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Everything posted by BogMonster

  1. You can buy a touch-up pencil of the proper Silver Sparkle. They only do the pencil brush thing, not an aerosol, but it would be OK for a small area.
  2. Update. My confidence in the help service was well placed. But I thought it was worth a try so I typed in a lengthy message explaining the problem, and click submit. "Please enter a valid Ebay user ID" Er ... actually that's the point chaps.....!!!!! What a useless bunch of articles they are!!! Is the whole Ebay thing in fact nothing except a scam to collect the email addresses and credit card details of as many people as possible to sell on to scammers, and in fact it does not really sell anything? I wonder...
  3. Is it just me or is Ebay the biggest POS website ever? Three quarters of a &&&&&& hour I have wasted this morning trying to register Always avoided it before on the basis it is probably inhabited by crooks and low lifes but I have seen some useful things on there which would be handy to have so I thought I would give it a go. Three times the website crashed completely It is USELESSLY slow After the above waste of my morning it then says I can't register for it anyway because my credit card isn't valid. Wrong. It is. I used it yesterday. And the less said about the "automated help menu thing" the better. I don't suppose there is any point at all in sending them an email as I will get some stupid "standard response" that says "There may be a problem with your credit card". What a bloody waste of time!! [/rant]
  4. Well although my last set only lasted 24,000 miles I would say go for the BFG's My only reservation is that I would have thought 235/85R16 might gear it up a bit too much if you are keeping the standard gearing? I hasten to add I've never had an armchair with that size on but it is quite a big increase over std. 235/70R16 and you have much higher transfer box gearing to start with. Really depends on whether you want relaxed high speed cruising or something a bit more zippy off the mark (which would be my preference) - I just know what a Defender feels like when you move up a couple of sizes and the difference in acceleration feels quite dramatic. I know lots of people run this size on Discoverys but I think it would probably drive me up the wall
  5. It's spreading fast - I have a dead chicken in my fridge too! I knew there was a strong northerly wind today but that is ridiculous
  6. Hmmm some of those seem familiarly (is that a word?) stupid along with "Since you are in the southern hemisphere, does the sun rise in the West?" "Are there any telephones there?" etc.
  7. No - because both my 90 and my Discovery sound like they need new back diffs too!
  8. Rebel 4x4 do rated ones for a good price, can't remember what they cost but they were 4750kg stamped yellow pin jobbies. Brownchurch also do them for not too many £. I have some unrated ones which I use for light duty work and on-road towing but I don't use them for heavy stuff with the exception of the 'kin great big one that came with my snatch block which I assume is safe for the purpose which it was supplied for (and it is about twice the size of the 4750kg ones) But I prefer not to use a shackle at all if it can be avoided, not with any sort of stretchy rope. The "towing points" fitted to the bottom of many bull bars are bl&&dy dangerous IMHO. My Discovery A bar has them on and I would not dream of towing off them in a million years. I pulled somebody out a couple of years ago, very very carefully, using a bull bar because there was nothing else to pull off, and the thing was bending and twisting as soon as there was any force on it. Fortunately the vehicle came out very easily or I would not have continued. There is actually nothing inherently wrong with using a digger and a length of chain or wire hawser for pulling something out, in fact in many ways using something like that is safest of all as there is lots of controllable force, everything is happening fairly slowly and there is nothing to store energy which can let go and wreck anybody. I refer to the Hitachi digger recovery thread I posted a couple of months back, during that recovery a 1" hawser let go with a D5 bulldozer pulling on the end of it and nothing happened except the bulldozer suddenly drove off without the digger... no flailing, just a bit of a bang and some swearing. Lots of potential for damage/elongation to LR if not done sensibly though!
  9. Only if you are a dreadful ginger yob Phew I think I am safe at this range!
  10. Just remember that all the power is going through one diff so don't get too carried away with the throttle! You will find you get horrible backlash as I did this once when trying to find the same problem, but you can do it OK and it will help isolate the problem.
  11. I am 99.9% sure a 300Tdi Disco will be 24 spline, I think all Discoverys are 24 spline but sure that 300s are. You shouldn't find any splines on the outside end as the shaft should be one piece with the drive member
  12. What Phil said ^^^ If it is "really slack" then get it done ASAP or there may be an expensive bang followed by a hedge, in that order!
  13. ordinary M8s on mine I am sure
  14. no but the price doesn't seem anything special IMHO
  15. Saw a Defender Td5 that did that once, it was a dud engine ECU, changed the ECU and it was fine. Might not be but if you can blag an ECU to fit as a trial it would be worth a try. You need a T4/Autologic type thingy to program it though.
  16. Yet another area where anybody who puts blind unerring faith in what a stupid computer tells them is probably a bit naive "It must be right it's a computer" - nah
  17. I had a normal Clarion CD player in my old 90 and it fitted in the grey clip-on pod in the middle of the dash without any problems. not much room behind for wiring etc, that is the only problem
  18. I haven't got a suitable pic from the right angle, you need to find bits that match up, I was lucky in that I had a photo of the 90 at the same angle as the chair so I nicked the wheels off that, and the penguin was facing the right way, but I don't have one of the 90 with the Safari on at the right angle - maybe on the weekend. Anyway I don't want to go wading in my armchair as the cushions will go all soggy and there's nowt worse than having a wet @r%e Meanwhile I have amended it slightly
  19. I had to change the difflock linkage around when I replaced the R380 in my old 3.9 armchair with a ZF auto, it requires the 200Tdi type or something IIRC, but Mr Ashcroft supplied everything needed and it all went perfectly even down to some muppet at Land Rover having forgotten to loctite the flywheel bolts on so even those came out easily
  20. Alternatively you could just get a Milemarker and not have to worry about messing around with battery cables as thick as your tow rope Coat on and heading for door
  21. not sure if it is a straight fit but if all that is required is a different output shaft then that is easy to change as you just whip a bolt out of the middle and pop the shaft off the end of the autobox, it is a short "stub" shaft no idea about the bolts between one and t'other though - but it must be possible even if you need a few bits going auto next are we
  22. interesting idea you could also put the pliers (with fitting to be crimped in them) in a vice and do it that way I suppose rather than biffing it with the hammer I have always just squished them in a vice which does a pretty secure crimp, looks rough as F but won't let go!
  23. Photo of the first installation on your 110 James?
  24. Run away scared, it just came hooting past the window here, travelling at 11,000mph
  25. "Scrap Iron misunderstand the latest suspension design they are attempting to copy, and inadvertently make the wrong bit dislocate"
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