am more than happy to do a nude calender and send it as a download to anyone who won't buy a T-shirt. I can probably get the like of Moglite, Will Warne and Dan Wallace to help me on this so no pressure then
  14. Jase my local is The George in Middlezoy. We have a Kingston Black orchard down the way at East Ling
  15. Little lesson here old chap, this is an X-eng product. God uses X-eng products. If Simon says it's up to the job, then there is no other alternative.
  16. Sound advice from my learned friend Oh Jase, four guest ciders at the pub the other weekend including a rather delighful Kingston Black form just down the road
  17. My 100" exits before the rear X member but points downwards and was SVA'd like that. Both Auverland A£'s and G Wagens have exhausts that exit before the start of the rear wheel arch
  18. Or fit a set of SuperPro and not worry about it!
  19. Jez - his ability to avoid buying a round is legend as is his attitude to life Pete Rowe - One of the two greatest compers this country has ever seen, nice bloke, brilliant mechanic and someone I hugely admire Shelby - Just a genius, one of the Gods of Motorsport Gengis Khan - a genius Parmenion - greatest tactician the world has ever seen and the man responsible for the concept of the modern military Miamoto Musashi - Poet, Artist, Writer, lethal killer, tactician All the blokes on the First Overland trip - truly British chaps from a time when this country was still Great Obersturmfuhrer Trembath - possibly the most forward thinking organiser in the British Challenge scene, James has overcome his many handicaps (short, ugly and a carp driver) to build the foundation of a truly workable series of events and competitions. Despite having many of his ideas copied, sites overused and name abused, he gets on and does the job. If James ever stagnates then I think the sun will rise in the West. Will Bowden - Possible the best off roader it has ever been my pleasure to meet. Pat Willis - One of the greatest compers to have got behind a wheel, but down to earth and living in the real world Matt Neale - No sacrifice is too great, he will bend over backwards to help in just about any situation, whatever the weather and he rarely stops smiling. If more people were like Matt Neale the world would be a far better place.
  20. Jez Pete Rowe Shelby Gengis Khan Parmenion Miamoto Musashi All the blokes on the First Overland trip Obersturmfuhrer Trembath Will Bowden Pat Willis Matt Neale
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