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Everything posted by honitonhobbit

  1. No it's not. Dave, Fantastic bit of kit. One of Come Up's senior chaps decided to take the best winch on the market, improve it and then get it made by once of the best engineering factories in China. If you likes your EP you will love this baby.
  2. Shaun, admit it, you set fire to the truck as an Xcuse when you saw the standard of competition!
  3. Spoil sport! James, I will let you into a secret. Sunday is Mothering Sunday AND my mother in laws 70th birthday. If I were to event THINK about spending Sunday enjoying myself I would be on baby duty until Daisy is eighteen - by wich time I will be knocking on the door of 60! Enjoy your playboy like existence while you can and thing of me stuck in a pub having lunch with my mother, mother in law and wife, my brow beaten step father and my still rebelling (after 44 years) father in law for company and my daughter being spoiled rotten by all and sundry so one will be bouncing off the walls and the other will be filling nappies, for Daddy to change, like a small pooing machine... A DRD should be on Fathers Day
  4. "Ps: Please anyone who is breaking ropes regularly, look at your bumpers and fairleads, then at your winching techique. There is a reason for breaking ropes and usually it is something simple like a sharp edge in your bumper, angle of the dangle, or damage to the rope itself, always pays to check just to be certain." Good on yer Jim, top grade advice and bl**dy common sense, shame so few people have it. By the way your SS was far better than the comedy due of Jase and Lard, best laugh we had all day...
  5. No. I would shop around first, find equally good equivalent bits or dump the dross and do it cheaper or better. But then that's me!
  6. Dobinson's are the original Aussie afetmarket spring guys - the guys behind OME, the far superior TJM, King and many others all started out life working at Dobinsons
  7. More Sedgemoor Hobbit - 'tuther side of Westonzoyland
  8. Ben, I see you have Bogwater on your sig, where are you now? I only ask 'cos I am 'tother side of Bogwater...
  9. Oh god not another one! BTW your legal on road payload is still 1 tonne unless go through an SVA to give it a new agreed payload and that would mean chassis mods, suspension mount mods, different axle blah blah
  10. I find them useful for scourcing interesting products, then finding the supplier and buying direct or blatantly copying
  11. And every month you see a truck that should have been checked for SVA by VOSA Oh and Nige, Scorpion can do very good service, just as Devon can cock up sometimes
  12. Must admit I thought it was a different cam as well - hence the increase in power. So how is the increase achieved?
  13. When I was doing my middle year back in the dark ages, I worked at a Botanical Garden in London. Six weeks of my 'year' was spent collecting Bromeliads and ferns in South America. Great place, been back a few times. Columbia, Patagonia, Argentinia, Peru, Panama, Chile, Belize, Guatemala et al. I have stood and looked at the Darien from both sides and flown over part of it; read the books, got the maps, checked out the CIA website. Scares the poo out of me! But I would be up for it.
  14. Petrol is the Devils Fuel and you WILL go to hell for using it
  15. I'm employed, paid for an 11 hour day but I usually do 12. Sorry to sideslip the thread but there's a hell of a lot of us employed folk would love to work a nice cushty 40 hour week! As for the thread: 1). Ginge runs a business. The 110 and the 90 are adverts for his business and as such are the pinacle of 'bolt on' simple thinking. That's what Ginge does and by God he does it well. The 110 is a simple, straight ofrward easy replicated off the shelf build, built well, it shows what an average driver can do in a moderately hard event that has good publicity. Fair do's to the guy. 2). Mags make mistakes and it's good when sad people like Jim write in to remind them. As a hack, I can't - stones/glasshouses - but lets face it the tech team at LRW is basically down to Big Bad Kev and JC (the Ed), both very experienced. Tor is down to Steve Taylor and Alan Kidd, LROi is Ex Garden Ornament Kev Mills. get the drift. Mind you, Jim missed the corker fro, Mr Stuart in LRW a few weeks back - the 8274 is designed in the upright form to falicitate cooling of the winch motor! You learn something new every day. Just as an aside don't forget that us sad, no life, know it alls are just a teeny weeny minority in the sales figures
  16. The other 720 hours was to get it through the SVA and to re-build it when it came back form Morocco!
  17. To be honest it's probably easier than driving to some parts of Spain! Talk about a well beaten track.
  18. £104 quid each from Brookwells and Geoff says he can't get any recon ones anywhere. Just how bad is this grey haze and when does it appear?
  19. No way Mr Baldwin, Sir, never in thousand years... Diss Mr Buck - lordy no! Did you write an article about him?
  20. Jimbob, The Patrol was always more available than the LC and cheaper so the boat towing brigade loved them - it's something to be careful of...
  21. I think it depends on what lanes you drive as much as how much experience you have. Howevere, I know people who have a huge amount of experience and still not fit to drive accross a grass field It's often easier with two and usually more pleasant. I am lucky that I have friends I suppose.
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