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Everything posted by need4speed

  1. Come now James, you should know im not that posh No aircon. No heated screen. No heated rear window. Hell i dont even have a rear WIPER...
  2. Yes i dont mind being the guinea pig Ross..
  3. I see. But then if the set comproses everything including barrels, ignition, keys etc what would stop me using these? Would i just need to make sure i used later door handles to accommodate longer barrels?
  4. Have seen some nice locksets on the bay. However it states from 2002 onwards. Whats the difference from 1999 to 2002?
  5. Well in that case, considering the OP lives in UK, all the Cooper trash talk was a waste of time.. I havent heard anyone in UK with something bad to say about them. Sure there are certain tyres better at certain things, but as an all rounder i think they are pretty hard to beat.
  6. Interesting that both the negative comments re STT's are from Southern Hemisphere?
  7. At the time of building my engine the 4.0 pistons were hard to come by so just got the heads skimmed to compensate..
  8. Just to clear something up. Stump Puller is not a generic name for a high torque cam. It is a specific cam model name from RS. I have one in mine..
  9. Flog the 4.0 and build yourself a nice 4.6. Add MS and you have an easy 250 and loads of torque
  10. Im clearly missing something here, but wheres the advantage of having an anderson on the slam panel? The bloody battery is just behind it!
  11. Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it as they say....
  12. Stigs fasteners would have saved you a fortune....
  13. So Ashcroft Transmissions are selling modified output shafts because of pub talk? Or is it because its a fact that the transmissions have a problem?
  14. Tick....tick....boom. Doesnt the MT82 have known probs with output shaft as well?Edit: http://www.ashcroft-transmissions.co.uk/mt82-output-shaft-kit.html
  15. Errr excuse me? My urine is constantly dark because of my 110 lol
  16. But then wont you be pressing the wrong part of the switch? Either that or the pre engraved legends will be upside down? Im starting to twitch thinking about it lol
  17. I will remind Nige to have a look at the thread. Im pretty certain that he has standard air box AND a snorkel. Im sure he will comment. Hes had an awful lot on his plate recently.
  18. Indeed. Very sloppy work mav. Could have done better yourself Love how the xray imaging penetrated through the solid titanium to reveal the detail of the hidden screw....
  19. Just a wee bump to ask the OP... Are these switches from bolt on bits up-for-on, or down-for-on? I noticed they do have a good range of legends so would be good to know. Hopefully you wont say up-for-on and start my ocd off again.....
  20. Also, plugs should be nothing else but NGK BPR6ES. Mind you, dont know if that changes with lpg come to think of it...
  21. I cant comment about lpg, but i know that when running on petrol RV8's dont respond well to plug cleaning at all. Normally after cleaning they will foul VERY quickly again afterwards..
  22. Bloody electric vehicles! PAH! Very handy those jump packs mind you...
  23. They sound carp. Id be using someone else if i were you. The guys i use have lists that cover all the big bearing manufacturers. they always get a bearing reference. Even when a particular number has been superceded with a different part.
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