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Everything posted by qwakers

  1. hey i resent that remark..... ive never worn a black polo neck in my life...... its blue
  2. a hot air gun aimed down the intake is just as effective but a damn sight safer.!
  3. lol only in Zambia! i would lean towards turbo issues too, mostly because it is a britpart and they to my knowledge cant get anything right...
  4. might be worth bleeding it then with a non return valve attached to the bleed nipple open it and push the inside piston all the way back in.
  5. ive never managed that one myself... how would i go about it?
  6. i 've got that one too. bought the set from screwfix last year. the 9" is most useful for cutting the back half off a disco chassis..
  7. i have one of those grinders. its at least as good as my old bosch one which has just self destructed. (if you try to turn it upside down when runing you get it jamming up and loads of smoke) the power switch takes a bit of getting used to thats all.
  8. troopers are the reliable if agricultural option. ive driven one offroad. they're quite good. but i'd have a disco. by far the best allrounder of them all imho.
  9. well i would be able to tell you but my truck is so far from standard i actually have no way of finding out...
  10. you have to declare the salvage and the salvage owners have the right to take it off you but i belive you get paid...
  11. the link i put up there should help with that
  12. ok ive fitted em. not completely happy, i've lost about a inch or ride height and i think i can do better even using standard l/r springs. however ride height isnt everything and i dont get any interference at max articulation, which is what worried me about the big tyres. so all in all a success
  13. i use stainless everywhere i can on my landy. just one less thing that will be a pita to get undone later....
  14. if you get pulses in the readings it can indicate disk or caliper issues, if you get a very low reading that improves over time that could be a bias valve issue if you get one wheel much better than the other that reverses sides on retest that could again be bias issues. the list goes on but a experienced tester can tell you what's most likely wrong just by looking at the results.
  15. yes it will it will tell you if there is a problem and what the most likely cause is....
  16. nitrous in reality isnt like need for speed.... it doesnt triple your bhp when you press the button......
  17. +1 my mpi's v5c defo said 3.5ton.
  18. dont know what you're using but an engineering friend of mine uses an old 'dumb' car battery charger to provide the current for electrolysis...
  19. my mpi had the best part of 150000 miles on it when it died. i checked the oil at a motorway services on my way to pick up a dead p38 and it was ok. 100 miles later with the p38 on a trailer behind it the oil pressure light flickered on on a corner. put 4 litres of oil in it to bring it to max (oh dear.) and finished off towing the p38 home, which involved a lot of low range 1st gear pull aways and 2nd gear high range long pulls up duel carriageway hills. end result was clouds of blue smoke on full throttle and lots of oil consumption.. long story short, they're ok as a solo and off road toy but don't try towing 3.5 ton behind them... they don't cope well.....
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