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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. Engine oil/filt every 6 months/6k miles All gear oils once a year or 12000 miles, LR don't recommend doing it that often but it is always better to see nice clean oil come out than something which looks like it was drained out of a sewage farm!
  2. I'd look at mine but it's dripping with sh*t at the moment after my "commute" and I've got work clothes on...
  3. Sorry chaps but the re-run will have to be re-named "Hi-Lux nowhere near the bl*ddy Pole"... I watched it again last night and the GPS coordinates they reached "at the pole" were 78* 35' 7" N, 104* 11' 9" W, paused it and wrote it down because I thought it couldn't be right. I thought (and a quick scratch around on Google appears to confirm) that the North Pole is at 90* of latitude (and presumably at the pole there isn't any longitude since you can be any degrees of longitude and it will be in the same place since all lines converge?) From http://nationalatlas.gov/articles/mapping/a_latlong.html a degree of latitude is 69 miles approximately, so they were still nigh on 800 miles from the real Pole ... still an impressive achievement but definitely exaggerated for journalistic license, its like saying you visited Lands End when in fact you were somewhere up in the Hebrides
  4. I think later ABS systems might be the same, early RRC ones are very definitely not (anything with the type with the silly electrical pump instead of a vacuum servo). The early type best belong in the bin anyway. The modulator unit on Discoverys is on the passenger side I think, which suggests there are other differences. I'm guessing you'll need matching modulator, ECU and wheel speed sensors at the very least, for it to stand any chance of working properly.
  5. I wasn't aware of the belts being directional either and AFAIK there are no arrows on them... But I will have a look later just to be sure
  6. The switches do fail - about 60k miles is common - but you get a dashfull of warning lights and the bongs, and it will only go in limp home 3rd gear when in Drive, at least on the several that I have seen that broke.
  7. Mantec claim to http://www.mantec.co.uk/store_viewItem.cfm...mp;CategoryID=1 though as Ralph said I guess any of those just going to the wing vent will fit - the Safari etc will probably not as it requires plumbing inside too (and is a much better design for having that)
  8. Watched it last night, excellent programme though the one with the amphibious Hilux was much funnier. I thought the closing "dig" about how 4x4s seem to not have made much difference to the amount of ice at the north pole was quite amusing.
  9. Portugese dealer listed here http://www.safetydevices.com/index.php?opt...6&Itemid=67
  10. The alternator bearing can also seize, though usually you can't start the engine if that happens!
  11. Have you got a fake plastic winch Tim? I've got a shiny new one I bought in 2007 but it isn't an 07MY this has got a proper engine in
  12. If it goes backwards I guess the torque converter is OK so it'll probably be something terminal in one of the forward gear clutches Talk to Ashcroft Transmissions or PM Dave on here (username "ashtrans") who will be able to fix you up with an exchange replacement
  13. Standard Discovery high range should be 1.222 so I should think a 1.410 would do the trick. Remember the circumference is proportional to the tyre diameters (because rolling circumference = pi x diameter) so if the standard tyres are about 29" (205R16 or 235/70R16) then you want a ratio: 35/29 x 1.222 which is 1.474:1 to give the same gearing. Other factors like rolling resistance of the tread pattern will make a difference but 1.410 would be my choice in that situation, it will be a little higher geared than standard but probably still bearable
  14. also I think they are quite rough and in fact many people here running 130s which are relatively lightly laden will take out the helper springs for the first couple of years until the rears soften up a bit to ease the wear and tear on their fillings! On the plus side a 130 with front and rear anti roll bars handles like its on rails compared to any other Defender
  15. New range of water/air intercoolers coming soon then
  16. Single heavy duty one I reckon, I don't think the 130 helper springs are designed to disconnect but I don't have one handy to verify that at the moment.
  17. I know that the aftermarket "chippers" shied away from the Thor engine in the D2 because the Bosch management system is fiendishly complicated and as one put it "20% fuel injection and 80% security to stop people fiddling" - I was looking at chips after I got mine in 2002 but I gave up fairly quickly because the general feeling was that there wasn't much gain to be had without mechanical changes anyway. I guess the same complexity problems apply when you try and run it on gas.
  18. I meant legroom compared to the new 07MY with a three foot thick dash Mine's comfortable enough compared to the 90 (which was a 2004 so had the newer seats) but I am sure there is less room than there is in an old 110SW though I haven't done a kneecaps to dashboard measurement or anything. They have definitely changed something but I've never really tried to figure out what.
  19. Erm Seem to remember from when I was at school doing fizzicks that 1 watt is 1 joule per second so if you have a million watts thats a whole lotta energy being released somewhere and if you are doing it in 0.00001 seconds or something then surely it is completely impossible because you are adding lots of noughts back in somewhere ? My fizzicks is a bit rusty after fifteen years but I can't see that the sums add up... i.e. what jimfoo was saying up there ^^^ Happy to be corrected though
  20. The TDV6, Supercharged V8, and n/a V8 and 2.2TD4 of the current generation Land Rovers also shared with other Ford family members? I think that some are Jags? Either Jag engines or used in Jags certainly. The 2.2 is in the X type I believe, TDV6 is similar but not identical to the S-type diesel (S type has twin turbos) and I think the V8s are the same engines (more or less) as the XJ saloons. Are they in anything else in the Ford stable - Volvo etc? The 3.2 petrol in the Freelander 2 is a Volvo engine, I don't know of any others.
  21. Ewww its one of them old ones with legroom fitted Guessing that it was under your budget, that must be a pretty good price for a 3 year old vehicle in the UK even with a little work required?
  22. It's on telly here this weekend - looking forwards to seeing it
  23. Somewhere to put your coffee while changing the engine ECU after the first deep wading session
  24. It's a K(aboom) series engine therefore I would avoid it if it were me - though not everybody agrees with this line of thinking I have only ever travelled as a passenger in a KV6 Freebie but it didn't blow my skirt up, seemed quite revvy and no real performance advantage over a Td4 for normal brisk driving like we were doing (i.e. pressing on but not thrashing the nuts off it). I wouldn't buy another Td4 in this part of the world for reasons I won't go into but it is a great little engine and is so right for a Freelander. The new one is good too, even though it's a completely different Td4 just to confuse
  25. F me no wonder V8s run pretty hot with just under 8 megawatts pouring out of the ignition system
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