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Everything posted by need4speed

  1. Awesome engine with huge potential. The only Diesel engine that will, eventually tempt me away from my V8. Unless I can find a relatively affordable way to fit the 4.2 supercharged AJV8.. http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=85893
  2. Or for roughly the same money but with gearbox etc all included. Oh and way more power... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GENUINE-RANGE-ROVER-SPORT-4-2-SUPERCHARGED-V8-ENGINE-GEARBOX-L320-8-253-MILES-/291475250467?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&fits=Model%3ARange+Rover+Sport&hash=item43dd475d23
  3. Whatever route you take, it's going to be MONEY. I always thought the bowlers used the AJV8 supercharged 4.2 same as the RRS. And latterly the AJV8 5.0? I may well be wrong of course.. If you want to keep it JLR then that's what you are looking at. As far as I know the only company to use the supercharged AJV8 is JE Engineering in there "Zulu" conversion. It will be a fortune. You can either have an auto or a manual in that conversion with the manual being a Tremec AFAIK.. If your not bothered about keeping it JLR then there are more options available like an LS engine if you want more than 5.0... Look forward to seeing what you decide..
  4. *walks away whistling.....* Glad you got there in the end
  5. Holy thread revivals!!! In fairness, there are nicer bumpers out there to copy if you are so equipped.. Biggerar balls or no
  6. As Team Idris says above, they are a little offset for the reason he states but not as much as that. I would also be looking at cam retaining plate as Bowie suggested..
  7. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GENUINE-RANGE-ROVER-SPORT-4-2-SUPERCHARGED-V8-ENGINE-GEARBOX-L320-8-253-MILES-/291475250467?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&fits=Model%3ARange+Rover+Sport&hash=item43dd475d23 Compared to the £????? JE conversion..
  8. Looks like 233566 I'm after with the 12.5mm hole. Thanks as always Ralph
  9. Looking for the part number for the 45mm cable grommet that fits into the front of a TD5 seatbox on the passenger side under the floor. I had one but it's grown legs and buggered off somewhere. Can't blame it really.......
  10. No worries. Thanks for looking Lewis Bomber if you could turn 1 up for me that would be awesome!
  11. Right, so if Lewis can't help out with a pulley, does anyone know where I could get one made up?
  12. In that case, I'd get the biggest battery that will physically fit in the battery box..
  13. Oh boy. Asking what battery is like asking what tyres... Very personal. I'm running 2 Odessey PC1500's but I will have a lot of accessories, some of which I will want running with engine not running...
  14. Right. Had a look at the pulley and it appears to be 60mm diameter with a 17mm bore. And of course to fit a 13mm belt.
  15. Would it be worthwhile either having my alternator pulley modified to accept the 13mm belt, or as suggested earlier having one made to accept the bigger belt? Would I be correct in thinking that the larger belt would offer a bit more traction considering I'm using a 120A alternator?
  16. Maybe I'm worrying about nothing then. I will put some tension on the belt and try and take some closer pics of the waterpump and crank pulleys. Maybe I could put a little tippex on the belt to make sure the belt isn't "bottoming out" on the pulleys??
  17. My apologies. I've been saying pulley diameter when I should be saying groove width. It's the width that seems wrong. The groove width of my waterpump and crank pulleys are way too big for my belt. Yet it seems perfect for the alternator. See my 1st pic in OP. The belt fits the alternator groove perfectly but not the waterpump and crank. I'm stumped here
  18. I think your misunderstanding me Ralph. It isn't the belt that's the problem. If I get a belt that properly fits the waterpump and crank pulleys, it will be too big for the alternator pulley. My alternator pulley is a smaller diameter than my waterpump and crank pulleys.
  19. Yes that is exactly how I've done mine Ralph. The problem I have encountered though as I mentioned in OP, is the fact that the alternator belt I've got seems to narrow for the waterpump and crank pulleys. But strangely it's perfect for my alternator pulley. If I could find a pulley that would fit my Bosch alternator and would allow for a belt that matches the waterpump and crank pulleys that would suffice until I change to a serpentine setup..
  20. Scratch that. Unless I find one on eBay. It's £100....
  21. Ok Dave I will pick up one. So with the alternator and my steering pump both on the passenger side, please remind me what belt goes where? Am I right in thinking the waterpump will have a belt all to itself from the crank, and the alternator and steering pump will be connected together with another belt?
  22. Maybe this is the alternator mounting I could use in conjunction with my type of steering pump?
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