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Everything posted by simon_s

  1. The site for the second round is much much smaller, and anything more than 25 cars is making things a bit too busy... Will see you there marshalling though....
  2. There's some pictures up on my site now! clicky McClick Sign up as a user and you can download them for freeeeeeee.......
  3. Ha when you said he was stuck Nige, I didn't realise he was 'slowly sinking at an interesting angle' stuck...
  4. Didn't get any of you Chris I'm afraid, but did take quite a few. Will be on my site as soon as i get a chance...
  5. Well done! Richard Nicholson did it in seven minutes.....
  6. But did you enjoy yourself? That's the main thing.... How did you get on on the trials section?
  7. I think that was Kevin Pocock. He killed it in that hole funnily enough....
  8. Well did you all have fun? I did. Bloody knackered now though. Will put pictures up on my site asap.
  9. Only if you keep getting yourself in stupid situations....
  10. Hmmmm that picture looks awfully familiar..... Look forward to seeing you in action again soon! (just not at Slab.)
  11. Fit some winches to the trialler...... Doooo it *shakes fist*
  12. Cool, that'll be good to see in action. Is it still dropping bits of Russian bog everywhere??
  13. I'll be there both days marshalling! Come and say hi, I'm in the blue S****i Jimny with the cage! Looking forward to setting punches out for you......
  14. I shall be marshalling all events this year ..... Looking forward to it!
  15. Paul, I don't know if that's me on your list, but I think I'm going to have to duck of this one. Sorry! Hope it all goes ok though!
  16. One here. Not great, it's the only one I took of it...
  17. I was marshalling an AWDC trial up near Basingstoke! Pictures on my site... hope everything went ok at the MW.... waiting for the report and photos with baited breath!
  18. What's the SCOR website jules?
  19. More pictures....! Looking really good, can't wait to see it going!
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