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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. Just a thought but the figures you are looking for are about what is quoted for the "ZF74" pump supplied for Milemarkers...
  2. I would suggest you look at one of the more efficient ones that replaces the original but sits in the same location, Allisport make one, I am sure the others will as well. The gains are not as great as a full width one but still worth having I think (still on my shopping list!) I don't think a bonnet scoop will work well. Mo Murphy had such an installation on his 90 but I don't think you get too much airflow through the scoop without a lot of careful positioning of the scoop to take into account the aerodynamics, which probably needs a wind tunnel! I particularly recall reading in a magazine a while back, of somebody who did this type of installation (I have a feeling it was on a supercharged V8 but I can't remember the detail) and they ended up with a big scoop right at the front of the bonnet because placing it further back got hardly any airflow through it - the aerodynamics of the Defender were tending to throw the air "up" over the bonnet and most of it missed the scoop or something. Bit above my level of understanding but it sort of makes sense! So I am sure you could do it but it wouldn't be as simple as cutting a hole in the bonnet and breaking out the pop riveter, if you wanted to get the best from it
  3. Interesting bit of a lack of detail in the last 2 though - need a better lens [rummage] that's better
  4. Lots of things Stanley harbour, most of it anyway.... Really can't make out any of the roads in town but the one heading off to the south is the one to the rubbish dump, and you can clearly see the road to the airport from where it passes just on the bottom of the "box" crosshair over my house, and heads off east to the airport. Top right corner, Yorke Bay, full of mines The crosshair over my house is in pretty much exactly the right place, so their grid referencing onto the photo is pretty good Floating dock on the south side of the harbour and the old disused Navy dock on the north side. If you remember that thread a while back with the bogged Hitachi digger, if you look down below the "50.433" about an inch down (on a 17" monitor) you can just about see the hole I reckon How about a picture from 51 deg 42.680 min S, 60 deg 04.754 min W - that's our farm, a GPS waypoint in Dad's front yard, would be interesting to see if that is any clearer never seen Google Earth before but I could waste a lot of time on there I am sure
  5. Decimal - as in fifty one degrees forty one point seven nine two minutes or about 51d 41 min 47.5 sec why?
  6. £80.70 is ridiculous - that's cheaper than the wholesale distributor price direct from the BFG importers in the UK!! And if it was inc VAT it is even more ridiculous... I would say somebody F'ed up!!!
  7. OK I'll run you over from behind then, sounds safer
  8. See you at half past October then?
  9. OK in that case from the Globe you head east take the second road on the right then first left then third right and my house is the third on the right, can't miss it as there as some lumps of oil rig in the garden and a sign saying "Land Rover parking only - all others will be winched" Happy now? PS. Do pop in for a coffee if you happen to be passing....
  10. Nothing wrong with that, long live Maggie
  11. Yes I am sure you cheeky git it has been that for months! You just can't read! I probably should change it though, because I just checked the GPS and the exact location of the steps into my back porch is in fact 51*41.792' S 57* 50.433 W Can't remember where I got the 51 40 57 51 from, probably on the web somewhere I think. You still won't spot my 90 on Gargle Urf because it's in the garage Never tried GargleUrf what is the detail like? No BB here, no work...
  12. Oi White! If you read it properly you will see it is actually 51 40 S 57 51 W :P And no I haven't just changed it!!!! So the answer to your last question is "Yes" Naaa na na naaa naaaah!
  13. 02, it would certainly cut down the traffic problem if instead of shouting at each other people starting shooting at each other instead
  14. PMSL - you beat me to it Si I was about to say the same thing
  15. Coo which majority? first I knew of it! How about that then....
  16. Check that the boost sensing pipe from the turbo to the injector pump is connected at both ends and not chafed/kinked/squashed anywhere. If that is OK the next thing I would check is that the diaphragm in the pump is not either seized up, or has a hole in it. It is easier to do than to describe.... do you know what bit I am on about?
  17. The electronic diesel control (EDC) engines fitted to many 300 autos will have a TPS as the pump is electronically controlled. I don't know a lot about them as they never came here but I have seen a couple of ex UK ones. They go better but also give more bother. A bit like anything more complicated...
  18. There you go then - none fitted - no failures - 100% success Bloody marketing speak we know but it sounds good to the unwary!
  19. Well I was taught by my parent to use guns safely from an age long before I ought to have been ... and I consider that I benefited from that. In this as in many other things, age is not really as relevant as common sense - you can have young safe/intelligent/sensible people as well as older ones who you wouldn't trust with anything more dangerous than an egg whisk. Though I have not downloaded the original video (dialup - bah) so that may not be a relevant comment when referring to the folks using them....
  20. Rememeber Harold Shipman Ban the NHS.... A flippant comment perhaps but I think it illustrates the point. The fact that something CAN be used for doing something doesn't mean it WILL be.
  21. In fact there are 2 other ABS recalls for Disco 2 - a relay of some sort and the SLABS ECU which controls both SLS and ABS, but can't see either of those causing the christmas tree to light up
  22. You could always say to Colin that you have discovered a new way to make cranked trailing arms that he might be interested in, then if he wants more info, take a standard one and bend it round the side of his head!!! Very annoying, I have never bought anything from them but I thought I might go and have a nose round the showroom next time I am over. Now I won't be bothering with that
  23. Because they want one? Same reason people own lots of things. Dad has an old Rolls Royce in a shed on the farm. He never uses it, he just has it because he always wanted one when he was a kid. He also has a fair collection of guns: a .303 Lee Enfield, several 12 and 20 bore shotguns, .38 service revolver, couple of .22 revolvers, two .44 Winchester repeaters and a couple of .22 rifles. Despite being a farmer he arguably doesn't NEED most of them and most get used only rarely, only a couple are used regularly, nor will I arguably NEED them when I come to inherit them, but I'll bluddy fight tooth and nail to keep them, and in working order too. Oh and I want a chain gun too. And a howitzer
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