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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. Except for the special "KeyringGrippa" version in 3/4" plate which weighs 24kg
  2. "Nearest"of course being a relative term thanks
  3. Yes I too have had the "HOW much does a new casing for a Japanese bike engine cost?!" experience..... one reason I ain't gonna see a chain on the front of the 300! wouldn't be so bad if it was only engaged when winching - its the idea of it running all the time that I don't like, that and the fact that this is a very dusty environment in summer which doesn't agree with bike chains so won't agree with this
  4. Interesting - got any close up pics? can't remember seeing anything specifically of the winch in the ones you have posted in the past what about sprockets to fit a 300Tdi crank? my thought is that if a rubber belt has a paddy it won't be the end of the world, if a metal chain has a paddy it might be the end of several expensive bits of engine and radiator.... bit like plasma versus steel wire argument really
  5. Ian, yes my email is still the same sluxton at horizon dot some other stuff .... not changed in 8 yrs just checked and the last email I have from you is Sep 05 though.... def nuttn in the last couple of months? I have your Arquiva addy... just sent you a test to see if you get it Toothed rubber belt (like a timing belt) would be the best thing IMHO, something that if it snapped wouldn't wipe out half the front of the engine, which is why I'm not keen on the Type R arrangement! one of the nice things about the current MM is that it doesn't matter what breaks or blows up I still have a 100% functional vehicle, if a chain breaks at 3000rpm that isn't going to be the case....
  6. "Photostat"? You are showing your age Nigel
  7. sorry bit more than I thought I just dug out the email - Husky handset £48, socket £10, that was in Dec 2004 may well be cheaper elsewhere but I have always had good service from DB and they always send stuff with the right amount of postage on for here (otherwise it comes by sea.... 2 months)
  8. I got the Husky red alloy handset from David Bowyer, that plus the matching socket was £40-something I think, not cheap but worth it and I know from the days when I had a Husky that you can drive over the top of one (admittedly on grass not tarmac) and it won't break! The standard Milemarker remote is cheap plasticy and rubbish and the rocker switch was horrible to use and packed up completely, Allan sent me two replacements and one of those didn't work either! I don't know why they don't supply a better one in the first place, for all the extra it would cost on a £1000 odd winch setup my MM handset went for a flight across the garage and is probably still under the bench where it landed a year ago... The wireless remote is the Milemarker own-brand one which was £80-odd from Alfred Murray, it is good enough to use when it works, but at longer range it gets a bit hit and miss and I certainly don't believe it works reliably at 150 feet or whatever the claim is! Also the handset is not waterproof, so you have to be careful, but it is so tiny that you can wear it on a lanyard around your neck and it doesn't get in the way - this is what I do. However I wish I'd spent an extra £100 and bought a Lodar which is both waterproof and by all accounts much better, though the handset is a lot bigger. I may well bin the MM wireless one and get a Lodar at some point, but at the moment the MM one still works most of the time and I always have the Husky wired one for a backup if it goes &&&& up. To save you looking, I found PG Winches was by far the cheapest price on the Lodar when I was looking around - I think it was £160 then and all the other suppliers were about £200. As for other upgrades - when I can get an engine driven pump (to drive assist with) which doesn't involve a bicycle chain thrashing round on the front of the engine (like the Type R does) I'll do that, but at the moment I like the simplicity of the system I've got still waiting for Ian (BBC) to get on with his (for about the last year) in case I can nick any of his ideas
  9. You see John you really should have bought an electric winch Had you wired an electric winch up so as to attempt simultaneous bi-directional winching there would immediately have been a colossal amount of smoke to indicate user error instead of ending up with something that is presumably completely undamaged How did you manage to do that anyway? there are only four wires and two of those are black (=earth)!!!!
  10. I haven't had a proper crash - famous last words One cracked wing mirror, and a gentle nudge onto a 110's tow hitch with my old winch bumper, the only effect of which was to straighten the guy's crossmember slightly!! Several people have crashed into me while I have been stopped, the most recent was the other week when a Shogun Sport ran into the back of me, making a NATO sized hole in the plastic front bumper of the Sport and doing absolutely no damage whatsoever to the Discovery B) Had quite a few "how the F did I get through that moments" however, the biggest of which was a few years ago in my old Discovery, howling along a road that I thought I knew well doing about 70 (bear in mind this was a single track gravel road....) in the dark, came up over a hill and arrived at a sharp 45 degree bend I forgot was there.... negotiated it on full opposite lock with the ABS in meltdown and slowed down a bit after that!!! one of the few occasions in my life when I really thought I was about to die (several foot drop off the side of the road meant that it would probably have rolled 10 or more times if I had left the road) and undoubtedly one of the experiences which defined the current limits I drive well inside.... especially as the vehicle was at that stage only about 3 months old!! When I look at how I used to drive back then I really don't know how I didn't have a crash but I take some confidence from the fact that if I didn't crash back then, I'm probably not that likely to now - but as I said, famous last words I believe that if I ever do have a crash the cause of the crash will be a woman in a short skirt
  11. The recall is for leaks and all that is changed is the 2 cover plates on top have additional ones added over the top of them with longer screws! So unless it is leaking I don't think the recall will make any difference to the internals of the thing.
  12. It has been quiet in the last couple of weeks, don't know why though...
  13. Nah come off it Nige you are a secret reader of LRE and we all know it I found the biggest problem was actually FINDING a copy of TOR last time I was over...
  14. OK, 30 sec history K&&&head called Dickie Green pulled the plug on the good ship LRE Everybody deserted the rapidly sinking ship and landed on this fair desert isle which was constructed at short notice from stuff that somebody had lying around Unbeknown to us Bigfoot had been down in the hold pumping and so the ship refloated after a bit but the insides were a bit soggy Some people stayed on the island, which was called LRA Some went back to the ship, which had also been called LRA Some spend a bit of time on both The island was now named LR4x4 Here we are I think there is a full history somewhere though
  15. Blimey. I got caught for speeding in Cleveland six days ago. In the Discovery I have parked outside By my calculations that means the cargo boat that brought it directly here was averaging ~55 knots, they don't half shift these days! Must be that expensive oil.... high calorie or something Good one, a while since I've seen that
  16. According to WSM the 90 side tank is 12 gal and the 110 rear is 17.5 gal
  17. I guess they mean the ABS modulator block which is the block on the LH inner wing with lots of pipes going in and out of it, they are about a grand and it is the ABS pump and all the twiddly bits that control the braking action. They do break sometimes... and the price is horrific!
  18. Yeah but then I have to get it back... Can see it now: photo of 90 with just the spare wheel and tail lights showing sticking up out of a swamp somewhere "well I had to get the XG back so I just carried on winching" Setting it is easy the trouble is the ground just ain't strong enough so you just plough a ditch. 3ft wide spade is what is required methinks
  19. An auto would be ideal for drive assist for me too, I just don't want an auto off road the rest of the time (don't like them off road)
  20. Yeah you can all &&&& off an' all
  21. Drill a hole in the bottom of the tank.... Or if you try welding it you will certainly get all the fuel out
  22. any smoke? horrible noises from engine? is the power loss smooth (like you have just eased off the throttle) or jerky/shunting? you have looked at the obvious things though, I would have said fuel starvation... blocked filter etc
  23. Chuck them away and replace them with 4 x BH110261L bolts with a proper sized head on them, you can get a sensible sized socket on those (17mm I think) and get them good and tight and I'm pretty sure they are 8.8s. My milemarker hasn't fallen off yet anyway
  24. The biggest restriction for me is the strength of the anchor point, as Nige knows I have tied a couple of knots in the KittyGripper but most of the time an anchor will pull out and this is the real problem. I've had both anchors chained together and moving under load and still needed to drive assist to get the 90 out, when they are set in soft ground there's really very little strength there to retain any type of anchor and the winch power is not the restriction, you need to drive assist to keep the damn anchor in the ground! Si - so when are you building the Hydraulic X-Winch then? put me down for one anyway, I like the sound of that
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