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Everything posted by honitonhobbit

  1. What Ali forgets to mention is that Aus has a superb VHF system and an excellent emergency service! It's remote but it ain' that dodgy unless you are an idiot. Try The Altai, Mongolia, Eastern Siberia, Western Sudan, The Rienfelt, Southern Argentinia, Some Parts of Mexico/Brazil/Bolivia/Peru etc ect Expedition Prep is a minefield, it's continent specific, personally specific, budget specific and generally done very badly by most people including the so called professionals
  2. Beware greenlane guides who charge! Always ask to see their liability insurance
  3. Mmmm, the 200/300 for ease of fitment, parts, insurance, in a touch the Isuzu is easier to tune and stronger in high tune mode. All are readily available and cheap. The Isuzu lump is lighter and allows the weight to be put back behind the axle in a very easy way. To be honest see which comes along first
  4. The 9.5 has a stronger chassis. Have a look at the TDS that Dave Bowyer is selling, have a very close look!
  5. I have been doing a bit of research today and dsicovered that Ian's old mate Tacticus wrote (in Περί Στρατηγικων Τάξεων Ελληνικων) about the concept and initial design of the Buick 215 (not many people know that Tacticus worked for Buick or that Ian is actually that old!) back in 106. The first working model was unvieled by Gallileo in 1564 - however Galileo's championing of Copernicanism was controversial within his lifetime. The geocentric view had been dominant since the time of Aristotle, and the controversy engendered by Galileo's opposition to this view resulted in the Catholic Church's prohibiting the advocacy of heliocentrism as potentially factual, because that theory had no decisive proof and was contrary to the literal meaning of Scripture. Galileo was eventually forced to recant his heliocentrism and spent the last years of his life under house arrest on orders of the Inquisition. Thus delaying the release of the finished engine to 1961
  6. Ian, normally I like to humour a senior citizen like yourself, especially with such obvious signs of early onset dementia; however depsite this and our long friendship I will continue to point out that you are talking rubbish
  7. Ahh Ian, old age is blurring history again! WW2 started when Germany invaded Poland in 1939 (not '37) and the first designs of the Buick 215 (in cast iron) were first drawn up in 1938 but due to the war not released to the public until 1961. The change to aluminium was first tried in 1953. Oldsmobile and Buick dropped the engine in 1963. Tooling was sold to Rover in 1965 (twenty years after the end of WW2... So there you old b*gg*r
  8. Even though I hate to admit that a fishy, overweight vehicle builder is right and that I am wrong, I have to. I had a peek at the milkmans cabstar this morning So Dan you are right and I am wrong, but I am more manly and better looking
  9. 2.8 Isuzu 3.3 Nissan SD 3.0 BMW 3.0 Toyota The first two are the cheapest and easiest to fit. The SD lump is a a very high revving unit being a marine design but it does have huge gobs of torque. The Dagos love them for racing. Talk to young Jezmond about the Isuzu Much as I love the old Buick lump it is ancient - designed before ww2, crude and inneficient (like an 8274). It needs so much done to it to come any where near modern (or pre modern lumps) in terms of grunt/oomph. It's a great enthusiasts engine. There are far better V8's around that will produce so much more for less effort - allowing the effort to be put into the fitting. Take the old porshe quad cam lump or the Toyota V8 for example. And what about V6's from Ford (the explorer unit or a nice cossie 2.9), Nissan (with ready fitted turbos), Toyota and Mitsubishi. It's the old blinkered syndrome again - keep thinking in the box and don't look up!
  10. Not the 2.8 you pilchard, the 2.5 - look at the filler cap
  11. Ahh technology - I have a real fight with my luddite half over this, The wife has a 1.9RedI VW 130, I have a 150PS Astra Derv Burner, the hack at work at the moment is a 320d with 204bhp. On a private road the Astra is touching the rev limiter in 4th at 110 with two gears to go! Yet my 200Tdi can be fixed with a hat pin and a lump hammer. God knows what I need to do if the Passat stops going, apart from ring TJ101... That 2.0ltr TC in the QT was down at the big inter club comp at Tiverton a while back. God but it was quick on the straights, and into the bends - wow. With a 7k rpm redline, just hold that gear!
  12. To be honset Geoff it depends on the right foot. Driven normally you get a damn site less gear changes and superb mid range acceleration and better fuel economy. Use the loud pedal and the guage goes down a damn site faster than you would like. It takes abit of self discipline - like driving a GTO in the rain
  13. Jon We played around with this is a Disco based racer a few years ago. Mpi box, 1.66 T box, lightened Disco, 205/80x16 Diamonds. Lump was from a 220Turbo with and Emerald map, hoofin gert Alisport 'cooler and water injection. 320bhp on the flywheel. Problem was it was just to heavy for such small cubes. It's all in a QT now somewhere in France. Edited to spell Jon's name correctly
  14. OEC do one or you could ask me/matt neale nicely
  15. It cleans all bare metals beautifully and is cheap. Mr Muscle Bathroom cleaner is good for upholstery...
  16. Oddly enough, Cilit Bang - it's moves any crud
  17. A 200is marginally better Weight is near on the same Parts are interchangeable (eg heads, cams) Disco 200 has more grunt Cheap insurance My old 200Tdi RRC was topping 150bhp and 280ft/lb with a mild tune and 'cooler, but unlike HFH or BBC with thier petrol drinking ozone destroying melodious delights, max torque was at a snadge over 2krpm, with almost 90 percent max torque at 1900... This makes for one fast vehicle at low and mid range. As the torque trps off fast at over 3.5krpm top end is lower because there simply isn't the cubes. My RRC was over 2.2tonnes and would hustle along fairly briskly, a Tomcat would fly once you had revised your driving style. Diesels make better competition engines, simple fact, more grunt, less fule consumption, less rev... To be honest I would go for a 300tdi as they are cheap and more common than a 200tdi. Re-seat the head a'la gasket and straight edge check, new seal blah blah, new cam belt and tensioners, pop in some new core plugs and injectors and have fun....
  18. Give old Tom a break for god's sake. Yes I know he has his faults but at least he tries. He has come up with some cracking shows and some not so cracking but he puts a huge amount of effort into it. I think it's a bl**dy good idea Tom - one of your better ones. The idea of 'something for everyone' appeals to those of us with kids/family. It's difficult enough to get a pass from the wife, but knowing you have to entertain the kids as well as do what you want is a PITA. As for 15quid for the off road course, that might just cover the siet and the TPL so what the hell are you moaning about. Al wwe need now is for Tom to get the venues a bit more Westerly and all is sorted. The B&W would be top dollar, not just for Neil's new off road course but it is a superb venue for BIG car boots, excellent parking as well... West Point is huge and well laid out AND it has an old Land Rover Demo course with a tank wash that could be used as an off road course. Tom, if you do manage to get directions right and set up a 4x4Market down here, I will happily put together some marshals for you. Go for it you old b*gg*r!
  19. I think its a Diahtasu 2.5 but I need a better pic from the front please
  20. 92 RR is a viscous T box - 73 is a 4 speed. Three lengths of RRC front prop, longest is viscous prop. Don't bother with D4x4 as they get there props made by outside contractors use these guys: http://www.propshaft.co.uk/
  21. Nige How many times do I have to say it - join the CSMA and then get cover with Frizzell
  22. Tom, I thought you would know that the West Country has the largest number of recreational 4x4's in the country. New money making idea?
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