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Everything posted by northernchris

  1. Just a quick up date The workshop will be fully up and running as from this week. Chris
  2. Yep it was a good day,plenty of winching on some of the steeper punchs.
  3. Did the very same with mine to try and find a problem,it did the trick.
  4. Where did you get the rings from? All the ones i have seen use m8 x 1.25.If they arnt metric then they must be UNF.
  5. Hi John I will know by this friday when i am getting the keys. Party no time for partying i have a workshop to run Chris
  6. Hi Kev I am going up anyway to visit the olds,so i will be only 40 odd mile from there.The 90 is going up on the trailer on the back of the Land Cruiser. Sod that driving the 90 all the way up there and back. Chris
  7. I can supply the stuff £35 to do all 4 tyres.I buy it in bulk then bag it down,it keeps costs down. Chris
  8. Yep i can do your exhaust for you David. Chris
  9. Does anyone know if the corrieyairick pass is still open? Chris
  10. Yep putting balancing powder works really well.I use it in my truck with simexs. Chris
  11. Mini Are they -6 fittings?
  12. Is anyone going out playing today on the lanes? Chris
  13. Mine must be during the 1998 Manx International Rally. We were supposed to be heading to Jurby airfield to the end of leg main service where we were going to be doing a box change on Davids car. As i peddled the chase car (300 Bhp STI Impeza) down the lanes with notes from my No 2 we realised we were headin in TOTALY the wrong direction on the island FFS!!!!! We got to service with 3 mins to go!!!! working out the average speed off the coruba trip meter we had AVERAGED 95 mph over a 22 mile back road blast!!!! David went on to win GRP N and 3rd overall. Chris
  14. BOG I need an armchair after the week i have had!! JEZ All sorted, faulty cover in the end,i ended up just putting a Valeo in. Time for a beer and a fag in my armchair. Chris
  15. Just changed the clutch AGAIN in the 90 the one i put in on thur/fri started slipping!!!! Anyway just thought i would show you all another use for a roll cage Chris
  16. Hi Gresh Long time no speak. Nope it looks like the cover isnt clamping enough causeing slip!!!! Going to get another clutch kit in the morning then get it put back together. Chris
  17. I agree with Nige on this,one thing that really grips my **** IS all the so called EXPERTS that all of a sudden pop up and spout carp about things they have only read about with no or next to F**k ALL experience. So i can see why he is getting stressed with some of the empty heads on the forum. Chris
  18. Just gonna take it all apart in a min
  19. Just fitted new clutch to the 90 and guess what its slipping.............................i need a drink
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