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Ed Poore

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Everything posted by Ed Poore

  1. Hmm. Yes you can catch the boxes out a little but but I didn't find the ZF 6hp26 in my TDV8 as bad as you describe. It did have a tendency to pull off in second or third but my route home cuts across a busy dual carriageway (Hogsback) and I found if you hold the brake and a little bit of revs it simply took off like a rocket with you released the brake. If you wanted a stupidly fast response whack it into manual mode and select first and do the same thing. The way I found you could catch it out was if you were braking heavily and then stood on the accelerator. In general things were pretty good in normal mode, if you put it into 'sport' then even using it as a normal auto you didn't really feel any delay. Manual mode meant you had complete control then and even less delay when it was perceptible. Maybe it's because it's a 6 speed it doesn't have as many to choose from
  2. You'd have thought a petrol V8 through an auto box would be a lot gentler on the drive train than a typical inexperienced Defender driver with a manual, heavy boot and relatively big diesel lump. I guess they can also map the engine to minimise lumpy torque which is going to hit the drive train hard.
  3. Anyone considered / tried building one themselves using the 'kits' off eBay? I.e. the ones where you can just buy a load of angles and straight bits and weld them together. My exhaust is actually in pretty decent nick apart from the rear section on the 110 which I've had a number of different manufacturers on recently and they keep disappearing (to rust). Given I've got a TIG and a load of stainless filler rods I was thinking perhaps DIY stainless might be the way to go in the future.
  4. You can just about see it as a paint brush holder on the right of this picture.
  5. If you're still after one then I've got a big floor standing pillar drill that's minus a motor you can probably have? Startrite I think - I got it off ejparrot but there was a three phase motor on it which has subsequently been repurposed at my parents.
  6. If you know where they are then that would save me several hours of searching / tidying through the shed...
  7. Gonna have to clear some space. Also got a donkey saw for not very much.
  8. Hmm. Just done a deal on 3 Elliotts for £150 . They're all part of a bit T slot table. All working but middle one needs a little attention.
  9. I'll have a hunt over the weekend if not sooner. I think I might have lopped off the end because I couldn't be ****ed to pull off the old spindles. For what's its worth it's just a cog...
  10. Which bit of the wheel box - the little bits that clamp to the spindle and take the cable drive? I don't think I threw out the knackered ones when I replaced them on my 300 but the challenge will be finding them... It's only a small shed but it's got a lot of stuff. But I do need to clear it out because I've just done a deal on a donkey saw and 3 Elliott pillar drills on a T-slot table so need to find some space for them...
  11. What age seats and vehicle? I've fitted a set of L322 seats to my Defender and they're self contained. Just gave them 12V and everything just worked, although I think the memory function has stopped working.
  12. I've found if you use a thick cutting compound like Rocol and have a decent drill (Presta / Dorma and it's sharp) you can get most of it stuck to the cutting grease if you take it slow. You've got to be careful not to snap the bits, or if you've got a torquey drill like my Milwaukee, your wrist . I don't think the photo shows it well but I think it's an external thread, you can just make out one or two threads possibly.
  13. Did realise after I posted it . Priced them up via bearmach because conveniently one of the girls there gave me a discount code because of a delayed order. Four new springs and airlift from them are about the £300 mark so not too bad. Genuine at least doubles it and don't think they're built by anyone different. Although Flat Dog are cheaper for the AirLift. I did come across that a couple of days ago but never finished reading it. Useful information. Do have a lathe but looks like it's not needed.
  14. I just use a garden sprayer (quick search reveals they're about £8 from screwfix). Fill up with oil, pressurise, insert nozzle into transfer box, place rock on trigger, play with dogs and suddenly remember to go and check on it, usually just after it starts pouring out. Cheap enough to keep one per kind of oil.
  15. To be honest this is the way I'm leaning towards. I suspect 80% of my loads fall well within the comfortable range for CSW springs, the other 20% well they push things to silly levels so helper air bags feel like a good way to go. There's also a lot to be said for keeping things standard. I'd say I'm one for keeping things standard but... once I start listing mods I realise how non standard mine is. At least they're all Land Rover bits and pieces! I think I'll probably get a set of Td5 springs and run them for a while. See how they cope and then if the need arises I can always add air bags without having "wasted" money.
  16. Thanks for the comments. Ralph - thanks for the recommendation, I'll see if I can find the time during the week to give him a call. Ross - happy to pay for something decent (RR sale has freed up some cash) but equally I'm young(ish) and the L322 seats actually absorb a hell of a lot. Its actually more that whatever's in the boot tends to go flying now unless it's very heavily laden. So don't necessarily want to pay over the odds for the dogs danglies when for a fraction of the price a small compromise can be made. That being said the 110 has been treated to two Ultra spec pegged Ashlockers from Nige, an Ashcroft sleeved HD transfer box and half shafts in the last 12 months so not as if I'm afraid of spending a little bit of money . I had considered air but think I'll stick to springs. I'm not against them having had them in the L322 but for a variety of reasons not for me this time.
  17. Right the Range Rover has gone so time to bring the 110 up to L322 levels of comfort . In my defence I do have L322 seats in it already! General configuration is up front Goodwinch bumper and TDS but synthetic rope. At the back I've gone utility wagon and lost the rear bench seats. Overall the seats are slightly heavier given they're all electric, TVs, heated blah blah blah. Rear cross member is now 6mm steel C section but with no mud in it. Now if I recall correctly I've got ####part yellow HD springs (or at least they were yellow I think) on front and rear and they're just plain too hard now (used to take 10 people shooting regularly in it, now it's just me and the dogs). Rear dampers are Koni 3 way things and to be honest for the money I've found them pretty decent so will probably stick with them and shove a pair on the front. There is no Bodge unit on anymore. It's fairly lightly loaded most of the time but then I guess once a month on average I load it stupid levels (you know the odd 1 tonne press and the like ). So wishlish: I think the HD springs have in effect given me a roughly 1" lift (haven't taken tape measure to it) and I'd like to keep something similarish. The handling is actually fairly decent with the current springs Better ride... Can cope with the odd silly load without completely losing all suspension travel. The current springs are just way too harsh in everyday use. Now I'm not adverse in the slightest to going air bag helpers or one of Si's anti roll bars to handle the loading and rolling aspects. So my current thoughts are CSW springs (Td5 progressive?) and then maybe air bags and X deflex a bit later depending on how things go. To that end does anyone have any thoughts, suggestions, recommendations or part numbers? My cursory glance of the usual online parts places seem to be awash with either Britpart or HD. I haven't given LR a call yet to see what they have.
  18. Same thing Ralph (different units, OK within 0.5 lbft...).
  19. I know that feeling! Finished installing a transfer box lying on my back in an inch of water. By that point I was so wet I was beyond caring, just wanted to get it done and then have a nice long bath.
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