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Everything posted by Turbocharger

  1. I know of someone who installed one and couldn't believe the power of gravity as he let the LR off the jack. It just kept going down until it was on the bumpstops. They're mighty torquey but not exactly light.
  2. 1 available, and it's bloody left-hand drive!
  3. <Concerned> Trev, I think there's a problem with your keyboard. You've horrifically misspelt "bugger off, this is our forum and we're not changing it just because the people who use it want something different". Oh, hang on, the magazine's not in control any more...
  4. If we're having a nitpicking thread, I'd like the forum clock moved to BST please ... or the whole of the rest of the country moved back to GMT. Actually, maybe that's more of a question for Don FerroScrappieri or whatever his name is.
  5. TroddenMasses bought a pair of these, I don't think they were Devon 4x4's but I do remember thinking they were expensive. They also looked to me like they could funnel mud against the body panel, damaging it even more?
  6. Ooh... you'd better be careful before the magazine pull this thread. Oh no, wait .. .they can't
  7. If you're lookin', I'm fightin'. No messing though, no wreaths following British sportscars into fast-flowing ravine waters (name the film) etc - just good clean slanging. (And if you hurt me, even just a little, I'll set my mum on you and she's f*cking vicious....) JB
  8. Les, I'm not sure I'm happy about all this openness - Bigfoot in the moderator's forum without being a mod, Les being welcome over at LRA... what'll happen next? You'll be asking me to make an honest and useful contribution next. Huh. JB PS Well done one and all for cooperating
  9. Those who take the time to type my name in to Bath Uni's website http://www.bath.ac.uk/contact will find my email address listed, along with their (incorrect) details for my course. Of course, it's all defunct now I've graduated, but... Student boy - less aggression, more openness.
  10. My 2p - take Geoff's software and upgrate the old LRE to the uber-LRA, which gives the appearance of the bluey-colour site and retains the archive data from the days of yore. A front-end revamp would remove the traces of the magazine's panopticon but wouldn't put all the useful information in a separate place to all our everyday posts. I say : continuity over differentiation. (Plus I quite like the way LRE tells me which threads I haven't read - saves me paying attention )
  11. Cheers for the reply Jim - and fair play for admitting you weren't 100% correct earlier, not many do that! I'll stick to low range for the hardcore winching I do (moving trollies around the supermarket car park etc)
  12. I shall be there; don't need anything and it's car insurance month but... I'll have just been paid Tim - if you don't want anything HUUUGE then you can coin a lift with me from Bath and save on entrance fees.
  13. Blinkered? So long as everyone ends up in ONE place at the end of it, I'm pretty chilled really. It'd be nice to know what's happening, mind...
  14. If it's been dry for a while the bearing surfaces will have oxidised slightly and will be causing the stiffness you can feel. It's not ideal and the surfaces will almost certainly 'pick up' when you start the engine. Whether this is catastrophic depends on the severity of the corrosion. For a totally dry engine, I'd avocate some light oil straight into the feed pipe before cranking the engine on the starter (without any fuel going in). The worst that'll happen is the light oil will come past the seals and get burnt when you start the engine subsequently. Certainly better than the bearing surfaces toasting themselves when you start the machine. JB
  15. Jim, What will break? As I understood it the 'high' range is a direct drive from the motor, rather than round the houses in the gearbox?
  16. Les, Series filled the gap with chassis, 90/110 with a bracket. You'll need the bracket off the old engine(?) or to chop the chassis about I think.
  17. They're stills from video. Compressor + water + watercooler bottle + eejits = Even with a roadcone strapped to the top, the performance isn't too shoddy, see the 8MB video at http://www.keirhague.com/jb/picdump/field_...cs/MVI_2967.avi With the right angle and no roadcone, it's still climbing as it passes over the 25ft hedge, 35 metres away...
  18. It's not pretty, but... Daniel and I made friends by the end of the evening (although he still looked like Austin Powers in that suit ) I had a storming weekend, thoroughly impressed by Will's 8274 and the general togetherness of Si White's car - they've obviously both put a lot of time into the mods they've made and it all came together, apart from the wiring to Si's winch. I think we came 3rd or 4th but that wasn't the point of the weekend; it was a good laugh with some good people and I'm fired up with enthusiasm for the next event - my car might even leave the tarmac, although I managed to tear a wheel spat on the "road" back from Tony's house today. I think Jay got some good pictures from the morning session - maybe he'll post them later. Other notables were RobHybrid's "exuberant" roll where he managed to stand on Keef's head, and Dave (Flyer)'s usual approach to challenges - getting every punch in sight, as quickly as possible and at some occasionally ludicrous angles. My pictures will follow by Monday (ish)...
  19. It won't work when the thermostat's shut...?
  20. Happy Birthday Tony - break out the cake, there's a stack of presents waiting
  21. Hmm. Now I've got beer all over my screen....
  22. Must've taken you ages with a soldering iron, Nick...
  23. I think the above pictures tell their own story from an engineering point of view. The three-link vehicle sits level, the radius armed vehicle doesn't, although they have approximately equal 'twist' overall. At the end of the day, roll stiffness has to come from somewhere, and it acts exactly against offroad articulation. Some kind of dynamic system (air susp, right through to anti-roll bar disconnects) is the only "proper" solution to this, although elegance is in simplicity and dynamism adds complexity - just ask SimonR!
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