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Everything posted by DrRob

  1. Cool, ta. Can you PM me a piccy of the floor in situ especially around the area we are talking about....? ta.
  2. Just roll the carpet up and out of the way while it and the floor dries out....save you hassle of removing it...
  3. Did you need to source the ribbed rubber seal that fits over the end of the floor by the rear x-member or did you do something different? Got an ali floor waiting so assessing the job....
  4. Probably linkage is dodgy. Don't try and engage low box whilst moving!
  5. Exactly what I've done on mine i.e. removed the insulation that covers the footwells, left the tunnel insulation as that never gets wet and it gets the heat as said here. Every so often, lift and roll the footwell carpets backs towards the tunnel and let them drive out. Weld any "ventilatioon holes" i.e. rust! I personally have waxoyled the footwells (after painting), leave to dry then roll carpets back. Smells for a bit but you get used to the smell owning a L/R! . My dampness was caused by rot holes at the point where the footwell "rises" towards the pedals....
  6. Reply: We have not conducted a Risk Assessment for volunteers on this particular byway. This is because large plant machinery will need to be used for the repair works, and there are going to be substantial amounts of imported material, which could be dangerous. The companies that we use for such repair works will have strict health and safety codes. It this case due to the nature of the repairs, it would be a lot safer to use contractors. The repairs will cost in the region of £25,000 not the £40,000 I miss quoted below. Repairs do seem to have detered some irresponsible users, however it would appear that some of the fun on Thursley 503 is to drive up the banks which attracts that element who may cause damage to the surface further down the byway. We currently consult the 4WDC and the Range Rover Register, as well as the Surrey Byways User Group (made up of 4x4 drivers, motorcyclists, etc). But if you know of any other 4x4 interest groups that would like to stay informed, please do let me know. I will keep you informed of every stage of this process and when the report is ready for the September Local Committee.
  7. Your comments have been passed on! I have asked for the RA and asked them to consider a working party to assist as a model project....we'll see...
  8. Another reply following my offer of "LR4x4 labour services": "The repairs to the surface are likely to cost in the region of £40/50,000 and will need to be done by contractors for safety reasons. However, the offer of assistance is greatly appreciated and we will bear it mind for other byways. I appreciate that there will be resistance, and anyone who wishes to, may object and those comments will be included in a report to Waverley Local Committee. The remoteness of the Byway makes it very difficult for it to be policed. With the level of irresponsible and illegal use of the byway a seasonal TRO would not protect the byway. Once the repairs are made, the sort of irresponsible use that the byway currently gets could result in the byway simply being badly damaged again. Would you like your comments included in the initial report to Waverley Committee?"
  9. "The Temporary Closure will be extended, as the repair works will be substantial. Officers will be taking a report to Waverley Local Committee to recommend that a ‘Notice of Intention’ to make a permanent Traffic Regulation Order be issued. The Byway has suffered from intense use, and as such the surface has been badly degraded. The banks and adjacent land have been severely damaged by irresponsible use. Due to the location of the byway and the lack of police resources, policing the byway is not really an option. Repairs will be made to the byway in the coming 12 months when resources are available. Kind regards,"
  10. Emailed SCC for an update today. Will keep you posted. SCC link
  11. Yep, saw that in latest Newsletter - thank for posting though! Should have done it myself! Roads to Imber open for a few more days than usual though Off work on Aug 12th so heading out towards the "2 Droves" as I call them a little south of the Plain
  12. How easy is it to change the drivers front outer door handle? Bodyshop having to source a new one and fit it after they bent it (!!!) due to sticky door! Looks like 2 versions in parts manual - one with alarm fitted to car and one without..... Anybody been down this path and pass on some advice?????? PS Door no longer sticky after liberal dose of WD40 into door catch
  13. I've left them off after fitting new inner wings and light boxes. Lots of waxoyl all over and regular washing to flush out the crud....
  14. DrRob


    Take a brolly!!! Forecast iffy
  15. Wash your motor off before the clay aggregate there dries solid like concrete...
  16. Thanks both! Is the amplifier and module the same thing? Ta.
  17. Mate's J plate has started cutting out at slow speeds. Wait 5min and it fires up again. Any thoughts???
  18. There are so many "public" and "military only" tracks on SP that I would never soley rely on a roadbook. To be sure that you are on the right track then a GPS based system is essential IMHO alongside a 1:25K OS map Also need to check with Wilstshire CC first which ones are open or TRO etc. They have an online mapping system to make it eay. If you are on the wrong track the wardens will come down on you like a ton of bricks and quite rightly so. PS I use a Memory Map 2800 Adventurer to pin point I'm on the right track alongside carefully researched marked up OS maps.
  19. Does it not fook up the Viscous Coupling doing that??
  20. Try MailOrder 4x4 too.
  21. Done. Time to move country.......
  22. Anybody else get this email attachment? Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you as someone who responded to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), which Wiltshire Council consulted upon in January/February 2010. Public Inquiries into the Traffic Regulation Order and related Stopping Up Orders will open at 10.00 am on Wednesday 22 June at Salisbury Methodist Church, St Edmund’s Church Street, Salisbury SP1 1EF. The intention is then to adjourn the TRO Inquiry and hear evidence on the Stopping Up Orders, followed by the resumed TRO Inquiry, which is currently estimated to last 6 days. Mr Alan Boyland BEng(Hons) DipTP MICE MCIHT MRTPI has been appointed as the Inspector to hold the Inquiries and Mr John Wilde CEng MICE has been appointed as Assistant Inspector. I am the Programme Officer for the Inquiry; I am an impartial officer of the Inquiry working under the direction of the Inspectors. Mr Boyland will shortly be producing a Pre-Inquiry Note, which will explain the procedures for the Inquiry and I will forward a copy of this to you when it is available. The Inspectors will take into account the original responses to the TRO, further written representations and evidence given at the Inquiry. However, evidence that stands up under questioning at the Inquiry will generally carry greater weight. Please can you complete the enclosed questionnaire and return it to me, by email where possible, by no later than Monday 18 April. This information will help me in drafting a programme for the Inquiry. Those wishing to speak at the Inquiry, will be required to submit by Wednesday 25 May a written statement, known as a proof of evidence, setting out what they intend to say. Further information on the format of the evidence and the arrangements for submission will be provided in due course to those appearing at the Inquiry. Please note that the same deadline of 25 May applies to those who wish to submit further written representations. If you have any queries please contact me. Yours faithfully Helen Wilson Programme Officer STONEHENGE TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDER INQUIRY QUESTIONNAIRE Name .…………………………………………………………………………… Address. …………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Telephone number………………………………… Mobile number…………………………. Email address………………………………………………………………………………….. Name of agent (if applicable)……………………………………………………………….. Address………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Telephone number………………………………… Mobile number…………………………. Email address………………………………………………………………………………….. Do you wish to appear at the Inquiry? YES/NO OR Do you wish to submit written representations? YES/NO OR Rely on your original representation YES/NO IF YOU WISH TO APPEAR AT THE INQUIRY PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Name of Counsel (if any)………………………………………………………………………… Details of witnesses to be called (if any)………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Estimate of time needed to present your case……………………………………………………. Are GLASS / TRF on the case do we know???
  23. I use these over a CB radio. Less hassle and not on view to thieving scum Two ways Just in case youv'e not thought of that option.....
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